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6761358 No.6761358 [Reply] [Original]

>trillion dollar idea
why hasn't anyone come up with this yet?

in b4 stone scam

>> No.6761540

Because all cryptographic methods (mixing, ZKsnarks, ringct) require significant computation time.

We simply do not have the technology to do so without relying to a lot of dodgy processes (masternodes, centralisation, etc).

>> No.6761575


computation time or space*

Also it is NOT as easy to implement a secure private/anonymous/fungible coin. It would require a ton of new code that most shitcoin developers out there DO NOT have the capacity to write.

>> No.6761579

RaiBlocks is a square scheme.
But seriously, it doesn't work because human nature and so on.

>> No.6761589

its called ODN but everyone thinks it's a messenger app

>> No.6761620

It's called mimblewimble + monero

>> No.6761636


Think about it.. why everyuone forks monero? Or forks other coins with the zerocoin protocol? Cause its fucking hard to implement anything from scratch as its not just monkeys coding ... but also a lot of VERY advanced math and proofs that are required... why do you think XMR hires phd researchers and cryptographers to work on the coin?

If it was easy any pajeet would had done it.. We are most likely to see another clone of existing coins rather than a new private/etc coin

>> No.6761650

It will be done soon, its called ECA

>> No.6761665


odn is an erc20 coin on a transparent blockchain dipshit

>> No.6761682 [DELETED] 
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Whitelist closes in 1 hour
You get 2% EXTRA with this Link!

>> No.6761700
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Not so fast

>> No.6761709

because RAI is a scam

>> No.6761723

care to explain why?

>> No.6761735


Not a privacy/anonymous coin.. some kind of weird ponzy scheme shitcoin

From their subreddit
>highly-secure and power efficient NIST5 algorithm. Combining temporary Proof-of-Work with high Proof-of-Stake, the Electra coin (ECA) is unique in its distribution. On June 16, 2017, Electra entered "Super Rewards Bonanza" stage for 24 hours (Blocks 11522-11810). During this time, 95% of the proof-of-work coins were mined. At block 11811, Electra swapped to Proof-of-Stake with an annual interest rate of 50% until the Electra supply reaches 30bil. Once 30bil ECA is reached, block rewards will be earned through transaction fees only. This created a gold-rush period, promoting the network (or was hoped to) and rapidly increasing the amount of ECA.

>> No.6761768
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ZER on cryptopia

>> No.6761770

>bcash lol
>no new technology, no privacy
>shitty community
>shady devs


>> No.6761807

try reading the whitepaper dipshit

>> No.6762029

It's not an ERC-20 lmao it's a blockchain built off stratis. They are going to implement LN and possibly tumbling but it's still not what OP wants.

>> No.6762090

It's not a scam, but node incentivization is a problem. No fees means no incentives to run a node. This makes it vulnerable to attacks, or general network failure.

>> No.6762676

>ITT a bunch of people who didn't read and/or cannot understand raiblocks whitepaper

the only problem with raiblocks is that it requires your to buy a gtx 1060 or something in order to have quick transaction times

all this other fake news about there being "no incentives" is bullshit. it costs nothing to be a node. proof of work is performed on on the computers of the people involved in the transaction

>> No.6762713

it doesn't cost anything to run a node either so why would you need fees?

>> No.6762875

What the fuck do you think Zencash is doing? They are developing an entire privacy publishing and payments PLATFORM that can scale and is fast as fuck. One of the developers is the cofounder of ethereum and cardano. Give it one year and Zencash surpasses monero and it's a top 10 coin. Anyone not holding Zencash is a fucking idiot. It's insanely undervalued right now.

>> No.6762982

You can make private payments with Dash in under a second confirmation time. Dash is actually the fastest coin on the market when using instant send technology. It's surprising how other coins are talking about doing shit that Dash has been doing for years.

>> No.6762985
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>> No.6763033

So people run nodes. Decentralization relies on having distributed nodes. The more nodes the harder it is for a network to be attacked. If the only reasons to run a node are a) just for fun, and b) to attack the network, you have an issue.

>> No.6763111

c) because it keeps a system that you prefer to use alive and running

sort of like asking why do people seed torrents or why do people post online for nothing in exchange

>> No.6763201

It already exists. It's called Skycoin.

Free and instant transactions AND it has privacy.

>> No.6763240


Get the fuck out of here with that scam coin you pieces of shit.


>> No.6763255

Nobody talks about the stone raiblocks privacy fork

>> No.6763269
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I don't think you understand the lengths people will go to in order to compromise a network worth hundred of millions of dollars. Your idea of network security is literally relying on the kindness of strangers.

>> No.6763409

PIVX desu senpai

>> No.6763497

That's retarded. You can't run a multi-million network on altruism for long. If there is literally no incentive to run a node your everyman won't bother giving a shit, even if they happen to use RAI.

>> No.6764297

i have already explained the incentive of running a node to you though. are you like 13?

>> No.6764419
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hope this is bait friendo

>> No.6764590

I'd say Masternodes is the way to go

>> No.6764743
