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File: 192 KB, 696x366, TC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760381 No.6760381 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit. could this be the next moon mission?

time to start the carTEL.

telcoin = moon mission?


>> No.6760435
File: 13 KB, 245x152, telco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760736

I'm in deep. This will have a tron like run but unlike tron this is a good project with a clear goal.

>> No.6761695

>CEO is black

yeah no

>> No.6761737

I only have 6k TELs, will I make it? Feel like selling some KEY for this

>> No.6761905

it's a slow but steady lift off, if you're not balls deep you ain't makin it son.

>> No.6762144


Hiw deep is balls deep? I've bought 42,000 TELs

>> No.6762156

Moon mission confirmed.

>> No.6762234

160k in. Trusting you, biz.

>> No.6762501

1.5m reporting in. Not selling until $1.

>dat fucking logo

Normies will love this shit.

>banking the unbanked
>crypto inclusion

More wall street meme shit! Love this shit! Can't wait for those sell walls to be torn down fuck yeah.

>> No.6762642

im strapped in bois

>> No.6762668
File: 370 KB, 1280x1707, 1516324266621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy for you all, but I am seeing on kucoin some massive sell walls trying to keep the price down.

Damn whales be messing with you or something, you all need to keep the hype up and break them whales down, they mess with DBC too.

I have hope for us all my friends!

>> No.6762708


>> No.6762737


lmao those sell walls are nothing

>> No.6762749

The massive sell walls are slowly being eaten through, and they are a good sign if anything.

>> No.6762754

lol you ctrl+f my trip you need to stop being bitter dude. Get over your losses you should of held.

Let these people have their damn moon mission stop fudding every coin you lost on. find some happiness friend seriously it isnt good for your soul being angry all the time.

>> No.6762767

I had invested in telcoin. I like their project and Yes i think telcoin Will surprise us.

>> No.6762795

it already mooned are you delayed?

>> No.6762804

Glad to hear my friends, may the moon have comfy cabins awaiting your arrival hopefully DBC will be your neighbors :P

btw just putting this out there, Link = Zelda = mainstream appeal. memes with link as the mascot would grab up mass appeal.

>> No.6762825

What I TEL you biz, get in here for an easy x5

>> No.6762832

Im poorfag under 1k. Went all in on this early yesterday. Already up a couple hundred. Yay

>> No.6762840

$0.02 when?

>> No.6762892

Sorry meant for the links bit tired mixing up my threads very little sleep.

For tel I would start using TELetubies lol because damn why not.

Tel it on the mountain, Tel it to my heart etc. for theme music.

>> No.6762907
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>> No.6762933
File: 197 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I’ll buy your shit coin when you all sell and crash the price. Niggers

>> No.6762958

need to know when next update or product release

>> No.6763057

You know that usually shit pumps before release.
This is called "priced in"
The three Telco partnerships were announced after the push up and the price has been stable.
So, the news on that was priced in, and it's stuck around.
I wonder what for?

>> No.6763103
File: 6 KB, 482x211, 2018-01-20_17-18-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is one huge sell. wish i was online to see it. anyone see how much it was?

>> No.6763127
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1231234532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the previous thread and helped in the naming process of 'The carTEL'
Also bump

>> No.6763170

Those "sell walls" are there due to a competition running on kucoin. You get a few BTC for being able to churn through some TEL atm

>> No.6763285

Why is this a gif? Actually curious. Also holding 12K TEL

>> No.6763342

So people would think it was a 'reply to this post or...' sort of picture
I am the master ruseman.

>> No.6763404

Most of you retards here can go on about upcoming updates/great team/oh wow amazing whitepaper bullshit, but lets get down to the cold hard facts. No one gives a fuck about this shit, this coin right here is the next Tron (minus the retard chink cult leader that sunk the ship), its 0.01 right now, you're borderline retarded if you done at least pick up 200k of this shitcoin and hold for that /comfy/ 10-20x

>> No.6763405

It's moon time

>> No.6763407

Well, the other CEO is this guy.
Etisalat and VEON Group (formerly known as Vimpelcom). (Both Etisalat and VEON were customers of Mobius, founded by Neuner.

He sold mobius for 50million before going into telcoin.

>> No.6763430

Ahh I see, those dang competitions hurt DBC as well, I feel ya my carTEL friends.

:D So what do you think TEL will rise too int he end? Where will your dreams be made reality?

>> No.6763434
File: 193 KB, 750x1090, 49AEA1E2-FA60-40ED-89EB-AC5417409AA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this goes to at least .15 several weeks after the competition is over. Currently have 25.9k I bought at 11
Goodluck everyone

>> No.6763447

Free SJW shills and hype nigga. Just look at the dev team. This is like Obama running a crypto.

>> No.6763498

No shit fool
They are called shitcoins for a reason
It will take months, probably more than a year for this to hit $1

>> No.6763542
File: 131 KB, 653x981, 9CB66753-9078-4938-A1BC-089CBF068571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to shill this coin to black twitter
They currently love ripple and Tron
They are stupid as fuck they will believe anything

>> No.6763564

No clue. The coin has like 100 billion in circulation. So I doubt it'd even hit $1 by the end of the year. If it got to 0.3 eoy I'd be pretty happy.
If it hit 0.3 in the next few months sell it, it'd be way overhyped.

>> No.6763591

Not with those sell walls.

>> No.6763607
File: 16 KB, 325x338, telcoinceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is THE avenue we need to explore.

>> No.6763625
File: 951 KB, 2000x2000, 51258050_keller-roast-turkey_1x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it will go over .10 for sure?

If so I might suggest it to someone who wanted to only spend 100 that doesnt want in on dbc as .20 is too high for them.

>> No.6763646

i like how u think anon

>> No.6763698
File: 112 KB, 812x760, 1515232232389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is real

>> No.6763699

Trying to help here, I am an honest and good person and if you all believe truly this coin will rise and help people achieve their dreams then I can help support that kind of happiness.

You need write in to sjw type news sites and promote that this is a crypto ran by a blackman and how important it is for the future of the african american community to get involved in crypto.

Lots of good people need help, perhaps they could make their dreams come true.

>> No.6763727

Finally, a proper ugandan kang to show the de way to lamboland.

>> No.6763753

We need someone with a monkey speak amulet to communicate to black twitter.

>> No.6763764
File: 84 KB, 1911x344, never 4get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telcoin = moon mission?

yup, smart money called it last night

>> No.6763766

It has 20bil in circulation, 100bil is the total supply.
I agree $1 is a bit too ambitious though.

Personally, I'd be cheering if it hit $0.2 - $0.3.

>> No.6763780

that could actually work. if we wrote into a ton of different sjw news sites about how a black man is innovating the crpto game i know for a fact they will be interested, and it will shoot the coin up

>> No.6763781



>> No.6763796



>> No.6763798

Oh and to help out, the black panther movie is big right now and so is marvel.

Shoop the guy as the black panther and ugandan style stuff.

Super hero movies are big, DBC uses LOTR.

Hope this helps you all achieve your dreams. :)

>> No.6763810

We've been calling it for 3 days. You're mom just let you use the computer once your homework was done on Friday night.

>> No.6763823

Damn. OP is a good dude.

>> No.6763836

Lmao I like these ideas

>> No.6763858

We need to hire a nigger from /biz/ to shill coins for us.

Money niggs shilled this coin btw and after going x5 from the ico he will make another vid. Normies are slowly discovering telcoin, needs to hit a big exchange to moon hard.

>> No.6763860

OP , I remember your post :)

>> No.6763870

>anon get your fucking shop ready and shop some blackpanter marvel shit with telcoin
>this is literally western union v.2.0

>> No.6763884

Glad I could be of help friend. DBC is hyped by me constantly, I always spread positivity wherever I go and help out those I can. I would see love peace and happiness spread.

have yourself a wonderful day!

>> No.6763886

Where can you even buy TEL at?

>> No.6763911

Kucoin bro, Binance's l'il cousin

>> No.6763916


>> No.6763926

>Shoop the guy as the black panther and ugandan style stuff.
Fuck I wish I was good at photoshop...

>> No.6764010
File: 635 KB, 864x486, whatdoIdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not creative and also not very good at photoshop

>> No.6764016

You're a retard, I'm not going to even board explaining it to you.

>> No.6764023

someone please do this

>> No.6764091

Well I'm glad /biz/ has finally figured this out instead of letting /pol/ get the better of them.
I posted this plan a while ago here: >>6758491

>> No.6764107

CarTEL checking in. Been saying since etherdelta what an easy buy this is with a touch of research. 5c by Q2 is very reasonable

>> No.6764120

Just got my first stack of 130k TEL at 81 sats, gonna see how ICX does in Feb and see if TEL is worth moving some of my ICX funds over, not enough info to decide yet.

>> No.6764129

Thank you, it is what I do, a BRAIN GANG guy told me to please help out other coins, so I am. :)

>> No.6764155

Oops, wrong link. >>6671499

>> No.6764165

We need to hire that Tyrone guy from youtube to shill this shit.

>> No.6764190

this shit is dumping hard right now
any shills care to explain this?

>> No.6764208

It’s 100% real
The black dude was asking one of his friends for $50 dollars a few days later so he could buy more Crypto

>> No.6764223
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>> No.6764262

LOL dumping ? it has sustained past 1 cent you retard, it's going 3 cents sooner than you can watch the charts dumbass

>> No.6764285

Chill out the coin has been on the market for like three days and there’s a competition going on that ends on the 23rd

>> No.6764291

Down 7 sats in 3 hours after 3 big sell offs.
Hopefully we test and establish a new support.

>> No.6764370
File: 70 KB, 800x600, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black CEO? Check
SJW? Check
Cheap coins? Check
possible TRON gains? Check

We gotta shill this to normies, they'll love it

>> No.6764389

>down from 11 to 8 ETH
>not dumping

>> No.6764454

In at 55 sats. Enjoy it from the sidelines I guess.

>> No.6764461

Whales are accumulating for a reason. This will slingshot to 3c pretty quick imo. Especially if any partnerships are announced soon

>> No.6764570

seems like a pajeet coin

>> No.6764654

I dunno, thinking about going in but in my books the x5 is just as probable as dump to 10 stas and no recovery in sight
seems like lots of people needed to dump their icos, hene all the shilling here but it might not hold up

>> No.6764667

Already has a 200 million mcap tho

>inb4 market cap doesn't mean anything anooooonnnnnnn

>> No.6764675

I bought .15 btc of Tel at around current value...
I'm feeling like I might have gotten in just after the moon in time for the dump. I've made some bad calls this week and I this could be the cherry on top.

>> No.6764714

I see it happening monday. the sells walls arnt replentishing as high and fast as they were, and thankly it means lots of people are invested at that point meaning they wont sell off.

>> No.6764723

Normies dont like SJW shit anymore. Things move faster than Anon thinks nowadays.

>> No.6764725

wishing you the best bro

>> No.6764756

I feel ya. I bought in at 84sats lol

>> No.6764783

Congrats friend that is great! :D funny stuff!

Oh I dont have the money to invest in TEL but I just am helping you out. I have DBC. :)

>> No.6764788

Just hold for a month and you'll be fine

>> No.6765012

you dont need to shill or pump this morons its going way up regardless

>> No.6765050


We should shill/pump this everyday.

>> No.6765071

Their telegram added 1000 yesterday and 200 today, something's up.

>> No.6765093

If we shill to niggers it will go up faster
We are racing against a bubble that could pop at any moment

>> No.6765544

really stupid as fuck brainlet theories like this are why underage shouldn't be posting on /biz/

>> No.6765722

This is the shitcoin that can beat tron

>> No.6766155

HAHA It's dumping!

>> No.6766246

shouldnt even expect this coin to pump until after the contest. took DBC and BNTY like a week after the contest for the walls to be lifted

>> No.6766315


>> No.6767217

what is this contest shit I keep hearing about?

>> No.6767356
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1516240805920s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's stopping this coin from ending up dead in the water like DBC/CAN/BNTY after their pump?

>> No.6767415
File: 272 KB, 955x612, telambo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6767562


"Telcoin promotion
Limited Time!
KuCoin Lists Telcoin (TEL)
8 BTC plus $100,000 TEL Giveaway
Competition running from 2018/01/18 22:00:00 to 2018/01/23 23:59:59(UCT+8)
No.1; TEL Trading Competition Win 5 BTC
We will rank traders from 1 to 100 in terms of the total TEL volume traded on your account (includes both buys & sells) during the competition period.
Activity time: 2018/01/18 22:00 – 2018/01/23 23:59 (UTC+8)"
>go to kucoin > click news > scroll down

read >>6766246
were not even close to be dead in the water.
I bought BNTY at 0.08 dollars and DBC at 0.10 dollars and so many people on /biz/ called me a retard for not selling at 0.20 but we both now they far surpassed that. What were seeing with TEL isn't even the Moon mission. I'd honestly wait till at least the 27th but really early feb before selling this. TEL like DBC/BNTY is good enough in project for it to easily reach 0.05. easy hold. easy money.

>> No.6767618

I just bought 150842 TEL.

Will I make it?

>> No.6767774

Dress this guy in a black panther costume and we're on our way to the moon boys.

>> No.6767833

Nah tyrone was shilling bitconnect. It'll be bad publicity. But could also be his redeeming recommendation.

>> No.6767867
File: 455 KB, 1226x1358, PRAISE KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telcoin is going to hit at least 10 cents.

>> No.6767942

This shit will pump just like TRON.

>> No.6768189

I threw $500 at it yesterday. Those sell walls are making me nervous but worse case scenario I can afford to lose it.

Also not a fan of the shilling. It makes me trust it less

>> No.6768444

I like the coin but all these kind of shitty shills make me nervous

>> No.6768592

>Not taking advantage of minorities who are less educated and will help pump and inevitably get dumped on

>> No.6768637

>it already mooned
>Hasnt even gone 60% up since it was released in Kucoin

>> No.6768690

shit needs to get on binance and liqui
they do a lot of volume for tron

>> No.6768692

this is exactly how i feel, even though the coin looks promising

>> No.6768737

bounty and DBC were shilled HARD for days and they became an ez 10x
If anything just ride the pump

>> No.6768848


man you guys must be new, I've been around shitcoins for almost 2 years now so I'll give you guys a heads up of what's about to go down

streetshitting pajeets are going to be all over this coin just like they were yesterday. You're going to see this thing spike up in price and thinking it's never going to stop, until those weakhanded streetshitters start to panic sell their bags. You will then be feeling regret like the moon is over.

Now if you're smart you will see that this shitcoin is a fucking gold mine. It will have it's up and downs along the way but looking at the roadmap and seeing how much things are being accomplished by the devs, and partnerships that will manifest. You will know that in the EOY this thing is going to be at 0.30 minimum.

My advice is to hold these bags and sell small percentages after each moon along the way to minimize risk and diversify.

If you invest in something, wait at least 2 weeks before you make any decision to move out of it, unless you know for sure it's a scam.

>> No.6768896


moon mission will starts when it hits binance within 2 weeks so don't sell your coins

>> No.6768978

it will probably go down actually, there's no reason for it to go up in price if it hits a new exchange

>> No.6769053

None of what you said had any worth beyond

>guys just trust me, I'm an anonymous shitcoin specialist

Plenty of shitcoins have plummeted post-ICO.

>> No.6769084

>what is DBC addition to huobi
>what is LINK addition to huobi
>what is XRB addition to kuckoin

>> No.6769169

If that dumbass coin Ripple can hit $3, this will make $1 easly.

>> No.6769197

what do you mean? this coin will stagger for a long time without a new big exchange in the upcoming weeks, kucoin is literally cursed ground.

>> No.6769198

nah, not new, just looking at it without emotional bias.
you don't have to shill me anon, I'll probably buy some
but think about why you typed all that out, is it to make yourself feel good about holding this coin and whatever trading strategy you have or are you really trying to help people out?
also, making EOY predictions in crypto is fucking retarded

>> No.6769512

I'm sitting comfy on this one, I don't give a fuck if you buy or if every pajeet dumps this coin tomorrow, I will just buy more bags if the price goes sub 60 sats again.

But if you're worried about all the shills for this coin right now, I already know you're not going to make it anon.

>> No.6769633

>didn't even read what I just wrote

>> No.6769683

don't care what you just wrote

>> No.6769722


sounds about right

>> No.6769736

please stop being so unironically autistic so I don't feel bad about associating myself with you when I buy some

>> No.6769910

>when I buy some
lol doesn't even own any yet