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6757222 No.6757222 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto market is gonna explode.

>> No.6757258

Shitposting pajeet

>> No.6757304

>complains about the "retarded" boomers
> literally listens to an actually retarded boomer


>> No.6757867
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trips confirm

>> No.6757893

You shut your whore mouth faggot.

>> No.6757919

As long as alts increase somewhat in relation to BTC I will be happy

>> No.6758126

They will. Too many normies missed out on btc and eth.

>> No.6758166

Kek. No they wont

>> No.6758216

That's why you have to have a diverse portfolio that contains pure old BTC

>> No.6758421
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Like in a good way?

Like orgasming volcano?

Or bad way, like Pakistan and you exploding each other with nukes? (YESPLZ)

>> No.6758781

>BTC will be $100k EOY
>I know this because my magic computer told me so
It's a gold rush and this asshat is just selling shovels.
Nice digits tho.

>> No.6759102

I know Cliff mentions quite a few alts in his report such as ltc, dgb and eos, but does his report say anything about the alt market in general? I also hope they increase.

Didn't he say btc would dip below $10k this mid january but this dip wouldn't last long and it would be the last time in history someone would be able to buy btc under $10k?

>> No.6759145

Clif high is fucking amazing and he does way more than just predict shit with his web bot. He's red pulled as fuck way than you faggot

>> No.6759152

It's a pardigm shift nigger and i've already money off his calls and will continue to do so that's it I have to advance my plan because of you.

>> No.6759171

now THIS is TA

>> No.6759196

BTC will grind to a halt this year and we will all be trapped on exchanges.
Prepare tour butt holes.

>> No.6759409

No, he didnt say below $10k. But he did predict the dip...quite accurately I might add.

>say anything about the alt market in general?

Of course. He said the alt market is gonna go on a huge bull run after BTC. That's how it always goes. BTC gets pumped, then major alts, then the rest

>> No.6759444

someone bought 3500 BCH on poloniex today. It was a bit significant if you ask me

>> No.6759614

The report said there would be a dip in January, nothing about how low or for how long. Claimed also that alts will finish strong for the month and there would be a repeat of last spring for alts this year. This is the same guy that said that we'd be uncovering an ancient civilization in Antarctica by now and that we should already be experiencing another ice age and that we're all going to be buzzing around in flying cars by 2020, so I can't say I put any stock into a word he says.
>that's it I have to advance my plan because of you.

>> No.6759668

When you are a crypto expert and also senile

>> No.6759868

The market is already hitting the limits. The bubble is gonna pop.
Luckily, a large quantity of Pink Wojaks and Nujaks have been produced recently so we won't just have to see the old ones over and over again.

>> No.6760061

Also, LTC will have a 1:4 to 1:5 ratio to BTC. It will drive LTC price up to BTC...Amazon rumors will come. LTC is rock solid.

Pillar - no dollar amount projection, but it will be THE primary wallet to compete against, Many new early adopters will experience cryptos first through Pillar. Around March/April/May

Populace - Strategic hold, passive income. Years from now, people will look at populace the same way as the "trust fund kids" parents got so rich on it.

ETH - up and down up and down, will be competing against EOS, the "Ethereum killer", and rootstock

>> No.6760088

>He said the alt market is gonna go on a huge bull run after BTC
That's great, thanks anon.

>This is the same guy that said that we'd be uncovering an ancient civilization in Antarctica by now
If you follow alternative news media, since mid 2017 there have been pretty clear signs that some shit's going down in Antarctica. Unusual activity, unusual traffic of planes and ships, and weird trips by famous/important people (Buzz Aldrin for example). Maybe they did uncover something but that doesn't mean they'd let us know about it, at least for the time being.
Still, predicting worldly events and politics has really never been his strong point.

>> No.6760179

He didn't say anything of that you lying sack of shit

>> No.6760284

No, he did, but he didnt give a time frame for when exactly we'd get the advanced tech for the ice age. He said our mini ice age is just starting, he said that its really 3- 4 years out coming from the Appalachians

>> No.6760314

advanced tech or the ice age*

>> No.6760327
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Anon Fiat on ramp when!?!?

I'm sick of my degenerate normies asking how to get in with their c cards.

>> No.6760354

yeah okay. he just sits there predicting the most obvious shit

>> No.6760507

Earths flat, there's all kinds of weird shit going on there no doubt. Also the northern region, aka the center.

Then you have the weird shit happening under the seas and what makes it even weirder is people believe degrass Tyson and bill nye even though they're fairly openly acting like pedo's.

Good times.

>> No.6760564

PLR isnt obvious

>> No.6760591

>Then you have the weird shit happening under the seas
like what??

>> No.6760705

buying a low mcap coin before initial moon is not an obvious play? get the fuck out

>> No.6760734

Been watching David Wilcock vids? Did you buy into the sphere and bird people too?
He actually said all of that you brainlet faggot.
He said the technology for flying cars would start cropping up in 2019. Would pull up the quote but the report is on my PC at home.

>> No.6760822

theres 1400 coins, go throw your cash @ 1300 of them, i dare you

>> No.6760823

Not bad. I would have a nice million. Assuming a 7% index fund, thats 70k a year. I can retire with that money easily.

Regardless I will get 50 btc by eoy just in case

>> No.6760844


>> No.6761031


BTC 100k and 1:4 LTC

So... 25k Litecoin, or you mean marketcap in which case 8k LTC

Not too shabby if true, but I don't think the market will make it that high without major government regulation

>> No.6761089

It's deep, very full of life and really inaccessible. I used to scuba dive a lot in Thailand, we'd only go about 40 meters maximum and it's just another world.

There's so much life down there that there has to be all kinds of interesting shit that isn't on Wikipedia. Especially if you're a creationist like myself, it's just not that explored and if it is they're keeping their findings secret.

In the biblical - there's a dome above us and water above the dome until I guess you reach heaven, so those waters probably connect with our oceans at some point. Humans have only dug roughly 12 kms down in Siberia so it could be possible to get lower via under water cave systems..

Doing that would be extremely elaborate though, going to extreme depths etc. At the very least the sth/nth poles would be full of stuff that we've never thought possible as per the discovering the 'new world' in the past 500 years.

This world is extremely weird, especially if you're looking from my position. Also the elites are hyper religious so that leads me to conclude there's a lot more to it than science tells us.

>> No.6761257
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They already have working prototypes you stupid nigger

>> No.6761302

yeah i think literally almost everything we have been told is bs.

>> No.6761308
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Digits speak to the truth - cliff high is an american patriot and a true asset to the crypto community. He gives me hope in my life where there is little...

>> No.6761316


>> No.6761326

where does he predict crypto for this year?

>> No.6761406

Cliff is VERY bullish on LTC. You can get a good sense of his picks in his reports by the language he uses - LTC is certainly his approved choice.

would love to see ANY recent interview from cliff to get his take on the recent slaughter in the market.

>> No.6761423

Buy his report. Stop being poor.

>> No.6761455

where does he say this?

>> No.6761481

>Earths flat
Stopped reading there.
He talks about anti-gravity specifically, fucktard. He even said it would involve silver.

>> No.6761486

where can i buy it?

>> No.6761495
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Ummm...guys..... he-he....you d-d-didn't forget about me...did ya?

>> No.6761516
File: 44 KB, 800x600, BTCUSDDailyJun2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No...we didn't forget u ya silly

>> No.6761528


monte carlo simulation is all you need to know

>> No.6761553
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>> No.6761562


so tired of seeing this bullshit as if one graph has the power to predict everything

>> No.6761688

i thought he predicted 100k by the end of 2018

>> No.6761738

His bot uses predictive linguistics to capture the collective consciousness and predict future results. It is more accurate with predicting cryptos because of the unique and new language associated with the crypto sub culture, thus making it easier to gather data (less clutter to filter through)

>> No.6761774
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>> No.6761819

didnt he make all sorts of other predictions using his predictive analysis that were complete shit?

>> No.6761832

He did. Says it will be referred to in the future as "Crossing the line" and that it would happen before eoy.

>> No.6761886


>> No.6761901
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He'll be the first one to say that not everything in the Alta reports comes to fruition - he just gives you the data and you can make the call from there. For the record , hes been right more than 50% of the time on non crypto things and for cyptos hes running 90% plus. for reasons >>6761738 pointed out.

>> No.6761941

where do you see his reports and past reports to show his accuracy?

>> No.6761949

Dude stop trying to convince these sub-saharans. The people who are intelligent enough will be able to figure it out.

>> No.6762215

It's not about prediction, market cycles are an inevitably.

>> No.6762279

does his 99 dollar report show crypto predictions? thinking of buying it.

>> No.6762487

Lmao we got a globecuck here. I thought you guys stop existing on the chans like two years ago.

>> No.6762743

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6763253

>Kek. No they wont
Eth will, nothing else will be relatively up as much.

>> No.6763553

Took the words, or acronym in this case, right out of my mouth.