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File: 196 KB, 616x1061, tether2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6755227 No.6755227 [Reply] [Original]

So this is what an unregulated market looks like..

>> No.6755505


100 million a day and yet the price of BTC still remains stable. You have to wonder, without Tether, what is the true price of BTC? Around 1k? 3-5k?

>> No.6755584

without tether, BTC would unironically be 40k at least right now

>> No.6755640

>What is supply and demand

>> No.6755708


someone is paying for the tether, you fucking nuggets

>> No.6755811

>Tether is getting printed
>btc pumps
>Thanks tether

>Tether is getting printed
>btc keeps dropping
>Thanks tether

Bitfinexed is getting ridiculous nowadays and should stop paying for the pajeet FUD campaign. We know you fucked up, but stop it now.

>> No.6755846


have you seen the president of tether? Now tell me, does it looks like he is handling 2billion usd or like a midwest conman?

>> No.6755875

ok lets make a list of which crypto twatter cunts need to get hanged
>wolf of poloniex

who else ?

>> No.6755914


>> No.6755933

stop posting your shitty twitters, you're literally spamming your own meme fud

>> No.6756045


Redpill me on this cuck.

Why is he so salty?

>> No.6756120

>quantitative easing is actually a viable strategy in a free market
jogs my noggin

>> No.6756172

so is your point that he's gonna run off with all the bitcoin he's receiving for tether or what. because that's not possible

also you realize that they print more tether to keep the price of tether from rising too much above a dollar, right

>> No.6756221

sold his shit way to low
now salty af
however I believe hes right about tether

>> No.6756222

he overdosed on libertarian memes to the point where he has brain damage

>> No.6756263

He sold his Bitcoin at 2000$, no joke

>> No.6756306

do you realize that he could be trading usdt for btc to usd thru other exchanges as we speak?

Dont understimate greed. You say "just print more tethers" but according to their site its backed up by usd. How is that easy?

>> No.6756402

I can only think of one tether scenario that isn't 100% fraudulent. They are laundering CNY cash. Offices in HK -> money boys carry over sacks of cash and deposit it for 50% of its tether value -> BFX uses CNY to buy UST-bills from the Party.

This makes BFX a nice little profit, rich mainlanders get to convert their funny money into crypto, the Party gets to offload some US debt in a buyback scheme... everyone is happy and BTC keeps going up.

Of course this is very unlikely. Tether is totally fake lol

>> No.6756410

When did Tether disable new account creations and why?
Only heard about this coin fairly recently, so don't know long they've been turning down new wallets.

>> No.6756648

He sold 10K BTC at $2000.

>> No.6756695

Also, for this coin to not be altering the markets it would be actually taking out 1usd from the market each time a tether is created. So far, there are no signs of this happening.

If they are just inyecting usdt they are just inflating any crypto bought with usdt, which i suppose is btc, just look at the drastic volune changes on bitfinex. Big buy orders 500 over market price?

But most people here keep saying is fud to keep tether going because the moment usdt implodes BTC is going sub 8k

>> No.6756784


> year is 2022
> 1 BTC is now worth more than $200k
> @bitfinexed still goes on and on about Tether

>> No.6756902

Exactly that.

>10 more tether FUD threads will open tho

>> No.6757068
File: 52 KB, 576x1024, chabuddy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any proof the printed tether is not paid for or is it just speculation?

>> No.6757140

speculation, people see the tether block explorer grant 100MM USDT tokens every day for 5 days when BTC crashes and think its unbacked money printing.
crazy right.

>> No.6757180

I mean, I'd feel alot more comfortable if tether had an audit but let's not jump to conclusions.

>> No.6757233

speculation only, there is no proof other than its very shady business

imo its very unlikely that they got USD backing for all that tethers.

there was also no proof that bitconnect was a ponzi, muh volatility algorithm, right?

>> No.6757270

Tether is the easiest fiat gateway for whales to enter the market. Fucking morons are yet to understand this and they probably never will

>> No.6757327

it's basically a meme now.

price goes up, it's tethers fault. price goes down, it's because there aren't enough tethers being printed. meanwhile every time the price has moved without tethers involvement it's 'natural'.

it's a fucking unwinnable position with this guy.

>> No.6757334

You are a literal retard of you think Finex is printing tether.

>> No.6757386

So is Tether essentially the same as the “locking your price” meme?

You basically “cash out” in Tether, until you can trade it back in at lower prices?

>> No.6757387

Is printing tether to prop bitcoin

>> No.6757584

I still don't get the point of Tether. Why not just deal with USD directly instead of having to go through some middleman?

>> No.6757733

USD cant be traded instantly without some middleman

>> No.6757752

they have not been audited

>> No.6757799

New investor have no idea how many restrictions were placed on crypto in the early days. Many banks block money that want to enter crypto, so Tether is the natural answer for big money to enter easily.

>> No.6757834

Because unless you live in a tax haven (99% of traders don't), you will have a hard time getting your bank to accept a large sum being wired from some bank in Hong Kong/Taiwan/Virgin Islands/Bulgaria into your account.
In fact some large banks will outright refuse to take that much money in from tax havens because they're terrified of regulators fining them if the money comes from criminal activity.

>> No.6757840

You can't just straight up trade printed tether the way you think Bitfinex is doing it, it would require chain analysis and bunch of other shit.

>> No.6757948


no, thats what salty no coiners looks like spreading random FUD on social media

>> No.6757988

But if you want to cash out, you still need to transfer from Tether to USD

>> No.6758087
File: 29 KB, 325x227, Blank+_81a70002d3bd986aebfefba5361433e5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has already begun
>inb4 reddit

>> No.6758138

this guy is deranged

>> No.6758199

Yes and very few people are doing that because of the problems I mentioned.
Most are just holding bags of tether in the hopes that sometime in the future banks will be more accepting of international wires from crypto exchange accounts in dodgy places, or that exchanges will get the licenses needed to operate within legit countries.

>> No.6758594

That entire subreddit is hilarious.
Every single thread is "wheres my money"

>> No.6758627

Infinite red flags that people pour in here with their "lol salty fag" when the evidence that stands on its own regardless of who said it goes unaddressed.

We're all in this to get rich but tether will fuck us, just becomes about choosing the right moment to cash out before it implodes.

That's why they have to keep pumping BTC. If there was a run on USDT and a large number actually tried to get their money out, it'd quickly transpire that they've got fuck all in the coffers.

>> No.6758697

>cashing out and paying 40% tax
no thx

i'll just hold another 3 years like after gox.

>> No.6759067

how are they actually pumping BTC???
How does printing tethers equate to btc pumping?

>> No.6759575

Tether is in essence a promise that sometime in the future people will be able to convert their crypto into hard cash hassle free. Even if you don't personally hold any, the value of your portfolio is backed by the belief that people will at some point be able to convert those into actual fiat in their bank accounts.
More tethers in circulation means a higher trade volume at least until the whole thing comes crumbling down.

>> No.6759704
File: 196 KB, 1017x1520, krakenusdtusd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at this from Kraken where you can trade USDT and USD directly. It shows that the price of Tether is higher than $1.00 which means that there is demand for this.

They are just meeting the demand.

>> No.6759750
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1285, 165_main_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter? High-octane Capitalism too much for you to handle, OP?

>> No.6759891

Thether needs to be printed for the price to stay around 1$.
People buy BTC directly with fiat, transfer to exchanges and daytrade BTC-USDT. Without extra printing of USDT there would not be enough for everyone trading and the price of USDT would skyrocket. Removing the purpose from USDT to stay around 1$

>> No.6760066

Wash trading

>> No.6760753
File: 216 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys ever listen

>> No.6761641

Stop being salty and just use those weak hands to buy back in everything at an ath

>> No.6761823
File: 119 KB, 1405x553, E87BE1E0-195D-409A-AB27-40B538343614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6762145

Look at the volume for UDST/USD in Kraken dumbass. Its very low.

>> No.6762711

Tether actually lowers the price of BTC because people get scared and cash out through a normal fiat exchange to avoid a possible crash each time it is printed.

>> No.6763309

without tether it would be swinging between $400 and $40000 every day

>> No.6763518

so many pajeets here. Who cares if tether is somewhat scammy. Every country is filed with people at the top who are scammy. How do you think those wallstreet boys are at the top? by donating their money? look at wallstreet. look at Rothschild, Soros, they make their billions from misguiding the public. You think all the people at the top of their government jobs are all there because they're the brightest and smartest? Nop, it's all about outwitting each other to get to the top. This is why girls are always attracted to alphas and risk takers with balls. They end up with all the money and power, that or they end up with nothing. Even a geek like Bill Gates was smart enough to play the game (e.g. buying Windows for cheap from some no-name and selling it to IBM). LOL. The only people who play safe are poor jaeets. If you are scared for 50x gains, go put your money in term deposits and forget about crypto.