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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6753440 No.6753440 [Reply] [Original]

Lost 5 ETH during this dip
literally sold low and repurchased high
how do I cope with this loss?
ETH will be 5k EOY, this means I just cucked myself out of 25k. I feel the urge to gamble on potential x5 shitcoins but it's almost always bad idea to act under emotions.

Holy shit I fucked up.

>> No.6753491

lol happened to me too, oh well

>> No.6753510

>buying high selling low
>implying you did something wrong

>> No.6753537
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>> No.6753578

Funny, cuz I made 5eth.

Thanks for the gains

>> No.6753597

>buy shitcoin
>sell when it goes x2 - x5
>never look back
>find new shitcoin
rinse and repeat, stop day trading

>> No.6753607

You got scared of a yearly dip?
Did you think that the sky was falling, and all crypto was going out of existence?

What was going through your mind?

>> No.6753640

Panic selling is for faggots. Neck yourself if you are a faggot

>> No.6753657

I sold LINK @ $0.90 during the dip, rebought at $0.58 and then sold again at $0.62 expecting it to dip again. Screwed myself out of 2k LINK. LINK will be $100 in 2019 so I screwed myself out of $200k. Kill me pls

>> No.6753685

I did something similar with ltc

the pain never goes away. it just hurts a little less every day

>> No.6753918

Me too man, it wasn't that I feared the dip it was that I tried to take advantage of it through day trading like a newfag. Ended up losing 30 Neo in the process and the pain will always come back when Neo goes up another $10

>> No.6753945

Eth will be 5k eoy yet sells it low. wtf?

>> No.6754004

I was holding until the very end but when I was watching it plummeting and getting close to the price I purchased it at I panicked, and was like "fuck this shit, I'll get in back when it's lower and increase my stack, should have done it hours ago", seemed legit because some TA fag was claiming it will go as low as 650.
It bounced back like 2 hours later but I refused to buy back at slightly higher price and convinced myself it's dead cat bounce and later bearish pennant, whatever. Finally gave up today because I concluded I'll likely never see ETH below 1k again.
Holy shit, just end my suffering.

>> No.6754077

Learn from your mistake. Here are some symptoms of a crash.

>Alts dropping
>Marketplace coins rising (BNB / KuCoin)
>Increased volume on USD exchanges
>Doge increase

A dip like this will happen every month or 2 to cull the weak.

>> No.6754083

How many times did we tell you that you were supposed to buy during the dip?

Oh well don’t gamble op. Buy good projects and hold till a profit

Everyone loses money sometimes, just....don’t do it again...alright?

>> No.6754128

>how do i cope with this loss?
um, seriously if you haven't figured out you buy low and sell high, not the opposite, you should stay out of this stuff.

guessing your American or an honorary one.

kys and stay out until you learn basic shite

>> No.6754201

lmao is this your first dip?
I bet you would've sold Bitcoin at 3k when China """""""banned"""""" it last September

>> No.6754219

>LINK will be $100 in 2019

If you can see the future so clearly, why aren't you accumulating at current price?

>> No.6754338

I am. I was trying to swingtrade. Went from 2.6k to 4.5k and back to 2.3k. Feels bad man.

>> No.6754344

Your problem is weak hands my friend. Either grow some balls or stop investing

>> No.6754498

Tell that to my dragonbags senpai

>> No.6754576


It's ok to sell on a dip, but not a correction like that.

When something like this happens, ask yourself "how long has it been trending this way? Did I get in at the beginning of the trend, or am I getting fucked by being in the middle/end"

If you didn't commit to the decision early, you're almost always fucked.