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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6742913 No.6742913 [Reply] [Original]

Masternode MINIMUM to post in this thread.


>> No.6743180

Is /biz/ really a normie forum? Have all the whales gone?

>> No.6743248

I was masternode-level but sold 2k VEN for profit yesterday, holding 8k...will i still make it bros?!

>> No.6743279

wtf is your problem ?

>> No.6743302

nope. and also why are you posting in this thread did you not read op?

>11k ven checking in

>> No.6743309

God damnit dude seriously? Why the fuck would you do that just before the rebrand?

>> No.6743338

It'll come back down before rebrand.

>> No.6743339


yeah, this confirms it. biz is now a norman board.

Ven-whale, out.

>> No.6743342


why the fuck you holding VEN if you dont even know the difference between a maste rnod eand a strength node?

>> No.6743382
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uhhhhhhhhhh, bad news for ya

>> No.6743390

When do you count as a whale in VEN? I have around 70 000, I might qualify as a swordfish or something maybe

>> No.6743416

Back to $5 by end of this week everyone cap this! :venwh

>> No.6743417

am i a whale with my 20k stack

>> No.6743510

ven will unironically return to 45k sats for no apparent reason over the next couple of days

it mooned for no reason, now it will dip for no reason, news will come out and it will be unaffected

rebrand will arrive and ven will gain 50% and stay there for four months

witness me

>> No.6743511

In a couple months, yes.
Amazing how faggots still doubt VEN.
I guess there has to be a lot of poor people in order for there to be rich people.

>> No.6743591

They've been announcing huge partnerships all month and it's barely 2B market cap.

Meanwhile Cardano is 18B.


>> No.6743612
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don't they have a big news announcmene they livestreaming w/ DNV GL on wednesday morning? and If I had to guess a new exchange (probably a major korean one) is coming very shortly as well ,,,, do you know something we don't , cuz to me the rest of the month looks great for vechain

>> No.6743658

>70k ven
jesus christ you're gonna be so fucking rich I'm jelly as fuck

>> No.6743760

You're a whale if you have 100k+ Im holding 75m VEN and believe me I'm not even the biggest whale around

>> No.6743801

i've got 8 ven. am i gonna make it?

>> No.6743891

1k VEN whale reporting in. AMA.

>> No.6743907

I'm all in in ven, I have 25

Soon I wont be poor anymore kek

>> No.6744063

30k reporting in. lets go boyss.

>> No.6744312


Same here, le upboat to you sir. AMA also.

>> No.6744488

10k reporting in

>> No.6744558

Only 6982 VEN looking to get to the 10k mark but not willing to sacrifice any of my 292 NEO either. End goal is 10k VEN and 1k Neo.

>> No.6744671

Now I think it's very likely that you're lying friend, considering that there is a supply of 1 billion ven, 126 million of which has been burned.

If you're not larping, that would mean that you own 75m / 874m = 8.5% of the entire fucking supply. So as I see it, you're either Jim Breyer himself, the Chinese government, or you should make up more believable stories next time.

>> No.6744734

72K Ven reporting in. Will be whale one day.

>> No.6744784

1400 ven here. hope to have 1401 by later today

>> No.6744824

Believe me, there are whales out there holding more than me. It's just spread across multiple wallets.

Do you really think that these sell walls were set up for no reason?

>> No.6744830
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You are all dolphins at most. Bow before your humpback.

>> No.6744848

get out

>> No.6744871

get out

>> No.6744891

get out

>> No.6744893

That 0.42 XVG you will make it anon

>> No.6744960

Now I feel like a shrimp. kek
At least I made my 3btc investment into like 25 now.
Feels good man

>> No.6745039

Nice one bro, you will make it

>> No.6745044

Friend, if you're telling the truth, you at least have a net worth of 600 million. Let's say for the sake of the argument that you are not some lowlife pajeet who gets his daily endorphin shot from posting lies on an anonymous monagese yacht review forum.

What the fuck are you doing here? Truly, do you not have anything better to do with your time and wealth? If you still want more, why the fuck would you come to this normie-infested shithole for information? Please, explain.

>> No.6745146

Post proof larpers, 100 trillion whale here

>> No.6745253

congratz man, you made it for sure.

thank you, we all will.

>> No.6745350
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>having 500k sitting on the exchange
>not having 250k sitting in 2 separate wallets to accumulate seniority.

>> No.6745530


Truthfully, I've been coming to 4chan less and less. I posted this to check on how people are doing, but there seems to be a lot of normies and new investors. It seems like a lot of the older investors have left.

Granted, I was rich before, but obviously nowhere near what I'm worth now. It's not like a live a completely different life from you guys - people really have a skewed imagination of the lives rich people live. It's not all cocktail parties, hookers and cocaine 100% of the time. The majority of rich people don't live like that. The ones that live these lives aren't all that wealthy because they spend so much money

>> No.6745938

Lmao stfu you pathetic retard

>> No.6746082

Literally nobody believes you because what you are talking about it impossible. It would require you to have nearly a quarter of the circulating supply and if there is a bigger whale than that and more than one there would be literally zero Ven outside of whale hands.

More importantly there has never BEEN that much Ven on exchanges to buy. You chose the most insane amount you could think of and I don't know why.

>> No.6746157

Send me 1000 ven and I'll trust u

>> No.6746227


Do my holdings look like I'm the fucking chinese government? You are right however, there is very little Ven outside whale hands.

>> No.6746266

I'm just going to assume you meant to type 75k and fucked up and hit the m instead and decided to keep larping with it.

>> No.6746326

go look at my wallet, its literally posted in the OP. Biz has really become a shitthole, I'm out.

For you newfags, I hope you make it.

>> No.6746382

>OP wallet has 16 dollars in it.
Oh so you were clear from the start you had nothing. I should have checked it first.