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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6742688 No.6742688 [Reply] [Original]

literally mooning right now

>> No.6742930

weak hands has been purged.

>> No.6742980

oversold, good project, yadda yadda. The FUD here lately is intense. Personally, I don't give a shit about price until mainnet / token burning starts. Bought in at 0.25 and will stay comfy on my 87k stack

>> No.6743044


americans think subcontracting your project to street shitters is a smart move, better stock up

>> No.6743057

feelin comfy

>> No.6743065

thanks just bought 420

>> No.6743097

strap in boys

>> No.6743137

>/biz/ actually believes that platform building is outsourcing


>> No.6743176

literally what neo and ethereum did they seem to be doin fine these days

>> No.6743184

>right above daily

Hahaha fuck off pajeet

>> No.6743201

its literally crashing again

>> No.6743226

literally inverse mooning

>> No.6743236


This. Just look at the sentiment change. Everyone and their mothers were shilling REQ last week but now even the most diehard fans are being hesitant. This coin will never reach a dollar again

>> No.6743241

arms are weak, bags are heavy. mom's spaghetti

>> No.6743398

>even the most diehard fans are being hesitant
literally couple pajeets fudding so whales can accumulate

>> No.6743447

you would be surprised how easily it is to spin news and spread FUD

literal trump tier FAKE NEWS level bullshit going on /biz/ these days

>> No.6743459

“Stace, remember that Request Network app?"
>"Ugh. that ugly looking one that was obviously made by no life virgins?"
"Yep, that's the one. Well I GUESS I had to use it to send money because it has lower fees, but it's such a shit app and you can tell that ugly virgins made it. Guess what the app MAKES you do Stace."
>"Lay it on me girl, I can only imagine what the neckbeards that made that app make you do to use it."
"Get this Stace, I wanted to send 10 grand to Chad, and instead of just being NORMAL like Venmo and Paypal and entering Chad's name to send it to him, I had to enter his "wallet address". LOL!"
>"Holy shit, that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard! I'm drier than the Sahara just hearing such nerdy, gay words."
"It's unbelievable, if you want to send money, you have to enter a 40 character string of letters and numbers. If you screw up, and of course what normal, non autistic person wouldn't under those circumstances, no refunds, because the app uses a "blockchain". Imagine the autistic spergs that made that app Stacey, they're so fucking creepy and their app is shit! Let's use Venmo only from now on!"

>> No.6743488

just deleted my blockofoli, not gonna watch this pathetic shitcoin, cya next year

>> No.6743519


inb4 plebbit, literally 700 posts why it's good, but suddenly 10 pajeets on /biz/ spread fud, kek

>> No.6743538

the state of nu/biz/

>> No.6743568

your actually gonna make a mil unreal

>> No.6743616

How is request supposed to work? Be logical...?

>i am requesting you to pay me $x
>um where do I get these request tokens?
>you buy ether, transfer to exchange, buy req tokens and then send it to the req smart contract! works very easy if you use myetherwallet, metamask and it is all decentralized!
>ok but coinbase wants a fee, the exchange wants a fee and each network transaction costs a fee. So I need $x+5% to send you this?
>and depending on whether any cryptokitties hype is going on the eth blockchain it might take a few hours?
>and during those hours value of both eth and req might have changed negatively, meaning my $x+5% becomes $x+5%-3.4% resulting in me losing money in the progress?
>do you have paypal? I can just send it by using your email address and it arrives instantly with basically near zero fees
>n-no use request network it is truly paypal 2.0, stop FUDding!

>> No.6743644


this should answer your questions

>> No.6743694

Do you reply to every bait you see on this Polish goat milking forum?

>> No.6743736

I didn't even read it, desu

>> No.6743746

REQ is currently working on adding ERC20 tokens and Bitcoin support. Fiat is after that.
The point of Request Network is that you can demand payment in whatever you want (for example USD). And the payer can pay in whatever they want (crypto,erc20,other fiat) and through 0x and kyber they will get exchanged in real time with the lowest fees possible (an order of magnitude lower than the exchange rates of credit cards).
>I'm selling my anal virginity on Ebay
>It's priced in USD, but Ebay has embedded the REQ payment system
>You get to pay with cryptos, ERC20 or fiat, and no matter what you pay with, I still receive USD as requested.
Put simply, REQ tokens are what fuels the network. The REQ tokens are not currency.
Buyers and merchants will never interact with the tokens at all. They will simply use the payment system and experience it as an instant purchase/currency swap.
Aside from its intended usage, which is what everyone is basing their valuation estimates on, it will tap directly into a $750 billion crypto-market in which it's currently hard to cash out of, and expensive to buy into.
And as for competition, YCombinator, which has a high stake in Coinbase, also have a high stake in REQ. Since REQ's very functionality will pose a threat to Coinbase's entire business model, it is only logical to assume that REQ will eventually be implemented in Coinbase to ensure that both platforms survive and thrive. Owners never let one business kill the other when it is perfectly logical to merge the two.
If REQ handles just 0.1% of the global transactions, it means $5B worth of DAILY transactions. And $912M worth of REQ being burnt annually, which increases the price of remaining REQ. With a 10% marketshare, that number increases to $500B of DAILY transactions, and $91.3B worth of REQ being burnt annually.

>> No.6744021
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basically, hold

>> No.6744116

dumbfuck here, who's going to buy and use the tokens from me once mainnet is launched?

>> No.6744152



>> No.6744172

>who's going to buy and use the tokens
the kyber network will be buying them at market price to burn for every transaction
Why does nobody do any fucking research /biz/ is being so dumb today holy shit

>> No.6744382

thanks i guess

>> No.6744443

at 62c we slowly climbing back up

>> No.6744487

slow climbs are way better then a random moon mission.

>> No.6744575

mfw 40 ether sell wall

>> No.6744704


Please report this spam.

>> No.6744708

Cya tomorrow!

>> No.6745099

I really like the Stacy shitposts

>> No.6745123

I agree. But not complaining about a moon either

>> No.6745151

>hovers at 0,60$ for a month
time for some screencaps lads

>> No.6745172


>> No.6745483

volume is increasing as the price rises, indicating it will keep going up. Is this thing finally moving

>> No.6745704
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>> No.6745750

>up 10% in the last 2 hours

Pick one

>> No.6745970

I cant even tell anymore desu

>> No.6746007


>> No.6746230

drops 30%, then only recovers 10%. lol anon this is why you are poor