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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6740062 No.6740062 [Reply] [Original]

How are people not talking about this incredible fucking sale?

Doubled my stack today on this nonsense. This shit will legit 2x within the next week, absolutely 0 good reason for the current price oppression. I've watched whales accumulating all day trying to shove it further and further down.

If you're not buying REQ right now you're actually retarded. Such a good day for me, watching my fat LINK stack soar and getting an amazing REQ buy opportunity. Enjoy your weekend, gentlemen.

>> No.6740117

>he didnt sell at $1

someone has to hold the bags, I guess.

>> No.6740176

I bought all my previous REQ at .30, nice try though.

>> No.6740191

>This shit will legit 2x within the next week
Heard this daily for the last month, it's not happening friend

>> No.6740240

That's funny because within the last month it actually did double. And then crashed with the rest of the market.

I see what's happening here. You guys are also accumulating but don't want to share the love. Wtf has become of biz..

>> No.6740341 [DELETED] 
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Non developers don't realize how good this is for the platform. Dev interest is already blowing up on slack.

t.software dev

>> No.6740482

I don't know what to do with this I bought in at $0.51 thinking about selling before it drops any lower. Sucks I was literally up 7K on this now I'm considering selling even

>> No.6740563

i want it to go under 50 cents before i buy in

>> No.6740578

>doubled my stack

hahaha, 2x

fuck off, cuck

>> No.6740632

>How are people not talking about this incredible fucking sale?

We are, we just determined this project is shit and not worth the current price.

>> No.6740649

What should we buy then?

>> No.6740670
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y..you must be larpting , r..right? you dont hold REALLY this shitcoin, r..right?

>> No.6740725

whales accumulating for blast off which will be omise-go tier. patience rewards strong hands

>> No.6740732
File: 44 KB, 621x414, lambopajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes sirs I can write the code for your project for you

>> No.6740904

How many people sought after the news and don't plan to buy back

>> No.6741035

Dead coin. Sold the news and not the planning on buying back.

>> No.6741077

>comes to your office to code.
>reeks of curry.
>gets literal shit all over keyboard from filth hands
>code is also literal shit..

>> No.6741148

>incredible fucking sale?

a shitcoin on sale is still a shitcoin

req team publicly admitted they do not have the manpower or technical expertise to accomplish their goals, and want to pay street shitters to finish their stuff for them

after raising 300m dollars, of course

>> No.6741155
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should have sold the news and now he even buys more this lvl of pajeet is too damn high!

>> No.6741380

>I cant do it all my self so ill hire people to do what I cant

How fucking retarded are you on a scale of 1-10. Be honest here.

>> No.6741397

>Letting devs create dapps for ETH and NEO is bad, it is outsourcing!

It's literally the point of the platform to let others tap into it you mongs.

>> No.6741466


It literally doubled in the first week of January. And it just started trading on Huobi with a volume that's almost at Binance levels.

>> No.6741505
File: 123 KB, 266x261, bart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think so.. this shit was insanely overbought. No moon soon.

>> No.6741562

You mean it will 2x...back to where it was a couple weeks ago? Fuck REQ

>> No.6741581

That's not the way I read into it at all, and if that's why this selloff is happening I laugh at all the retards selling.

You must be either braindead or actual children to not realize the stage they're at is way beyond that of 99.9% of other cryptos. They have finally completed their platform and are allowing others to develop apps. When ETH did this, it rocketed.

The state of biz is fucking sad, IQ has gone down incredibly.

>> No.6741586

Please keep selling an obvious manipulated REQ low to buy VEN at ATH.

>> No.6741636


It's hard to manipulate REQ now with listings on several exchanges.

>> No.6741667

Don't understand your argument. If you believe in this token, just hodl

>> No.6741712
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no thanks, rather make money than lose money

>> No.6741820

Oh yea, and what are you buying right now?

>> No.6741834

It's only dipping because BTC is on rampage. When that slows down again, the money will flow back into Alts. Give it a few days.

REQ was mangled by the BTC sell-off, like everything else and the news was underwhelming but expected.

Consider this to buy in at discount.

>> No.6741837

Check it's market cap, really not that over bought.

I'm still at 3-4x gains so I'm just gonna wait it out and see though. I could sell now, and yeah maybe REQ will flop, but it's sitting comfy with profits for me right now and could explode over night for no reason just like anything else.

>> No.6741872

REQ mooned atleast 3 times before between updates for no reason

>> No.6742089

People waiting for big partnerships or main net release (which is this quarter). Probably some people are trading the swings but judging by volume it looks like mostly weak hands buying into post-news fud that happens.

Look at the people that fud in this thread, zero relevant arguments. That's how you know this token is strong as fuck. Buy volume coming in heavy right now, whales having a hard time keeping it down. Should be up ~10-20% by EOD from here.

>> No.6742150

I wish I had the balls to swing this coin still, it stopped being easy a while ago and now just slowly bleeds or gains, too risky.

>> No.6742173

Zero arguments? FUD?
You're delusional. I sold the news as well and am happy to be out.
REQ was pushed as paypal 2.0, and the REQ team seemed like these ahead-of-the-game paypal 2.0 coders with some insane code coming out to smash through paypal market cap.
But then they released a statement saying they'd like to outsource various projects and listed "paypal 2.0" as a good idea of one.
This means they are simply working on a button that converts currencies, which many exchanges do. They don't have some huge, well-coded platform out that will be easily implemented into websites etc.

This drop in price isn't FUD, it's the fact that we all lost hope in REQ. I'm sure it'll do okay though, so stay in if you like.

>> No.6742638

Nobody said it was Paypal 2.0 except retards who didn't read the fucking white paper and didn't understand the concept. You are clearly one of those people. Congrats.

Also, if you actually read the code (which I'm guessing you can't), it'd be easy to see they're developing a platform for payments and invoicing, not a fucking tool like Paypal or Zoho or whatever. They want the Paypal's and Zoho's and Venmo's and whatever the fuck else to use their platform because it'll save all of those companies incredible expenses.

I almost feel bad for people like you, but then I realize if you're too dumb to know what you're buying, you probably SHOULDN'T buy.

BTW I'm up ~10% since I started buying today. I tried to help you retards but have to sit here reading dumbfuckshit like this from people with their "BUT PAYPAL 2.0 MOMMY. BUT I THOUGHT PAYPAL 2.0".

Reddit tier shit. Biz has fucking eroded since December. Fucking low IQs everywhere.

>> No.6742842


>> No.6743029

fucking kill yourself. You know as well as anyone else that every single plebbit faggot thought this was paypal 2.0
how the fuck do you think do you think they got 30k subscribers?

>> No.6743051

I bought my stack late December at 50c. Really believed in the project and how it had the potential to be paypal 2.0. Held it through 80c, $1, $1.20 and even when it dropped back down I still held on because I believed it was undervalued even at $1.20.

Upon hearing yesterday’s news I sold my stack at 58c. Why? Because I don’t believe in the project anymore. For an ICO that raised $100s of millions and are backed by YC it’s just extremely disappointing to see that they are outsourcing their project to (most likely) cheap indian homebrew devs. To me it signals that Request is a team of marketers, not coders, and I have no faith they will deliver what was promised.

>> No.6743144


Yea it's fucking sad how they all just invest blindly, listening to some ppl shit talk, I always research deep when I am going to invest, even if it will be just 1$.

I am now in VEN/ACT/REQ if anyone is interested.

>> No.6743235

it'll be $3 minimum eoty for sure
unlike all these other shitcoins being shilled the team actually has a roadmap they follow

>> No.6743292
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Yeah, I stopped as well when I managed to shrink my stack from 300 to 230K.

You sell thinking it's peaked for a while and the fucker just drives higher.

>> No.6743347

this is starting to trigger me /biz/

>> No.6743446

I don’t catch falling knives covered in pajeet shit

>> No.6743467

They have one of the best teams in the space, have amazing advisors, YC backed which gives them an 84% chance of at least being a successfully operating business, have been putting out exceptional code from the get go, and communicate with their community on a regular basis.

I could understand people investing on those things alone. I couldn't understand people selling because none of that has changed.

But when you start giving me Paypal 2.0 shit? That's garbage tier. That's you doing zero research, just reading something on the Internet and throwing money at it without having any fucking clue. I get that level of retardation exists, I'm just surprised to find it here. To me, REQ screams "BUY BUY BUY" right now, yet there are multiple people in this thread saying "I don't think it's Paypal 2.0 anymore so I'm out". It was never Paypal 2.0. It was always much bigger than that.

Legitimately fucking retard level shit. I actually might go kms if this is what biz has become, so fucking pathetic.

>> No.6743506


I sold to ride the VEN train

will rebuy after it bleeds out

>> No.6743594

bizz is full of newfags who think they discoverd crypto, all the oldfags are just scrolling through for the memes.

>> No.6743610

Stace, remember that Request Network app?"
>"Ugh. that ugly looking one that was obviously made by no life virgins?"
"Yep, that's the one. Well I GUESS I had to use it to send money because it has lower fees, but it's such a shit app and you can tell that ugly virgins made it. Guess what the app MAKES you do Stace."
>"Lay it on me girl, I can only imagine what the neckbeards that made that app make you do to use it."
"Get this Stace, I wanted to send 10 grand to Chad, and instead of just being NORMAL like Venmo and Paypal and entering Chad's name to send it to him, I had to enter his "wallet address". LOL!"
>"Holy shit, that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard! I'm drier than the Sahara just hearing such nerdy, gay words."
"It's unbelievable, if you want to send money, you have to enter a 40 character string of letters and numbers. If you screw up, and of course what normal, non autistic person wouldn't under those circumstances, no refunds, because the app uses a "blockchain". Imagine the autistic spergs that made that app Stacey, they're so fucking creepy and their app is shit! Let's use Venmo only from now on!"

>> No.6743643

REQ is dead. Team won’t deliver what they promised. This not even a FUD, it is the sad truth.

>> No.6743670

off course there is this shit pasta again

>> No.6743671

literally YC called it paypal 2.0
you're fucking retarded

>> No.6743691

it true tho

>> No.6743714

Yea it becomes a garbage. People just repeating shit that they heard. If they would put the amount time they spend writing shit on /biz/ on actual research they would fucking don't write that shit.

>> No.6743767

all this fudding is weird. Not sure if people are just trying to accumulate or actually retarded

>> No.6743774

If you didn't sell 2 days ago and buy this dip you're fucking hopeless

>> No.6743829

you're an idiot. It doesn't matter what the project actually is. It's about what people thought it was. 90% of people believed it to be paypal 2.0. So now 90% of people have lost faith. A smart investor would view that as a sell signal.

>> No.6743837

They had delivered everything they told now, so why they would stop delivering?

>> No.6743860

Fat green candles just now

>> No.6743902

So wait, “the future of commerce” now has NOTHING to do with being a paypal-like service and you’re saying that’s a GOOD thing? LOL.

>> No.6743920

I actually think it's people (retards) who don't understand the fundamentals of a decentralised platform. They probably don't even know what Ethereum was created for.
Doesn't matter, they will get so JUSTed in the coming months

>> No.6743941

Fat green candles get the normies in

>> No.6743960

Smart money sold REQ for ICX
they'll buy back into REQ for cheaper than it is now
No one but people holding REQ right now are getting JUSTed

>> No.6743980
File: 30 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing yourself because of /biz/

The one thing I am upset about on this update is the fucking Rick and Morty reference on the job applications.

>> No.6743986

Reminder to report fuckers who post the pasta. This is spam/flood level shit.

>> No.6743989

>ds) who don't understand the fundamentals
yea you are right, there is no point in telling them they are wrong just let them stay poor.

>> No.6744009

I honestly don't think REQ will ever be as cheap as it has been today every again, barring a market crash or whatever

>> No.6744065

>Smart money
>20/20 hindsight
Yeah, I'd say that makes someone pretty smart.

>> No.6744074

did you quote the wrong person?

>> No.6744095

>closing sale

>> No.6744117

>people will one day buy REQ at an ATH of $10
>corrects to $9
>fucking biz always shilling shitcoins

>> No.6744149
File: 945 KB, 2016x834, fux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6743610REQ is currently working on adding ERC20 tokens and Bitcoin support. Fiat is after that.
The point of Request Network is that you can demand payment in whatever you want (for example USD). And the payer can pay in whatever they want (crypto,erc20,other fiat) and through 0x and kyber they will get exchanged in real time with the lowest fees possible (an order of magnitude lower than the exchange rates of credit cards).
>I'm selling my anal virginity on Ebay
>It's priced in USD, but Ebay has embedded the REQ payment system
>You get to pay with cryptos, ERC20 or fiat, and no matter what you pay with, I still receive USD as requested.
Put simply, REQ tokens are what fuels the network. The REQ tokens are not currency.
Buyers and merchants will never interact with the tokens at all. They will simply use the payment system and experience it as an instant purchase/currency swap.
Aside from its intended usage, which is what everyone is basing their valuation estimates on, it will tap directly into a $750 billion crypto-market in which it's currently hard to cash out of, and expensive to buy into.
And as for competition, YCombinator, which has a high stake in Coinbase, also have a high stake in REQ. Since REQ's very functionality will pose a threat to Coinbase's entire business model, it is only logical to assume that REQ will eventually be implemented in Coinbase to ensure that both platforms survive and thrive. Owners never let one business kill the other when it is perfectly logical to merge the two.
If REQ handles just 0.1% of the global transactions, it means $5B worth of DAILY transactions. And $912M worth of REQ being burnt annually, which increases the price of remaining REQ. With a 10% marketshare, that number increases to $500B of DAILY transactions, and $91.3B worth of REQ being burnt annually.

>> No.6744188

Yeah I meant to reply to the guy you were replying to lol.

>> No.6744247

No, they say it's "Sort of Paypal 2.0" in their list of companies, which is basically just a way to help actual retards understand the general premise.

Key words: Sort of. Meaning, it's fucking not. But identifying it with the largest payment processor at least can help fucking morons like you get the general sphere it's operating in. Then 2.0 helps you understand this is some next level shit.

Your next move should be "ok, what the fuck does that mean? What is the next level?"

Any basic research would show you they're not looking to compete with Paypal, which is what these Paypal 2.0 tards are all expecting.

I'm now up 15% since I started buying.

You fucking retards keep fudding, I'm gonna be sitting pretty. There are clearly some smart people here who have also been buying, we'll all laugh at you for the rest of the week while this shit continues to get back to reality. Quickest/easiest 2x available in crypto right now.

>> No.6744869

I'm sorry to say this anon, but every coin I'm holding, which is 6 of them, is ~+15% right now.

>> No.6744870

Pump is on right now in kucoin boys, big green dildos.

>> No.6745076

Up 15% from fucking when, you retard? Every coin I'm holding is up 1000%+ right now, but only one is up 15% in the last hour, and that's REQ.

Post your coins so I can shit on them for you.

>> No.6745346

Up in the 24 hour chart. REQ is down over the past 24 hours.

>> No.6745351
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Sold req this morning at .55 to but ven at 8.08, now VEN is 7.62 and REQ is .61. It has cost me 1k and counting...

>> No.6745460

lel did exactly the opposite. not a real /biz/tard i guess

>> No.6745493


Just wait for the news man

>> No.6745510


Good. You were probably fudding like the other retards. You'll be pissed when req easily hits 5$

>> No.6745545

Lmao we're getting green. Where are the FUDers at?

>> No.6745565

Not here bitch, the rally is on. Get in while you can

>> No.6745691

I feel like VEN has more going on in Feb than Req anyway, Ill hold that and FUN for the next month

>> No.6745747

I'd be surprised if REQ doesn't get some partnership momentum going soon enough desu, you can't predict it, I'm 60/40 VEN/REQ

>> No.6745759


Wise choice. If even half the VEN rumors are true it will go parabolic. Like ETH parabolic

>> No.6745793

Just like eth devs, yeah

>> No.6745833

It's overrun with pajeets who try to use dirty pajeet tactics. Hence why we need flags.

>> No.6745974

Fucking hell, we need flags ASAP. I can't stand these pajeets anymore.
W-why do you call me a bitch a-anon?

>> No.6746310
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>> No.6746824

I'm tempted to go all in on LINK, it had a pretty fucking nice recovery.

Kind of disappointed that REQ is recovering slowly.