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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6737306 No.6737306 [Reply] [Original]

G-g-g-guys what the hell is happening?

>> No.6737346

US Government shutdown.

>> No.6737368

fake buy walls. Somebody tries to cash out

>> No.6737390

Tether pump kicking in

>> No.6737405

about to be pumped to 14k

>> No.6737503

BTC bull run. It already fell 50% in a "crash" everyone and their mother saw coming and were thinking "I'm going to buy in low." Well know the self fulfilled prophecy happened, BTC "crashed" 50% and now the meme is buying back in.

It happened after $2700 to $2000, from $5000 to $3000, from $7000 to $5000, BTC is headed to $25,000 strap in.

>> No.6737504
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Jump in, we're going places.

>> No.6737526

dady's back
hide yo alts

>> No.6737551

6 days to go. ((( They ))) are not stupid. (((They))) don't want a correction. Expect a steady slow paced growth to $15K till then. You have been warned faggots.

>> No.6737562

Mark my words, Pink Tuesday was the last time BTC will ever crash. With the weak handed normies out it will rise stronger than ever.

>> No.6737566

That's funny, everyone knew yet nobody on biz said anything about till after the fact.


>> No.6737616

My guess is that the market is slowly on it's way to another ATH.
Probably will peak during March.
It would take massive outside intervention to stop the influx now.
But China won't ban, so I can't see it happening.

>> No.6737628


Don't shill until you've filled. No shit.

>> No.6737640

My alts were doing soo soo good....
Strap in boys we goin back to 16k thanks to the Democrats.
Bitcoin mooned last government shutdown, on top of that it just dipped which means....
Bye bye alts

>> No.6737663


This has nothing to do with the Dems. It's all about the 26th and the target is 15k.

>> No.6737666

... did you even visit biz during that time?

The newyearsdip is a yearly thing... We've been telling everyone since christmas with charts and everything.

>> No.6737675

what happened wasnt a crash
it will be a crash when it goes back to below 1k

>> No.6737696

>massive intervention
All it took to crash it from 15k to 9k was a gook kimchi slurping suit and tie to say crypto is bad mayb we should ban crypto like China has already done 10 times and every American media outlet claiming that SK has banned crypto for good.

I assure you it won't take much effort at all to do the same again with he new batch of normies

>> No.6737699

>poltards are this dumb

>> No.6737700

Well, Im gonna sell a bit of my FUN into BTC, just in case....might get some more FUN if it indeeds comes true.

>> No.6737704

If you didn't see a correction coming you either got into crypto 3 days ago or a complete brainlet.

>> No.6737729


devil of truth

>> No.6737742

/biz/ is an aggregate of both bad and good advice, if you weren't idiotic you would've ignored the 8k memes right after we bottomed out at 9.5k. The question was where the second dip would happen, the answer was 11k+.
Don't worry we'll dip again on monday, but I doubt we'll see the same lows as past week for a long long time.

>> No.6737777
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Lol, bad paintjob is bad

>> No.6737787

The market was in a legitimate bubble.
But now you have an extra influx coming from entirely new sources.
What crypto needed for growth was a crash, this isn't very hard to understand.

>> No.6737811

No. No, we weren't.

>> No.6737873

Holy quads bitman!

>> No.6737877

>I wasn't
Well congratulations on being retarded I suppose.

>> No.6737916

are you referring to the next round of futures contracts expiring? where can we view more information on this? i still don't know how anyone was able to view any information on the first round. i just saw people posting about it here.

>> No.6737936

And yet the greed hasn't stopped, in fact the growth of "others" alts on the cmc chart of btc market cap in comparison with alts indicates that we are in fact not finished correcting until these dumb faggots stop going all in on ICOs hoping for 1000x gains.
Somethings gotta give, and it ain't gonna be a btc run up that's gonna kill alts, it's gonna be an entire market bleed out until all the whales are back in btc

June will be 5k btc. Because of greed. Screen cap this

>> No.6738002

Alts have very little influence on people coming into the market.
>most people buy BTC on entry
>even if half the alts are scams, there still will be growth from new influx
Expecting 5k any time soon is no different from doomsaying right now.

>> No.6738123

There is no magic spot it needs to be. The btc price will be whatever people value it as in accordance to the market, which right now is just wild speculation on shit providing nothing that couldn't just be added to btc itself. It will drop as low as it needs to before all of these useless projects are done away with and new money will have no other choice but to value btc higher than the rest as the only truly decentralized store of wealth

>> No.6738186

This has been pretty accurate. I still believe that the correction is not over.

>> No.6738196

Yeah crypto is a long term project.
That clearly doesn't stop people from dumping their entire savings into literal scams.
And for every norman who loses his whole bankroll to BICONEEEEE, there will be 10 others who have a conservative amount in the big name coins.

>> No.6738210

Wouldn't it make more sense for the dumb projects to bleed while the value slowly gets absorbed by bluechips and things that work?

>> No.6738229

answer my fucking question

>> No.6738318

>buy walls
>cash out

>> No.6738383

Like I said, until the greed stops I don't see an uptrend in the foreseeable future.

U gotta follow the trends. What are people talking about in their circles now? ICOs. Everyone wants to get rich. The only ones getting rich are the whales until they get their fill. Then that's when the flight back into btc will occur. Not new normie money

>> No.6738449

Are you new? Because even the retarded should've learned by now if they were here for more than one week.

>> No.6738502

Historically, btc needs a new ath for alts to even have a chance at a bull run. The run finished in January, yet biz still mostly acts as if it's just beginning, which is amazing considering the fact btc looks on the verge of collapse. goes to show how few people here have been in this since 2013

>> No.6738535

going sideways, time for an alt pump

>> No.6738548

I guess we'll disagree then.

>> No.6738583

Wrong: BTC price will be whatever BITFINEX and its TETHER PRINTER decide it is.

>> No.6738616

Historically, BTC didn't have any serious competition.
Times change, and history only repeats itself until it doesn't.

>> No.6738630

answer me. why the fuck can't anyone answer this.
WHERE DID YOU SEE with your OWN TWO EYE SOCKETS the alleged massive futures contracts that expired on January 17th? and could you see them BEFORE they expired?

>> No.6738635

Historically btc dominance was never that low.
Also binance didn't have literally 6 millions normies going from LTC to alts directly.

Btc might go to 8.5k but there is so many people waiting for that with a shitload of money that you'll never see below without a lot of FUD.

>> No.6738679

You can get info on the cmegroup site, not really sure how XBT works tho.

>> No.6738788

Personally if BTC went below 8.5 again, I'd take another bank transfer and put half ETH half BTC.

>> No.6738857

Someday when a technology is invented that can offer more financial freedom than block chain, Bitcoin will go to 0. Not in our lifetimes though. Everything else so far is just riding off coat tails of the actual innovative tech. The ones who profit will stay in Bitcoin and nothing else, thus it will never have serious competition

>> No.6738963

It's this low because of greed. Greed of new money coming in and greed of whales in their never ending quest to stack btc. It's not sustainable and you will see this slow evaporation of value in the alts each day until btc is propelled back up to new highs

>> No.6738981

Why does thta even matter

>> No.6739365

Futures contracts are primarily useful for profiting from a price drop, right? So we should expect another controlled demolition of the price right before January 26th?
Before the January 17th contract expiration occurred, the price drop started 2-3 days beforehand. Should we expect that again and prepare for the next crash to begin on the 23rd or 24th?
I didn't give you permission to leave this thread and do other things. Come back and answer my goddamn questions.

>> No.6739554

don't bother with retards like this. They are the reason we have made it.

>> No.6739683

This is one of the most delusional statements on here I've seen. Holy fuck you core cucks are so sick in the head its disturbing. It will be down to less than 10% of total market cap by Q2 and you'll still be saying this shit. Bitcoin Legacy has no future. 2017 made that profoundly clear without a shadow of a doubt. Move on.

>> No.6739879

General trends make that impossible.
ETH is going to gain for sure, but BTC will still be big, because of brand name only.
Give it a few years before you start saying BTC is dunzoes.

>> No.6739974
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Wtf I love democrats now

>> No.6739989
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dip is over

>> No.6740066

Why are republicans blaming democrats when they have a majority in both the senate and the house?

>> No.6740091

You don't control the senate until you have 60 seats. The Republicans only have 51.

>> No.6740105

He is probably some ERC20 derivative cuck who doesnt realize ETH is just as bad as BTC at this point.
>7-14 tx/s
>$.30-.$70s+++++ and climbing transaction fees
>huge congestion
>KIN, MOBI, AERON have all publicly stated ETH cannot handle real world shit and they have abandoned their interests

>> No.6740138

>the absolute state of low IQ libs

>> No.6740140

4 hr Golden Cross
Should see some monster green candles

>> No.6740167

ethereum will not be in this state forever
neither will bitcoin

>> No.6740171
File: 471 KB, 500x517, ExZj0AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because alot of the repubs are just undercover dems, like McCain

>> No.6740223

There were a few threads about it but most of /biz/ kept shilling their altcoins, people who tell you otherwise are lying.

>> No.6740239

I'd be more worried if Vitalik hadn't been takling constantly about the need for scaling before the network became congested. There's fixes in the pipeline already.

>> No.6740311

If you say it's bad, you have to prove an alternative.
And no meme alternatives like xrp.

>> No.6740328

Bitcoins "fixes" are on testnet too.

You should be more concerned that people making ERC20 coins, are abandoning Ethereum Network, what do they know?

Not all will abandon, there are surely 95% of upcoming ERC20 ICOs that are pure scam coins, but coins that actually want to survive need global impact. Ethereum Network cant handle it and those with hopes of global reach see the writing on the wall.

>> No.6740365

based poster

>> No.6740398

Nor regulation FUD.

>> No.6740520

Not too worried, have 200 NEO and 50k ADA, ethereum losing to one of its competitors would only be good for me. Only 60 ETH.

>> No.6740635

>global impact
This, up until 2017 crypto's use was to bypass government regulation.
At this point it is evolving into global currency. This cannot work without masternodes.

>> No.6740812
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You can't cash out without buying first. He's buying so that once the market drops he can dump the rest of his coins and pocket the difference.

>> No.6741113

i can feel myself getting brain damage when i read stuff like this. please don't.