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6737030 No.6737030 [Reply] [Original]

A boomer I know came into my work recently and asked if I could build him "one of those Bitcoin transfer or exchange things" .. at fist I roll my eyes but hear him out because he has quite a bit of kike cash.

He has over 50 boomers lined up to use his service as they have no idea who or what Bitcoin is other than they want to buy. I've found scripts and what not and understand how most of it works

But how would biz but the screws to the oldies ? It is sort of established with 50 people wanting to already transfer in and out .

So how would you go about calculating fee's?

I know most of you are little jumped up shit 15 year Olds but given the right advice I'd be more than happy to share and pay for consulting given you can prove yourself here.

>> No.6737110

Should add that they would only want 1 maybe 2 currency options...
Probably just btc and eth would be possible but a stretch...


>> No.6737146

This is a larp thread.


Surely the risk of the crypto exposure makes this a terrible thing to stake his money and reputation on. You should always be planning to pull an exit scam.

Make the UI and the deposits easy to use. That'll make the boomers love it.

>> No.6737227

I dont reply to happy merchant threads

>> No.6737250
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you just did Moshe

>> No.6737272

No larp... I'm in Jew Zealand

He legitimately thinks it's the future even though he has no idea what btc is about, how it's mined or even transferred. With these old dudes all ready to go it really is too good to pass up.

He had said I'm either in our out, he would be doing it either way.
Just not sure how to deal with fee's.

>> No.6737310

Yes...Cuck country and is shit...
I moved here because of work.

>> No.6737386
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Scripts to run exchange duhh

>> No.6737472

I want a legitimate setup..
As long as this thing works and does not pay more in fees that it reaps, I'll be happy.

>> No.6737784
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Fuck mate, I kind of want to know how to run an exchange now.

But like the software has to do some of it for you?
Boomers fucking buy anything "new"

>> No.6738297

I have no idea, they all seem to be a bit sketchy.

>> No.6738925

So curious to your meaning, if he buys for the lowest price , passes the transaction fees on but sells it for a slight premium where you have assured buyers....

How is that reputational damage when he offers a legit service!

>> No.6739187

In the unlikely event this isn't a larp. Make a powerpoint presentation showing the collapse of Mt. Goxx and then shill them your new "Ultra secure" exchange and Sell them BTC at a 10% chargeup from more contemporary exchanges in your country. There's a NewZealand dollar tether to my knowledge so I'd sell BTC ETH and that.

>> No.6739283

on a side note. How is it normies are always way too late for trends? Centralized exchanges is so 2012. Smart money is already on decentralized p2p exchanges. You wonder where you can find them or how to build them and profit from them? See you in 5 years when you buy our bags for a premium ;^)

>> No.6739306

You misunderstand. You should definitely go for it, just need to explain to the geezer how much of a wild west the crypto space is and how you both need to have an exit strategy if or before it all goes tits up.

>> No.6739372

That shit is all Downpat, I suppose it's just getting a working system going and being able to explain how the system would auto automatically buy low, sell high and vice versa all while dealing with the fees.
The functionality is my issue here.

Hence why I am looking for someone

>> No.6739456

It's pretty true, I'm not a Normie but I have little experience with Bitcoin apart from having a wallet and buying it for nothing way back when.

They assume it's magic and demand to be let in on the secret, that's why I can't just let this slide without at least trying to figure out what to do.

Free boomer Normie money... No risk

>> No.6739516

That's the funny thing... He wasn't even worried if he lost it... It was more just to brag to his golf buddies that he was in Bitcoin and had made some money or knee something about it.

All ego