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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6735564 No.6735564 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6735582

The fuck is going on? Casually hits ATH in sats

>> No.6735603

Gooks gooking. Who knows

>> No.6735676

not quite ath yet, that was closer to 86k i believe. mainnet launch fomo maybe?

>> No.6735677

Haven't been following too closely but it's either about to or just went live on Korean exchanges, where they'll have fiat pairs. Chinks love their homegrown projects, and Koreans especially love crypto, so they're gonna be buying it in drove over the next month. Easiest moon mission in crypto at this moment.

>> No.6735702

insider shit from korean regulatora? or maybe just mainnet moon starting? whales accumulating?

who knows

>> No.6735739

>hits ATH
wow, cool

>in sats
oh, okay

Who gives a fuck, btc is dead

>> No.6735767

its only paired in sats you tard

>> No.6735779

Stupid normie

>> No.6735782

so how the fuck have I bought it with eth you faggot?

>> No.6735810


cause you are a tiny fish with no money and don't get JUSTed by the shit eth volume

>> No.6735815

up like 50c in 20 mins..

>> No.6735839

It's beginning

>> No.6735840

Oh god this gookmagnet coin has given me so much money, I love it

>> No.6735857

but it's ONLY paired with your utopian magic store of value

>> No.6735864

I fucking sold my stack at $7.50 to buy Tron at 10 cents three days. Just kill me.

>> No.6735879

Only fools believe BTC is dead.

>> No.6735889

How high can this go?

>> No.6735906

>I fucking sold my stack at $7.50
>to buy Tron

>> No.6735917

im crying for you, stupid person

>> No.6735920


>From 90% to 30% market dominance in 1 year.

No, it's doing fine. Long live btc

>> No.6735924

I can't even begin to retroactively find your reasoning for that one.

>> No.6735938

>he sold his icx stack for tron
you cant get any dumber folks

>> No.6735939
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This is just the start boys, the next few weeks are going to be mindbelowing.

I literally hate you.

>> No.6735951


why would you do that?

>> No.6735957

I don't even hold BTC, and I'd like it to be dead desu. But it's far from dead, friendo

>> No.6735959

That why you research. So you know not to fucking sell this shit and more importantly, buy into a fucking pajeet coin.

>> No.6735968

It's bedtime for gooks. This volume is coming from burgers

>> No.6735975

Sold at 8100 coz I thought the moon would stop.

I want it to stop now.

>> No.6735979
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Only more to come in the upcoming weeks. Mainnet and the summit.

>> No.6735995

you would be surprised to see how much of ETH volume is derived from BTC

Even if an eth pair exists, eth is super tied to btc

>> No.6736018

Holy fuck it's really happening boys oh my god I love this coin

>> No.6736026
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arrrrgh shes over 80000 shes gonna pop!

>> No.6736028

ok i bought back in

is 500 icx going to be enough to make it?

>> No.6736030

8450, are you okay?

>> No.6736036
File: 1.39 MB, 1023x676, Screenshot_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US has Ethereum, China has Neo, Japan has NEM. Now Korea will have ICON.

Partnered with Korean government. One of biggest blockchains in world already.

Mainnet launches within one week at which time it will likely also be listed on first Korean exchange (thats right, not even listed on any Korean exchanges yet). Will probably be listed on Coinone seeing as the company that own icon also OWNS Coinone exchange...

Essentially Ethereum, Ark and 0x all in one.
Not listed on CoinMarketCap yet because still calculating total supply. Wait til the normies see it pop up in top 50 and realise what this really is...
Partnered with Samsung and Ripple just to name two.

Cardano does x30 without any product - literally just whitepaper and team. ICON is already 'halfway through developing finished product' according to interview with Foundation Council.

I am 100% all in as of today.
This is like being one of the first group to get into Antshares. Im expecting between x10 and x30 within 4 months.

Oh and in the recent cryptomarket crash ICX barely budged, showing us that people holding it arent planning on selling so its unlikely to dip more.
Shilling bc i have finished accumulating btw.

>> No.6736044

this except I only have 50

>> No.6736058

youre probably about to lose some money again but

just hold for 2 weeks and u will be A - OKAY

>> No.6736068

>Buy high sell low

You're doing God's work, son

>> No.6736083



It'll drop right?

>> No.6736091

FYI, its rank 15 on coinmarketcap.

Agree with everything else you said though.

>> No.6736105

but if people don¨t sell, the price doesnt move

>> No.6736107

>buy at 24h high
thank you for your service

>> No.6736127

>chasing moons
>not just any moon, but buying TRON, a literal scam coin

How is it possible that with all the knowledge around you that you manage to still become the buy high sell low meme?

>> No.6736150

a bit yeah

>> No.6736151
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>> No.6736174

that's ok anon it's completely impossible to accurately predict what is "too early," as long as you made a profit you made the right call

>> No.6736201


Why the hell would you sell icx?

Did you use THIS coin to swing trade?

>> No.6736229

1400 icx here. Not really satisfied with my stack unless this does reach new status. Not selling any but have nothing left to buy with atm

>> No.6736240

Is ICX a 1-month hold or an EOY hold?

>> No.6736254

Ooh anybody gonna swing this moon? Predictions?

>> No.6736265

*NEO status

>> No.6736274

>Is ICX a 1-month hold or an EOY hold?

>> No.6736276

EOY and beyond

>> No.6736289

It still hurts when you could have waited 2 hours and made WAY more money.

>> No.6736292

my bags got too heavy
thanks anon, i made profit in sats at least

>> No.6736300

I'm treating this like ETH and never selling unless maybe if I see a good opportunity on wan chain or tezos

>> No.6736318

no emotions anon
profit is profit, there is always profit to be made elsewhere

>> No.6736319

how did these stupid people get money to lose in the first place?

>> No.6736321

>US has Ethereum, China has Neo, Japan has NEM. Now Korea will have ICON.
Holding all four should be a safe way to invest then. 3 of the 4 biggest world economies right there.

>> No.6736341

listen to the wise guy. I had a 20% return in a limit order, it fired off overnight. I'm 20% up instead of "it might go up more! or shit shit shit why didnt i sell". be happy. move on to the next trade.

>> No.6736349


Yeah idk how you could have possibly missed the fact that it is listed on CMC. That's one of the easiest things to check...
Please research better and not just rely on what others have told you...

>> No.6736379

Is it worth to invest now, or wait for dump?

>> No.6736416

and Germany has IOTA

>> No.6736431

Either. If you're counting pennies, try and catch a dip. This is a $30ish coin in a month, $100 by end of year, and possibly higher.

>> No.6736451

i'd wait...may dump pre mainnet (MAY, not WILL)

>> No.6736481

Everytime a shitcoin goes up like 2000% and dumps you have a lot of people who lost money but also a few retards that are now rich because they made the right gamble.

Then they think they're hot and pro traders so do that again but lose their money.
I've seen so many whales with NEO or ETH money that are literal low iq pajeets who have no idea about trading just get rekt and lose 50% of their money in a few days.

It's basically that south park episode where they go to the casino.

>> No.6736532

wondering the same thing, seems like mainnet could be priced in

>> No.6736534

I'm constantly amazed by the shit I hear on this site. Why would hold ICX this long, till the end of the month when it actually has news, and then sell it right before the news.

Why did you even buy this in the first place? What the fuck are people doing? Do they realize they are using real money to do this?

>> No.6736549

still going!

>> No.6736560

hey icx friends that also hold ven
do you see more potential in this coin or ven?
i thought about selling this coin when mainnet launches but im not sure now desu

>> No.6736564

Main net hype then summit hype coming just after.
Now if btc stays stable we'll be looking at 4 days of profit, then it might be shaky but will go up until summit, then shake again and go up quietly when they start talking about partnerships and korea fuds clears out.

Then the 1st korean exchange acouncement will make it double in a few hours, then dump when it actually get listed and then go up again to new ath.

>> No.6736650

Y not have both

>> No.6736653

I'm now in VEN/REQ/ACT/LTC
And only req didn't make a profit for me, but it is more long-term hold. When I was buying ven I was thinking about ICX, and I like the project. Just I am not sure about buying when it's going up. You should buy when it's dropping. But the counterargument is that a lot of ppl was thinking the same when eth was 20$ etc.

>> No.6736663


This actually a pretty accurate rundown of what I expect to see. So I’m riding this out for a while.

>> No.6736665

I'm heavy in both but dude don't sell your ICX now. Mainnet is probably mostly priced in but the summit on the 31st is a massive deal and will bring announcements and publicity, not to mention the Korean exchanges opening up soon. ICX has more going for it than VEN short term.

>> No.6736674

It's hard desu. I hold both and will keep holding both, that way I won't regret. Vechain will come with big news on the 24th as well.

Crazy times ahead, just be comfy and know you're gonna make it either way with those two coins anon.

>> No.6736693

people sayin its priced in since $6, dumb fucks. its not.

>> No.6736703


>> No.6736720



A smart man told me to go all ICX - ride out the hype and and profits until February then dump into VEN.

I got both just in case but I wish I would have taken his advise.

>> No.6736730

Now the problem is when to sell? I'd like to just hold and enjoy this ride till EOY, but my stack is small and daytrading possibly the only chance to make it larger

>> No.6736756

Good call on REQ. Since when are you in if I may ask?

Personally I have been in ICX VEN REQ early. Never gonna sell any of those for whole 2018.

>> No.6736770


You know what, I hope this bubble pops tomorrow. I already got my neetbux, I don't need anymore. I fucking despise the type of idiots flooding into this space and don't want them to get accidentally wealthy.

>> No.6736774
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Mfw only got 83,000 icx tokens

>> No.6736775

Should I sell my KCS for ICX?

>> No.6736782
File: 105 KB, 1215x746, DIPPED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dip incoming

>> No.6736802

Only sell at a profit you're comfortable with and ONLY if you have another project that you see more potential in RIGHT NOW. Pretty simple.

>> No.6736811

prove it

>> No.6736812


Worry about yourself man. Why let other people bother you so much. You’re going to die of a stroke when you’re 40 broseph.

>> No.6736840

you underestimate the gooks

>> No.6736854

If only we were that lucky. Nah they not gonna let us buy this any cheaper at this point

>> No.6736863

looks like i did. people bought it back already.

>> No.6736920

>holding Req and LTC

opinion disregarded

>> No.6736927

REQ is fresh for me I bought it few days ago.
Yea it's smart to invest not in coins, but in projects and teams that you belive are great and will suceed. Only project I don't 100% belive that I have is ltc that's why I think about changing it for icx, but ltc is good for holding if btc go for bullish ride.

>> No.6736930
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>tfw only 71,800 ICXlet

>> No.6736936

Where is based tobacco chink now??? I'm worried

>> No.6736940

I do anon i just want more gains in case i am in a coin that has more future potential although i'm 50% in xlm 25% in VEN and 25% in ICX. I took a little gamble by going half in XLM but I just see a lot of (safe) potential in XLM
thanks anon! i sure will be comfy and hold on to both!
yeah, I was thinking about that too. I see a lot of potential in both coins but I'm just scared I'm going to miss out on huge moons by not putting in more money in one of the coins

>> No.6736960

I understand your opinion on ltc, that why I think about changing it, but why req?

>> No.6736970

If you are able to sell your LTC without any losses I would definitely recommend doing so, that coin doesn't have a future

>> No.6736985


You’re already missing some of the ICX - but if I had it to do over I’d go all icx. Ven will still be there waiting for you

>> No.6737023

holy shit were going to hit $15

>> No.6737031

when should i sell??

>> No.6737042

Still below ATH. Some poor bagholders who bought the top are still in the loss and are here celebrating in a jerk circle

>> No.6737069

every coin is still below ath since last week dumbfuck

>> No.6737094

I have ICX and VEN and I know both will be HUGE, but

What if Tether related stuff will be revealed before that? are we all doomed?

>> No.6737097


>> No.6737098

Bitcoin doesn't have a future too, but it may be good for short-term, I already dropped some ltc bags, but still not sure about going 100% on it. They have a lot of things planned. Con of it is that almost no one cares about it.

>> No.6737099

it will do great and probably explode long-term
and still outperform shitcoinds short-term

>> No.6737107

panic sold @ $9.50 yesterday
makes you wonder why people are selling off their large stacks already though...

>> No.6737135

It's just heading back past it's ATH, is all.

Don't blow it and sell this before $100.

>> No.6737145

The problem with selling is that all the big dips on this coin have been long term full market influenced ones. I almost pulled the trigger at .9400 but had second thoughts when I zoomed out.

>> No.6737150

when the grey goat has passed through the belt of orion three times and the clock strikes midnight

>> No.6737151

watch the order books, there's still lots of big money in there. I guess they're safe for a while longer at least

>> No.6737163





>> No.6737170

poorfag here with 50 ICX
finally Im seeing some green here
feels comfy niggas.were all gonna make it

>> No.6737176

it's this

>> No.6737188
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Discord for ICON marines /5rgATWa

>> No.6737215

so, correct me if i dont understand right:
south korea bans anonymous trade on 23rd jan and ICX mainnet will launch one day after. ICX mainnet is basically providing anonymous trading the very next day again?

>> No.6737226

panic sold because the tether shit is spreading like a cancer, and all of a sudden the highly invested coins are selling off massive amounts

>> No.6737245

I don't understand how tether blowing up will cause a crash in BTC. People holding tether will get JUST'd, but how would BTC crash? It's not like people will be selling their BTC for tether?

>> No.6737274
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>mfw 90% in icx 10% in BNB

>> No.6737327

>50 icx
Basically me. What else do you hold? Im bagholding 10kUSD in zcl, hpb, and rlc and I cant wait for them to make enough so I can sell them.

>> No.6737442


you're right, I am going to die of a heart attack before 40 if I stay here, I'm going to go beat off and listen to some classical music

>> No.6737450


>> No.6737493

Anyone else only holding some ICX on the off chance it becomes the new Korean currency so they could go to Korea and get a kpop gf?

Personally I would like Ailee, or Heize.

>> No.6737497

Hey man, you do what you want. Best of luck. Maybe it'll go on for

>> No.6737535

another year

>> No.6737553

>bought a stack at 7.50.

T-t-hank you I guess

>> No.6737727

Bros... I have none.

Buy now?

>> No.6737732

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.6737853

Feel free to ignore me then, or DYOR

>> No.6738014

icx is my long term hold this coin has all the framework to become massive. I dont see any reason to sell it in the foreseeable future, even swing trading it is risky because it can moon and take off quick

>> No.6738040

If you like money and plan on holding for the long term yes

>> No.6738059

where is wall

>> No.6738089

Has any similar coin demostrated doing this? A few hours really taking off, or 10x overnight?

>> No.6738106

what kind of gains are we talking about anyway in the next days/weeks?

>> No.6738107

How many ICX for Nayeon and Momo?

>> No.6738192

dont bring our retard into this, fucking idiot

>> No.6738233

my bag is currently:

19341 CND
270 IOTA
196 ICX
100000 TEL
5000 DBC
5000 CAPP

will I make it? what should I change if anything?

>> No.6738259

easily 2.5x in the next week and its a safe bet unlike low mcap shit coins
you can see how fast the walls get eaten no one wants to sell at this point a lot of the ICO investors already sold part of their stack for huge return. Doubt they want to sell the rest

>> No.6738284

Sorry they only take Tron.

>> No.6738289

Stop buying shit

>> No.6738314

so what should i change

>> No.6738325





>anything other than those absolute shitcoins lmao

>> No.6738363

just get some icx and neo/eth or whatever
stop diversifying so much

>> No.6738388

ayyyy 7.5k of ICX coming through

>> No.6738426
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>> No.6738504

When people say an 80/20 split of shitcoins they mean 20% in shitcoins not 80

>> No.6738521

lmao based

>> No.6738579
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Here's another for testing times anon.

>> No.6738675

Lol sold everything I have for ICX just before Christmas. I'm all in this baby. But my next coin is even going to be bigger. Waiting for it to drop.

>> No.6738721

What's your next coin?

>> No.6738733

Wan baby wan

>> No.6738761

Were you in the ICO?

>> No.6738766

that shits gonna be so overpriced once it gets listed there won't be any money to be made

>> No.6738767


>> No.6738778


See ->

>> No.6738807
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ok... I sold my whole portfolio for tether and ended up losing 25% of my portfolio buying back in... but you... you sold ICON ... for TRON

>> No.6738891

>lots of chinese dudes
i'm in

>> No.6738906

currently in ETH, VEN, BTC

trade all my ETH and BTC to ICX, what do you think? ETH and BTC are not going anywhere soon i think

>> No.6738924

casper can launch any day now and eth will double at least overnight

>> No.6738945

ETH and BTC are only worth holding if you want 1% gains,

>> No.6738949

already to late mate
unless you participated in the ICO, it's over

>> No.6738989

>ETH and BTC are not going anywhere soon i think
ETH will probably rise steadily but no huge gains, still worth keeping though if you don't want higher risk higher reward. Fuck BTC

>> No.6739000

Holy jesus, it's just recovering from the dip...anyway why should it moon if its price is tied with ethereum one. It's also a flawfull project due to the high volatility of ETH right now, specifically in South Korea. I expect growth for this project but right now your statement is false

>> No.6739034


Lmao, I got 4000 wans. But it's not over, hahaha. Wan will hit 100$ before 2019. Think about this comment when you look at the price by then. When it hits exchanges I'm gonna buy more wans.

>> No.6739213

It suffered from the dip so what you are saying is basically BS. Don't get me wrong, maybe they are developing their product at a good ratio than other dev teams but that doesn't make ICX an investment for future expectations...hallfway product developing and rumors of random partners means shit. And please stop spreading those random statements like fusion of different projects. ICX is TIED with eth price in kw. and 0x or ark are a lot different than ICX. The supply also is so high and the cryptospace so full of projects like this that 50$ the max valuation this coin can reach in the next 4 months

>> No.6739380

The ico was 3 months ago, ive 50x since then.even if i buy on exchanges ill have done better than ico cucks.

>> No.6739383

Should I not sell 1100 of my 3100 ICX for WAN when it hits exchanges? That was my plan.

>> No.6739388

>ICX is TIED with eth price in kw
kek wtf is this bullshit you literal brainlet wojak meme

>> No.6739446

Same here, I did a 12x on REQ then multiplied that some more in VEN, will sell a third of that stack for WAN and it's still probably more than I would have got at ICO.

That said, I held ICX for 2-3 months after ICO and am pretty pleased with how that worked out.

>> No.6739488

Your realize this is a copy pasta from way long ago you weren't even here right? Lol

>> No.6739537

It is about time we get some old boy ICX memes. I saw the devil could also provide some great ones

>> No.6739595

I only have 55.46 ICX. But I never let go of it. And I'm glad I didn't.

>> No.6739689

you don't hold anything you're a no coiner wage cuck sitting around in your shit stained underwear

>> No.6739782


inb4 both XD

>> No.6739945

What is this from?

>> No.6739997

Oldboy, it's a great movie you should watch it.

>> No.6740044

Nice, I will.

>> No.6740107

now kiss faggots

>> No.6740255


>> No.6740293


>> No.6740324


>> No.6740335

>Basically me. What else do you hold?

some Salt, Qtum and KMD bags that are heavy as fook m8
only green I see is in INT and ICX these days

>> No.6741149

Where do you plan to jump after ICX?

>> No.6741174

just changed 75% of my ETH to ICX. will change some amount back after the moon.

im excited for tomorrow, south koreans wake up and perhaps push the price up

>> No.6741217

welcome new bagholder

>> No.6741222

*unzips your pants*

>> No.6741256

I'm holding ICX long term and getting a 50% tax discount on it before I buy a place to live and some investment properties (it's already made me a million AUD and should be good for a few more by then). I also hold a LINK stack and use another stack for jumping around/trading/ICOs.

>> No.6741415

thanks. my hands are ready

>> No.6741449

40% ICX 60% ETH here

>> No.6741943

icx n ven easiest moons 2018

>> No.6742015

This. 86k was the highest it got in sats. But we could very well see that today.