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6734077 No.6734077 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a good reason not to dump my XLM bags at a 25% loss and go all in on vechain

>> No.6734097

cuz you missed vechain

>> No.6734109

Yes, sell low buy high, good plan anon.

>> No.6734113

>Sell XLM at loss and buy VEN at ATH
Like pottery. Do it.

>> No.6734131

You should. Going to break out very soon. Check the chart

>> No.6734136

literally did that, xlm is a dead horse i feel so relieved taking a 15% loss and like a 50% gain so far on VEN

>> No.6734165

It’s actually not always a bad idea in crypto

Taking a 25% loss to get a 70% gain

>> No.6734174

>Sell XLM at ATL
>Buy Ven at ATH
/biz/ approved transaction

>> No.6734244


Thatś right. Do it and drop XLM, one of the most promising and praised CC take over while you cry.

You never learn. This is why we win.

>> No.6734272

What's to stop me from taking a hit on XLM, making enough profit on VEN and then buying back in to XLM?

>> No.6734286

>$500 EOY
>under $10 still


>> No.6734291

buying vechain at at the ath good idea m8
are you doing this like everytime?
buy high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss to buy the next high sell at loss

>> No.6734343

>tomorrow XLM has a new ATL and VEN a new ATH
Now what?

>> No.6734417

Not now.
I have both but don’t do it now anon.
At least wait for the correction.
By the way, xlm isn’t a dead horse.

>> No.6734447


Like 90% newfags here you are falling for the latest hype instead of accumulating on a stable, doomed to rise coin. You will lose both windows, like they do.
But do it.
Then cry, come back here say we misguided you, drop crypto and find a job.

>> No.6734511

Because ven is at ath and stellar dumping. Are you retarded?

>> No.6734543

just dump your bags. Stop whining.

>> No.6734595

>stable, doomed to rise
I'm loosing money waiting for Stellar to rise

>> No.6734614

>implying there are any gains left on this pumped coin.

>> No.6734656


You are not losing anything till you're not selling, be smart goddamnit. THINK

>> No.6734675

Pajeet Patel? I was missing you

>> No.6734687

XLM will moon, but yea just sell low you retard.

>> No.6734702

Yes, buy VeChain at ATH. Then watch Stellar moon and try to buy back in when VeChain goes sideways. Repeat.

>> No.6734741

Wait for the correction, I believe it’ll go back to the 45k-50k... at least wait for the 50k.

>> No.6734797

>VeChain at ATH
you think its gonna get down?

>> No.6734804

It's a good play if it works. Or you goof up and you lose even more on transactions, it's all up to you.

> You will lose both windows
I know this feel.

>> No.6734827

How long you think it will take to get back to 50k?

>> No.6734841

No. It will only increase from this point on, exponentially I might add. Not one person will sell their VEChain.

>> No.6734854

That usually happens.

Besides, what is VeChain anyway? Big partnerships, mumble mumble, big tech, China crypto... But in the end it's an ERC20 token with no clear specifics of the team, no clear direction, gimmicky use case, no working product to be tried around and no github as far as I know.

>> No.6734860


>> No.6734912

>That usually happens.

Yeah I was thinking to buy yesterday but just missed it and I'm surprised to see how crazily its going up today

>> No.6734966

That's the thing with chink cryptos - you think they're high and don't buy so they go even higher. Next time you think, "I'm not gonna miss out on this one even though it's gone up a lot already", and then you get dumped on. I'll rather just stay the fuck out.

>> No.6735013

Roadmap comes out on the 25th, you think it'll finally start going up then?

>> No.6735094

Have you tried google to answer your questions?

>> No.6735152

>But in the end it's an ERC20 token with no clear specifics of the team, no clear direction, gimmicky use case, no working product to be tried around and no github as far as I know.

>> No.6735161

>Give me a good reason not to dump my XLM bags at a 25% loss and go all in on vechain
1. It will constantly remind you to not buy high, until...
2. It will teach you that holding something good for more than a week will result in great profit during the next pump cycle

>> No.6735263

>- you think they're high and don't buy so they go even higher. Next time you think, "I'm not gonna miss out on this one even though it's gone up a lot already", and then you get dumped on. I'll rather just stay the fuck out.

so fucking true

>> No.6735293


When is the Fairx announcement desu?

>> No.6735353

Your over trading if you do this, I've made those mistakes and DESU I'm considering selling something to get in xlm.

Put it this way, xlm is a respected currency, it's almost certain to moon.

To double your money on xlm it has to go up by 60cents, to achieve the same on ven it has to go up $6.

What will happen is you will put sell orders in, wait 10 seconds as they keep getting under cut, say 'fuck it' and sell into a bid taking a bigger loss, buy ven which will then go sideways or possibly even down a bit locking you into it.

Xlm will eventually moon you will panic, sell ven at a small loss becauae'muh moon mission', buy in at xlm just as the price drops back.

>> No.6735365
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XLM is the biggest shilled coin on /biz/ don't believe these fools. They bought in early and want you to buy and you will be stuck with bags like now. Their shitty sideways coin wont ever moon anytime soon. Watch when the fairx announcement will get delayed or some other bullshit and this shitcoin will plummet. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.6735521

Hopefully in the roadmap and I can sell most of it during mania,

>> No.6735589



>> No.6735795

>implying sideways being a negative
Just wait till the next big dip or when BTC crash again
I'm sure you gonna buy XLM just to keep your profits

>> No.6736027


Lol I'm more making fun of myself I bought in at 840 SAT I'm ready>>6735795

>> No.6736116
File: 13 KB, 320x180, 414F546B-B6B5-445B-AC35-6EB016208AB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FairX is going to be shitty

>> No.6736120

>i just switch from one shitcoin (that has already mooned before) to another shitcoin (that has also already mooned before) for guaranteed profits! Easy x10 lmao ExDe

Because VEN will perform in the same manner, you dimwit.
People who still expect to see easy gains in 2018 are going to have a tough wake up call.

>> No.6736285


More like SHILLAR, amirite
Only ShitstainLink gets shilled more than this one.

If '>muh fairx announcement' will happen during a bear run then this shitcoin will plummet like everything else. And if it tanks after the most shilled event that was supposed to fuel the moon mission (but does not do it) all Shillar hodlers will be royally fucked.

>> No.6736401

Stellar FUD is probably the most transparent FUD of all FUD

>> No.6736555

you are a pajeet and smart people make money on pajeets like you. be ashamed of yourself, you disgust me. go all in on vechain then cry. cry and leave crypto forever.

>> No.6736630
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>> No.6737400

> poor people in this thread who missed the VEN train justifying their ignorance

>> No.6737619

Buy VIBE instead, in about 12 hours VIBEhub launches their platform with the first VR performance. Strap in for the hype and take some profit.