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6731073 No.6731073 [Reply] [Original]



SAUCE: https://twitter.com/benj_strong/status/954634898978914305

>> No.6731148

Lol @ the naive kids who believe this.

>> No.6731170

>inb4 China replaces US as the world superpower

>> No.6731215

Idiot the rebranding is the Phoenix

>> No.6731217

ETH will never reach $20!
Trump will never run for President!

>> No.6731255

I can't believe people think this is true

>> No.6731330

Stay poor you fucking street shitter. If you spent 2 minutes looking at their partnerships you'd see the magnitude of this project. No other project including Ethereum comes close to this.

Have fun chasing pumps for chump change pajeet. This is the real deal.

>> No.6731374
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1516226966152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dumb? AMB surpasses Ven in every aspect lol

>> No.6731386


Jesus christ. Are you guys literally 12? Are you this unaware of China's internal politics? Motherfucker do you really think they're going to allow a massive wealth transfer out of China to pasty ass 14yo kids when they don't even allow Chinese citizens to move more than $50k/yr out of China? I'm holding VEN as well, but be fucking realistic you god damn retards. I can see PBoC developing their own cryptocurrency based on VEN, but they're NOT going to adopt VEN as their official digital currency.

>> No.6731403


What are your interpretations of the CCK's tweet?

>t. ven watcher

>> No.6731414

I have 150 VEN.

If this thing goes to $1000, I now have $150,000.

I set aside $85,000 for taxes (just to be safe). I take out $15,000 to live on for a year and quit my wagecuck job. I use the remaining $50,000 to look for safe, 2 month-long 2x investments. In another year, I'll have about 3 million dollars, which will come out to 1 million dollar after taxes (again, being highly pessimistic about taxes). I will then buy a modest-sized house no more than $500,000, keep about $20,000 for another year, then invest the rest in safe 2-month long 2x until I reach about $5 million. I then retire from cryptocurrency and live my life by investing some of that money in safe investments that provide passive income.

A guy can dream, right?

>> No.6731415

I agree with you, what are your estimates for Q1 2018 and EOY?

>> No.6731437

Not gonna work out, you're a dreamer not a realist mate. That's not how the stocks work, the money has to come from other people. It's not infinite and it definitely wont value you over others who invested in this crypto.

>> No.6731439

I'm sure Bazingacoin surpasses VEN in every aspect too, right? Fuck outta here w/ your shitcoin.

>> No.6731489

>It's not infinite and it definitely wont value you over others who invested in this crypto.

What? How will my 150 VEN be worth less than another mans' 150 VEN?

>> No.6731544

>do you really think they're going to allow a massive wealth transfer out of China to pasty ass 14yo kids
Holy shit you're fucking retarded man, You really think 95% of VEN isn't owned by exactly who needs to own it?

>> No.6731547

You don't know how this works do you? The market cap is there for a reason, if others pull out money before you do, you're broke, now imagine everybody has the exact same dream as your post in >>6731414 It's not gonna work for every one who has that dream. Think about it.

>> No.6731560

nice just bought 100k

>> No.6731601

Lmao not gonna happen god this is hilarious

>> No.6731632

What? I still don't understand what you're saying.

A lot of people invested in ETH when it was $8. ETH is still going strong with plenty of money, and lots of people became millionaires in fiat from it already.

There will be poorfags who start out invested in 2019, and there will be whales permanently invested in certain coins for passive income. Those who have VEN nodes will be highly unincentivized to sell with the massive passive income the nodes will be providing.

>> No.6731639
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, Ctd_qE7UAAQD6Hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaning towards PBoC announcing some kind of partnership with VEN, effectively giving them a stamp of approval. The partnership could be anything really. Could be that VEN will develop their blockchain, or that they'll give them whatever tech that already exists. A partnership is possible, PBoC adopting VEN, or any coin that isn't developed by themselves, is extremely unlikely imo. A partnership with PBoC would still be huge–Chinese society is very much "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours", and VEN will be able to take advantage of that partnership.

VEN is incredibly undervalued right now. I don't like making predictions because the cryptomarket is crazy, VEN being at $7 is a testament to this. If the tech is solid, roadmap goes well and big partnerships keep coming in, I'd like to say $30 Q1 and $100+ EOY. Keep in mind that $100 means $27B MCAP, XRP is at $60B.

MCAP is a shitty way to measure a coin, but most people use it so fuck it.

>> No.6731654

If I had invested in ETH last year, that is literally what would have happened. I'm sick of faggots like you saying "not gonna make it enjoy wagecucking the rest of your life :^)"

>> No.6731661

I wouldn't sell it
You could probably live off the generated THOR, VEN will work like NEO you know.

>> No.6731680

I doubt I can live off of the generated THOR from a measly 150 VEN.

>> No.6731702

You're a fool to think that 95% of all VEN is possessed by the Chinese. Jim Breyer alone might have more than 5%

If 95% of all VEN belonged to the Chinese, 5% could still be potentially devastating down the road when VEN is worth hundreds of billions.

>> No.6731751

Burgers are up, time for the dump cycle

>> No.6731759

>tfw Only have 5 VEN

>> No.6731793

kek they always do this

>> No.6731830

Am burger. I am sorry for my country full of weak hands

>> No.6731843

this is why I unironically stay up all night to dump right before this cucks bust their 10% nuts

>t. burger faggot

>> No.6731869

What you fail to take into account is the market and mcap a year ago. Very few people were in crypto then, now soccer moms and goofy uncles are. The process works so long as there are more people throwing in more money. There is not an infinite supply of people or money to get into crypto. Whenever the saturation point is hit and the amount of people in the game starts to drop off the massive gains will be gone. how long til that happens is anyone’s guess

>> No.6731883

▲ ▲

>> No.6731919

No offense, but do you believe for one second that more than 5% of the entire world's population (who have computers that can buy crypto) is even seriously invested in altcoins? If you're talking about BTC specifically, then maybe you'd have an argument, but as far as altcoins go, it has literally just begun.

Will it crash one day? Maybe. But if I just think "it'll never work out let's not even try and stay wagecucking :^)" nothing will ever happen.

I don't plan on quitting my job until it's sustainable for me do to so, so even if everything goes to 0, at least I'll still have my job.

>> No.6731931

Soccer moms are not into crypto. It’s still a nerd thing and some people are who prone to getting scammed (bitconnect) are drawn to it as well. I bet if you asked a bunch of adults between 40-70 you’d find most have no fucking clue what crypto is. 25-40 would probably be better and most would be under 25. But guess who has all the money? Those old fuckers.

>> No.6731951

What's wrong anon? Been chasing so many pump and dumps that you're now broke / holding heavy bags and can't afford to play this game anymore? Kill yourself.

>> No.6731953


bought today at 7,10$

30% VEN
30% BTC
30% ETH
10% CND for the lulz

>> No.6731966

you could've went wabi or icx with that 10% why CND

>> No.6731976

What you fail to take into account is the people with all the money can't restart their computer without calling their younger employees. When these people (Ching chongs included) catch wind that a govt endorses something... forget about it. If China men go into blockchain, US is into blockchain inside of 24 hours.

>> No.6731992

All he's saying is you're dreaming too big. Do you really think you'll find all those 100% increase cryptos so easily? There's nothing wrong with trying, but thinking you'll be able to call them right and retire in 2 years does sound dumb. Not impossible, just dumb. But good luck m8, all power to you.

>> No.6731996

As optimistic as I am, why would the PBoC invest in a coin that's 100% public already with so many investors? Why can't they do what Russia did, create their own private coin, then make it public so the value doesn't increase so much? Or are they required to keep it out in the public for whatever reason?

>> No.6732031

crypto will have 4 trillion dollar market cap by june 2020, all you need to do now is be invested in non-shitcoins

having 20 ven, for example will be 'a lot of money' in just a couple years

all of you are still extreme early adopters in the long run, and what is going to happen this year will make 2017 look like an insignificant blip

>> No.6732034

Hahaha oh boy, that's why I will make it and you not. You're emotionally attached to an asset. Grow a dick. If you'd be intelligent you would check out what I'm talking about. But in your mind, you already believe that your investment is the best thus you don't want to check if a competitor is maybe better. But I don't care, it's your money. I'm here to make money and I don't give a single fuck about emotions.

>> No.6732047

CND did a nice jump very recently and now keeps its value
i'm hoping for another small jump, then i'd bail out and go somewhere else

>> No.6732073

I'm probably just a little jaded. I started out in late-2017 playing with pennies just for fun and invested in four currencies.

- One was a 2x
- One was a 3x
- Two were 5x

I also got 500 TRON from an airdrop when it was worth $2. Now it's worth $50 (should have sold when it was at ATH).

If I had invested $20,000 in TRON back then, I'd have $500,000 RIGHT NOW.

You can't make money unless you have money. Until I leave this poorfag status and build my way up, I'll never go anywhere monetarily.

>> No.6732104

I didn't say invest, I said "endorse". As another anon pointed out, the China Men don't like any wealth being transferred outside of their country but they see the value in blockchain technology to continue their economic dominance. So they inspect the front runner, make sure it's not a scam, lock down the exchanges, rebrand and relaunch.

Who knows what their end goal is? It seems to me that they're not as hesitant on exploring any opportunity to gain an edge on the global economy as ((other)) older and slower governments.

>> No.6732135


>$50 tron

damn when did that happen

>> No.6732144

Don’t play the woulda coulda shoulda game. I saw bitcoinbeing shilled in 2012 and didn’t buy any. That’s on me. We can all sit around and make excuses why we haven’t made it yet or we suck it up and fix it

>> No.6732167

True enough, but as I said, It really is all luck on whether you can catch the beginning of a pump. There is some research involved but just because a coin has fundamentals or sounds good doesn't mean it will rise in price. Honestly that December/Early January with all the moons was pretty crazy. However those bull runs seem to happen like once every 6 months. So your monthly moon plan doesn't seem like it'll happen.

>> No.6732198

The guy means his 500 Tron is worth $50 right now, 500 x .10 although I think tron is .08 right now

>> No.6732203

I hear you. I don’t know what will happen either but definitely going to make the best of it while it lasts. I just encourage people to have a more short term plan and to be as productive right now since we have no idea when this rides coming to an end

Yes I’m serious I know of soccer moms and my own uncle who are into this. It’s spreading to the normans. To your point about those 40-70 with the money I agree with. However this is only part of it. Let’s say at some point down the line damn near everyone knows about it. Ok now what. that doesn’t tell you fuck all about whether they’d be interested in It. I’ve told a few older coworkers about crypto (being vague about personal gains) and the potential in it. Surprise surprise they want nothing to do with it. It’s way the fuck over their heads. What I’m getting at is though a tiny bit of the population is in crypto, we have no idea of knowing who would actually participate once made aware of it

>> No.6732218

You know why that happened right?

>> No.6732224

$400,000,000 EOY!

>> No.6732260

Fucking tard. This is the opposite. Lots of nodes exist in china and the government may oen huge amounts of vet. This brings money into their economy not out.

>> No.6732408

chill out faggots, I'll buy a little bit on the DIP, you all should now the ups and downs of this market by now, the news will come, whales will put up sell walls, and the price will drop 15% easily

>> No.6732426

>We can all sit around and make excuses why we haven’t made it yet or we suck it up and fix it

That's what I'm doing right now. No point in whining about missed opportunities of BTC, ETH, or NEO.

Will VEN reach $1000 EOY? Probably not. Will it even reach $50 EOY? Who knows. But if I sit around and do NOTHING, nothing will change. VEN has the best fundamentals out of any coin on the market to date, so there literally is no better investment right now.

Is it possible VEN could be worth $10 EOY and KIN could have a massive token burn and shoot up to $100 EOY? Of course, but that's HIGHLY unlikely.


Yeah, my bad.


That's fair, but as a poorfag, I have to long-term plan as I don't have the money to risk throwing it into a random 1000x moon.

>> No.6732445

Anon, I apologize. I just checked AMB and I must say I'm really impressed. The project is solid. I will not however, say that its "better" than VeChain. I'm going to dig into it a bit more. Thanks.

>> No.6732546

How can you not see that this brings money TO China, not the other way around.

>> No.6732586

AMB is a project that isn't even trying to do the same things as VEN.
Barely even related.

>> No.6732764

enlighten me

>> No.6732837

You fucking imbecile, anyone would have made money that time. Anyone. YOU ARE A MORON, BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR MONEY

>> No.6732852

Oh I didn't expect such an answer haha. I don't know either which is better. But imo the % gain could be higher, because the market cap is fucking low for such a project. And I didn't find a red flag until now.

>> No.6732926

So what? Anon stated that this project is the best in crypto right now and I said that AMB is (could) probably be better. And both work in the supply chain biz

>> No.6732964

Not many other ERC-20 tokens more careful than VEN, a platform in development since June 2015.

>> No.6732995
File: 1 KB, 89x45, ven_devil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undeniable proof this thing is going to CRASH!

>> No.6733173

I have 2K VEN. Will I make it?

>> No.6733260

Was a fucking pump and dump by Teeka, the reason why its holding is bagholders like you believe it will moon again

>> No.6733261

I currently hold
3K XLM @ 1500 sats
250 VEN @ 39K sats

Should I swap some of my XLM in to VEN? Not really sure since their roadmap release is 25th & FairX beta around the same time of VEN rebrand.

>> No.6733295

>using TA on anything less than 4hr candles

>> No.6733313

Hold onto the XLM.

The number your inbred american tit

>> No.6733404

it was mentioned in PBC, for christ sake

holding a coin, knowing exactly nothing of what's happening with it

>> No.6733456

I can tell you are a young teen or something

>> No.6733544

Is this .0006 wall actually gonn fall?

>> No.6733554

Kek, it looked like an acsending triangle my bad

>> No.6734048

Yeah and Apple will use OMG top kek.

>> No.6734185

Saltie waltie can’t accept the truth. It’s been posted about for months now the rumor has come true. Grab the rope bro. It’s time.

>> No.6735227

skeptical on 10$ VEN Eoy? FOH retardfag, 10$ by end of next week

>> No.6736074

Dude you’re speculating way too much. You think every coin is gonna be ethereum you fucking mong?

>> No.6736129

$30 end of febuary screenshot this