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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 750x491, tether-750x491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6725553 No.6725553 [Reply] [Original]

how fucked are we with this?

>> No.6725577
File: 63 KB, 185x186, 1516279552952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6725589

How many threads do you need to open daily to recieve your money? Fucking pajeet who isn't interested in a real discussion.

>> No.6725590

>1b marketcap

>> No.6725605

This is like the 4th tether fud thread I’ve seen in the past 10 minutes meaning it’s defijitely time to buy when fud is this high.

>> No.6725611
File: 12 KB, 319x267, Bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fucked at all, Govt shutdown will provide new money for the crypto market, which will promote natural growth. Tether will go down as one of the greatest fake it till you make its of all time. Check my dubs if you disagree.

>> No.6725612

Someone must be extremely rich and has an incentive to keep btc really high.
Or the exchanges are printing tether out of thin air

>> No.6725628

OoOO THIS time is surely gonna be the collapse of crypto!

>> No.6725632

Or tether is legit because it is the easiest concept to keep it up?

Fuck this coordinated FUD

>> No.6725660

>>6725589 >>62725605
literally just signed on 4chan after going down the tether rabbit hole of research. Wasn't aware/didn't look for the other threads mb

>> No.6725663


>> No.6725667

Yeah, it's printed because you fucking morons are buying it. As long as the exchange buys it back off your pussy hands at 1$, there's no fucking problem.

>> No.6725685


>> No.6725712

This was last week now were at 2

>> No.6725723

just cashed back in. ignore all fud. here we go boys, as long as we never go down we'll never need tether

>> No.6725728

based bateman

>> No.6725750

pretty nervous redditors in here

>> No.6725765

fuck all these retards crying about tether. I bet they're not willing to give back all the money its made them.

>> No.6725769

tl;dr exchanges have lots of new users

btc price is low, people want to buy tether

exchanges are pressured to buy large bags of tether from bitfinex so that there's an actual supply available when people hoard

the tether is probably bought in btc instead of usd, meaning there isnt 1:1 usd backing if crypto prices drop, but they arent exactly printing out of thin air

>> No.6725771

The fud didn’t want you to see the flash crash...

>> No.6725796

Oh dear god. This is what this degenerated crypto world has become to. This whole board is full of paid pajeets. Bitfinexed fuck up and sold BTC too early and now pays all the pajeets. Pretty sure Jibrel and competitiors are paying the pajeets too. No way Tether can implode, it is so easy to back it with 1:1 fiat. It would the first bank in the world to have 1:1 backings. And it's not like anyone of you pajeets care about your money at your home bank, or are you writing random FUD articles about fractional reserve banking?

The fees alone from bitfinex are able to back tether.

>> No.6725807

yeah, gonna have to go with the "always do the opposite of /biz/" on this one

>> No.6725823

We're not fucked you retards. Nobody gave a shit about this until two days ago. Do you honestly think the masses care about fraudulent printing of internet money? Clearly not the way every exchange has been backlogged with people trying to throw money (AND NOT USDT) at them. The idea of tether is kind of smart really, Bitfinex could theoretically keep the price of BTC afloat infinitely. Although this triggers the decentralized anon.

This tether shit is flavor of the week for crypto being a bubble. Next.

>> No.6725837

Rich part correct... the up part, so FN wrong dude. That money is keeping it down

>> No.6725881

I think the "tether is insolvent" crap is coming from nocoiners

>> No.6725916


>> No.6725929

>no one gives a shit before about tether
We definitely got scared a little when they were printing 10m dailyin november.

Got scared even more when they started printing 25m daily in december.

Definitely scared as fuck now its 200m daily lol.

>> No.6725946

When tether explodes just laugh at everyone that was in it thinking it would save them from collapse.

>> No.6725994

Wow, pack your bags guys, this animeposter has all the answers.

>> No.6726000

actually im fine with this since you did provide a side to this story

but chill lol

>> No.6726011
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>> No.6726040

If the fees are used to back tether than how do their tech/ employees get paid?

>> No.6726041

o and btw i did put a click baity title to this to get a good both sides to this

>> No.6726117
File: 17 KB, 512x288, 1515767685939[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6726151

Nice coordinated tether shill. You must be shitting yourself to see everything mooning and you're still in fiat.

>> No.6726193

all this tether fud must be from salty nocoiners who want the market to crash even more for cheap entry

>> No.6726205

Every complaint about tether can be answered with: "yeah, so what?"
People are panicking because of money being printed, but that doesn't pose any real threat to the market.

>> No.6726240

Why doesn't someone else make their own tether clone, this time with full transparency and just charge a 0.01% fee for every dollar(tether) you buy?

>> No.6726276

The real threat is the collapse of market due to frauds like this

>> No.6726291

holy fuck
i'm out guys, this shit is literally retarded. warren buffet was right.

>> No.6726310

You could be making huge Profits in the Same time off noobs who dont care if a product Has functionality

>> No.6726351

>Bitcoin quietly growing steadily
>Suddenly Tether appears late November
>Bitcoin pumps the entire month as Tether prints out fake money and Bitfinexfags get more """"loans""""" on margin
>Tether literally not backed by shit just them saying "haha we totally have fiat for this bros"

When this shit crashes down, you all deserve it for not seeing the signs.

>> No.6726401

>People are panicking because of money being printed, but that doesn't pose any real threat to the market.
The moment bitfinex gets busted im going the fuck out of this market and leave optimistic faggots like you hodling my bags thinking tether is just a small blip.

>> No.6726413

They never stated they have it backed actually they state the exact opposite on their website

There are just the people here who assume they could have it backed maybe. Even if they explicitly denied it

>> No.6726442

>They never stated they have it backed actually they state the exact opposite on their website
Lol how is this better?

>> No.6726498

the moment tether gets exposed your cryptos will be worthless

you need to get out before they get busted

>> No.6726517

It's better to tell the truth so there isnt a Big surprise because people thought it was a real working product

>> No.6726537

fucking check'd m8

>> No.6726545

>the moment tether gets exposed your cryptos will be worthless
Not when im a neet that refreshes biz and blockfolio every few minutes. Wagecucks imvested in crypto are fucked.

>> No.6726568

>It's better to tell the truth so there isnt a Big surprise
Not when youre comitting fraud kek

>> No.6726618

Tether is a really useful crypto, more useful than any of the shitcoins you hold.

It's actually a working product and widely used crypto that does what it's designed to do.

>> No.6726774

no shit. can you imagine what will happen when it collapses? we'll be drowning in blood

>> No.6726858

If it's designed to Not be backed by us dollar than it's doing a great job

>> No.6726971

If I wanted cheap entry, I'd call your mother

>> No.6727031

They do a great job at pegging the value of their currency to the dollar.

The truth is nobody cares if Tether have full reserves or not. You can still go to their website and cash out your tether for USD. They are only going to face problems if everyone holding Tether tried to sign up and cash out at once, and there is no sign at all of that happening. Confidence in Tether is high. it's the most proven StableCoin there is.

>> No.6727065

You cant cash out in usd tho

>> No.6727510

It's funny how stupid young people are

>> No.6727804
File: 71 KB, 330x319, 1389396055900[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin's marketcap is over 200B
>tether usd's is about only 2B
>retarded cashies INSIST tether is somehow the lifeblood of Bitcoin
>retarded /biz/nessmen believe them

this is the most obvious attempt at FUD ever

>> No.6728076

The real value of the market for bitcoin is currently 9billion

>> No.6728182

>tethers marketcap is only 2b hurr durr while btc is larger
You faggots are retarded

>> No.6728624

can you tell me how you arrived to that number? legit curious

>> No.6728791

this seed isn't working for me

>> No.6729939

Don't want to approve that Tether fud but you obviously don't know how markets work.
Please stop posting.