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File: 249 KB, 1190x918, Deficit 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
672408 No.672408 [Reply] [Original]

European Deficit map 2014

Source: Official figures from respective governments

Your thoughts?

>> No.672410


>> No.672752


its really amazing how germany started 2 world wars, got their ass kicked twice and their country bombed to shit

and they are still the most successful country in europe

>> No.672761

>got their ass kicked twice
>a small country singlehandedly fucked people up so bad they needed to the whole world to stop them

Yeah, no.

>> No.672763

>Think anybody except the Krauts can into productivity in Europoorland
>Twenty twenty-five minus ten in the year in our lord

>> No.672764

u wot

>> No.672771


>> No.672775
File: 33 KB, 978x263, 2015-03-04_10-36-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again you stupid nigger. It will never reach 1=1 because the Krauts will continue propping them up.

>> No.672780

thats still pretty close in comparison to say 2-3 years ago.

>> No.672782
File: 85 KB, 1075x587, Screenshot from 2015-03-04 13:41:24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No quellin' the Yellen

>> No.672789
File: 228 KB, 1200x800, quell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No quellin' the Yellen

I really really really like that phrase. Mind if I use it?

>> No.672790

you gonna be eatin yo words in about a year

>> No.672791

Go for it.

>> No.672792

Sure, maybe when Merkel dies from a sudden brain aneurism from dealing with the Greekbongs down south.

>> No.672794


It wouldn't surprise me if Grexit causes the Euro to go up a bit. But once Spain, Portugal, Italy, and all the other debt suckers in euro start leaving it it's value as a currency will tank.

The Euro probably won't even exist by the end of the decade.

>> No.672802

u mad kraut shitter? your shit eu experiment has failed. its only a matter of time.

>> No.672804

>Kraut shitter
I think both you and I are playing for the same team there, pal.

The only possibility for Euro to fail is when >>672794 happens.

>> No.672813

EU is a nazi plot to take over europe

>> No.672860

Germany already runs the EU.

Who needs a war if you can rule by economy alone?

>> No.672872
File: 114 KB, 1000x800, niBG8nb6T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>herp derp deficit spending is bad

There's literally nothing wrong with deficit spending. Most of the time it's even good for economic growth. What actually counts is stuff like exports/imports, GDP per capita, etc. Not to say that Germany isn't doing very well in those respects either, but still.

Germany is not deficit spending because it knows that there's not only going to be a global crash "soon" but also the EU is becoming more and more unstable, and unsustainable. When this happens All those countries with huge deficit spending will get fucked by new and higher rates and will turn into Greece, basically. Stronger economy sure, but still in essence Greece. Germany won't have the economic power to bail them all out, even if it DID have incentive. As such Germany will drop out, veto stuff if it has too, and leave the EU to crumble. Wouldn't be surprised if other major exporters with low deficit spending drop out shortly after, e.g. Sweden.

>> No.673421

Don't forget the U.S give them billions of dollars to rebuild

>> No.673437

Even though the wealth of a nation isn't measured only by the amount of money in a country's treasury, having a budget deficit is a problem. Less money to spend and no cuts? More borrowing and more debt.

>> No.673442
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 3n0cn3nk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There's literally nothing wrong with deficit spending.

>Most of the time it's even good for economic growth.

>> No.673444

Deficit spending by itself is a useful fiscal tool. Doing it too much is when you run into trouble.

On a side note, deficit spending is why government bonds exist, which are pretty crucial to global economics.

>> No.673448

As the cost of the loans to cover the deficit have low enough interest with a low enough total it's fine. It's better for a country to take out a 2% loan for £20 million and create industry/stimulate the economy in a way that would earn it more than £400K a year, than it would be for it to not take out the loan.

Governments (Most of them at least) don't deficit spend because they're all run by retards, they deficit spend because it grows the economy faster. Then at any point they can use the stronger economy to pay back the loans faster and be better off than if they didn't take any loans.

It's basically leverage on a government level.

This is also why "total debt" is not as important as "debt interest payments vs. economy growth".

>> No.673449
File: 30 KB, 398x241, nppm9m7p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>On a side note, deficit spending is why government bonds exist, which are pretty crucial to global economics.

>> No.673451


Especially since it more often than not loans from its own populace, creating more wealth for them, allowing them to spend that wealth in the newly created industries.

>> No.673454

It's not like they play a vital role in monetary policy and financial transactions or anything.

>> No.673456


There isn't a picture of girls laughing hard enough for these posts.

>> No.673457
File: 77 KB, 1024x600, IMG_00020361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Britbong here.

My relieved face when we never joined the euro.

Pic fucking related.

I love shopping on eBay for cheap stuff like 500 acres of land in Nevada with fiat monopoly money....

>> No.673462

Brussels makes the decisions

(It's in Belgium)

>> No.673464

Expand the view to a year m8.
>fiat monopoly money

>> No.673465


You're right, they don't.

>> No.673469

Isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.673473


I'm not the one with freshman economics classes in the morning.

>> No.673726

Thats why im 50% MDAX. Go buy it you fools!

>> No.673785
File: 199 KB, 1064x799, emma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tl;dr unlimited growth is possible