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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 960x503, US-Budget-Debt-1901-to-2021-e1459203158201-1200x629[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6723169 No.6723169 [Reply] [Original]

How are Americans preparing for the debt doomsday? Financial institutions will collapse. The federal government and agencies will essentially stop functioning. Tens if not hundreds of millions of American jobs will be lost. American adversaries will make rapid geopolitical maneuvers. It's going to be a bloodbath and everyone is sleeping on it.

>> No.6723200

they'll just raise the debt ceiling lol
literally none of this is even real

>> No.6723223

read stephanie kelton & l randall wray
sovereign debt is a con

>> No.6723249

I work for the gubment so I guess I’m fucked
But I have plenty of guns and ammo so

>> No.6723262

3 trillions of debt in USD will be added over the next few years from a simple tax bill. We haven't even gotten to defense spending increase yet. This cannot go on much longer. How are you preparing?

>> No.6723283


National debt is a meme. Fucking MAKE us pay it back you faggots.

This board needs flags so fucking bad.

>> No.6723305
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1515263534662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I got crypto and a network

idk I should get a passport and be ready to bounce asap

>> No.6723307

I'm spending all my money on a house this month. LITERALLY CREATING A WEALTH SHELTER.

Well, I'm leaving my crypto in, because fuck it... either make me some millions or $0, I'm ok with it.

>> No.6723345

you are a piece of shit ya dig fuck you

>> No.6723349
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1512647544850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks buying a house will make him money and not cost him money
anon, I-

>> No.6723377


Unironically moving back to latin america with my relatives and live like a king for the rest of my days while US burns. Have enough to buy several houses down there at this point including land. It's sad because my family came to the USA a few decades ago and now I'm literally going back because this country is basically no different from shittier places in latin america, but with outrageous living costs. Might as well go to spicland

>> No.6723387

lol I've been prepping since 2010
I'm just gonna keep doing what I've been doing, fapping to chinese cartoons while i order stuff online and send it to my BOLs

>> No.6723431

Majority of debt is held by US citizens you nonce

>> No.6723542

Literally fucking nothing.
We're fucked beyond belief, it's going to be every man for himself.
They'll have to come up with a new word to describe the devastation that will hit us.

>> No.6723714


It really MAKES YOU THINK when the cost of renouncing US citizenship is $2350 and you are still subject to US taxes via an exist tax after you renounce and how there will soon be a giant wall to "keep Americ--I mean Mexicans" out. All the wealthy people are leaving in droves and the only people left will me a small class of 1% watching as everyone kills each other over scraps. That's basically all that will be left, given enough time as we continue down this path.

>> No.6723777


*exit tax

Also if you aren't planning how to leave the US right now, good luck in the coming years. I've been trying to get my shit together to move out within a year or two. Once they get rid of basic social services like food stamps and welfare, it's over. That's the only thing keeping people from killing each other right now and it's barely there.

>> No.6724863

where the fuck can an american even go? Nowhere likes americans and whitey will be hunted by jews and their brown pets.

>> No.6724910

Didn't republicans shut down the government in the obama era over some shit? I don't remember anything big happening then.

>> No.6724974
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feels comfy that american idiocy will push bitcoin prices up and make me rich

>> No.6725131


Pretty much nowhere, to the rest of the world Americans are basically on the level of 3rd worlders and a laughing stock. Everyone in the world knows most Americans are fucked with student debt, can't afford healthcare, and are full of niggers/spics killing each other on the daily. They know of Chiraq and Niggertroit. They also know our education is fucking shit. The only way you can move somewhere else is teach English abroad and live there for 20 years to get citizenship or marry a foreigner. Your parents fucked up by not giving you dual citizenship so you have freedom to leave. Good luck btw.