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6722544 No.6722544 [Reply] [Original]


sell tether shit now, moron

before its toooo late


also, sell now before eurocucks wake up and start buying BTC and the price will RISE


>> No.6722729
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Here’s how much magical internet money Bitfinex has printed this year


>> No.6722801

holly crap

this thing is going to implode and take us to another mt gox burst. luckly i have could wallets

>> No.6722803

>thinks when tether pops the market won't crash ~90%

>> No.6722836

GTFO while you can, soften the eventual crash this shit will cause. If you must, convert to fiat instead of this crap.

>> No.6722902

fucking brainlet

tether was the easiest trade signal for the last 6months

>more tether, btc goes up

>> No.6722918


It's going to be worse than MtGox... There is literally nowhere to go.

>> No.6722938

its all fun and games, until it bursts

>> No.6723040


>> No.6723048

>He missed the dip
>Now spreads FUD

>> No.6723098

Shit ain't FUD, dipshit. Tether isn't real crypto, it's centralized magic printing money. My country suffered a maniac doing the same shit these faggots are doing and caused the biggest hyperinflation and general economic breakdown in local history.

Ignore USDT, use USD if you must, stop eating dicks for once in your life.

>> No.6723192

You think coinbase will fall if tether implodes the market? Time to transfer all from my €-wallet to my bank account?

>> No.6723240

All cryptos will go to shit. No exchange will make a difference.

>> No.6723291


Ive already sold like 90% of my cryptos to fiat, what I mean is if I should transfer my fiat to my bank or if it's safe @ coinbase

>> No.6723320


Take it with as many grains of salt as you like. The writing is on the wall

>> No.6723328

They have printed 1.2 billion in the last week alone. 300 million just today/yesterday. HOOOOOLY FUUUCK!


>> No.6723339

I don't really know anon, but Coinbase is not a safe place for big amounts of money. People get locked out of their exchange money by stupid shit all the time. Just be careful about taxation and get it out if you can.

>> No.6723380


alright I guess I'll move it back home, not worth risking anything. fucking taxes man

>> No.6723397

sooooo im on binance, and would rather not withdraw. what should i do asap??? all money in BTC atm riding this wave

>> No.6723402


I made a thread and a guy claiming to be from binance showed up and said USDT is used to get around FIs not giving them licenses.

Either way it's not gonna crash the market. BCC was more market cap and it didn't do shit. Worst case scenario is that those who buy USDT get fucked and even that's highly unlikely since it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.6723477

good luck anon. im not risking anything, i still have some money to play around with in case the crash isn't gonna come

>> No.6723483

Tether isn't used as market cap dude. It's used to buy real coin, like 1:1 dollar. Market cap is an arbitrary #

>> No.6723493

who the hell is buying tethers? theres a premium cost to it, they're better off buying bitcoin directly.

Since tethers carry a premium, i assume its used for quick trades to prevent money loss. So if more tethers are being issued, doesnt that mean more people are moving money out of alt and bitcoin markets? This whole thing is shady.

>> No.6723510

Could it be more obvious some retards who are all-in on the market right now are FUDding Tether to make the rest of us buy back in.

>> No.6723555

I thought the same thing, but 1.2 Billion in a week is ridiculous man....

>> No.6723618

You're also not gaining anything. Do you think the people who became wealthy with crypto were the ones who pussied out at the first sign of FUD? I believe in (some) crypto as much as I did in the bull market and I'm staying in with the amount I'm comfortable to put at stake. It's most likely gonna pay off immensely, if it doesn't, tough luck but at least I played and stayed true to what I believe in.

>> No.6723667

sure, we all gotta pick our strategies

>> No.6723682


>> No.6723753

Tether feels like it could be just a experiment by hedge funds to make huge tax evasions.
Or it could be a massive scam bubble.

>> No.6723974

Claims 1.5b would affect the Market. No one cared about the bcc exit Scam.

>> No.6724071

Literal non issue

>> No.6724091

This is 6 month old news

>> No.6724179

>its not real imaginary internet money, it's fake imaginary internet money
And to be honest, nobody cares if the price of cryptocurrencies is hyperinflating if they are making money hand over fist because of it.
The US government prints money recklessly with no repercussion, why should anyone give a shit about Tether?

>> No.6724219

>le marketcap maymay

>> No.6724279

Nigga, come on. I know you are playing dumb and realize the problems of printing millions on a whim out of thin air. This can get out of hand pretty easily.

>> No.6724283

Read the thread, retard. Market cap doesn't matter here, but BCC arguably had tons of money poured into it and it didn't do shit.

>> No.6724284
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Gox was -80%. We are going to the negatives here. We are going to be owing electricity and data companies for holding crypto. -250% is a conservative estimate

>> No.6724385

None come to mind that will actually affect the market as a whole. It's been going on in plain sight for months and nobody gives a shit. The market has never been more profitable. If you are in now, you will take advantage of any inflation. The bubble cannot be popped solely from tether.

>> No.6724461

If these guys aren't stopped or at least truly audited, and start printing trillions instead of billions, then this possibility becomes very real.

>> No.6724584

I can only see that happening via the feds. It would be highly hypocritical, but would probably cause a small market dip. Although, most traders are probably staying away from tether, and most noobs likely haven't realized what it is yet so I'm not convinced of any real catastrophe

>> No.6724655

Not true. They just printed 100m more so its outdated.

>> No.6724746

With all the U.S. govt shit going on right now are the feds really going to care about a possible $2b of fraudulent money? It seems like they have much bigger financial issues to worry about. There is good argument for both sides here but this tether fud was originally started by bcashies, and the binance owner recently said its no problem so I am gonna hope for the best here.

>> No.6724765

There isn't any fraud you morons. It's a simple scheme. For as long as we value $1 tether as $1 usd, then it will always be that. The moment we all stop believing, then it crashes like 911 - yes with the explosives.

>> No.6724824

you and everyone else. just hoping for the best, blindly trusting the guy next to you, and possibly and destroying crypto in the process. easy because you're making profits. if you were losing money because of this (as you will if it truly is fraudulent) i bet you'd give a shit.

>> No.6724875

so if i print 1 trillion dollars in counterfeit and everyone thinks it's real money, that's okay? if i use it to prop up a market which is easily manipulated by small amounts, that's okay?

>> No.6724899

I do give a shit and am concerned. However I don't think you taking your money out of crypto is doing much to remedy this situation, in fact it could even make it worse as Every time btc is going down more tethers are printed.

>> No.6724919

Tether is a scam, based in a scam country.
Therefore it's safe, keep reaping gains

>> No.6724965

Tether isn't based in the US and can't be audited by US authorities.

>> No.6725031


I think tether is a problem but what you described is no different from the US dollar.

>> No.6725054

FUQQQQQQQQQQ this Tether FUD is more worrying than korean fud and the recent crash fud

>> No.6725099
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No wonder this happens.

>> No.6725180


Wait. youre actually holding tethers?

Tether bear was an expression here a year ago but I just assumed that everyone abandoned ship when they started printing money. Never heard it before.

The next crash will be brought by tether's collapse.

>> No.6725240

All the weak handed tether holders will panic buy BTC.
How is that a bad thing?

>> No.6725243

i'm not saying take you're money out of crypto. i'm saying demand an audit. the honorable thing to do would be to hold no matter what. you may lose a shitload of money. but an audit hasn't happened yet because people just believe. if it is fraudulent, the longer we go the more people will have their lives ruined by putting in too much too late.

>> No.6725315

Big money realizing BTC's value was inflated by fake dollars will bring confidence in its value down, and every alt with it.

>> No.6725341

But when this idea is applied to crypto it's meaningless. Tether is not the main purchasing currency, that honor goes to BTC or the real fiat currency, depending on where you are coming from. If Tether were somehow to implode, all that would happen would be that it would become shitcoin #300. Happens every day.

>> No.6725380

>Wait. youre actually holding tethers?

>Tether bear was an expression here a year ago but I just assumed that everyone abandoned ship when they started printing money. Never heard it before.
They print money because there's demand. They buy it back at a loss. It's the same as USD.

>The next crash will be brought by tether's collapse.
Kek, definitely no.

>> No.6725388

no. inflation of the dollar is carefully controlled and adjusted according to market conditions. i won't pretend to understand it, but it's an entire class of economics. unregulated money-printing is devastating to any economy. that should be obvious.

it's a bad thing because when btc starts to fall, everyone will expect a correction. but it won't come, because there won't be tether, or anyone holding tether to buy it. when it falls 30% with no sign of stopping, people will panic, and it will plummet, everything else with it.

again, the problem is that people don't understand how small amounts of money influence the btc mcap. if they did, they would know that tether manipulation, if fraudulent, is catastrophic for this market.

>> No.6725429
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>They buy it back at a loss.


>> No.6725506

If the exchanges don't buy it back then who does? Who would buy tons worth of tether when BTC starts going up? The exchanges are the only ones with motive to do that, and so far they've been doing it.

Keep being a brainlet though

>> No.6725650
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>> No.6725811

Yo join our discord for Pumping and Dumping. Make a fuckton of cash

>> No.6725830

to be fair, they actually get things done. unlike 4chan.

>> No.6725966

Bitfinex does wash t rades with them. Some whales use them to cash out. Both make the coin appear liquid

>> No.6726118


>> No.6726802
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>> No.6727422
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>> No.6728024

Tether makes up less than 4% of the crypto market cap. There would be a shock, but nothing too big. Just another opportunity to buy cheap. People who aren't retarded trade cryptos against fiat anyways.

>> No.6728050

>market cap means how much money's been put into it

>> No.6728060

How do you brainlets manage to misunderstand market cap even when it's been explained several times in the thread?

>> No.6728066
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Is it time to sell?

>> No.6728137

Tether is a blessing. Just like the banks have the FED print USD to hold up their jewish compounding interest rate ponzi scheme (aka equities markets, derivatives markets, futures markets etc), tether gets to print USDT to prop up the crypto compounding interest rate ponzi scheme. We get to be the jews now, brothers. Embrace it, bask in its warm glow.

>> No.6728158

it's too hot. i want out.

>> No.6728159

please use correct definitions

it's fraud but it's not a fucking ponzi, they aren't backed by $USD anymore but it's not a fucking ponzi scheme you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.6728330

You dumbshits should be neutered.
You want to compare the United States and its whole economy backing the dollar to some obscure tiny shitcompany printing money?
You cryptofreaks are adorable.

>> No.6728389

get out smelly kraut

>> No.6728415

300mil tethers in 24 hours. Thats sick. Btc moon here we come

>> No.6728685

i'm on mobile so i cabt make a post as exhaustive as i woul like.
Anyway this tging is gonna come crasing diwn and sooner rather than later.
How do i know? i am an italianfag and the CFO at bitfinex and (apparently) only shareholder of tether limited holdings is an italian guy, Giancarlo Devasini.
I did a little sleuthibg and it turns out he's an A grade scumbagand perty criminal.Was raided by the GdF(our equivalent of the IRS+FBI) forselling counterfeit M$ software in 1996:


oh and look who is the sole sharehokder in tether(incorporated in BVI) according to the panama papers:

this won't end well...no audits,and sure ol Giancarlo is exactly the person id want as CFO of one of the largest crypto exchanges ever.

>> No.6728808


There is a huge difference between the definition of market cap for an asset with fixed supply and variable price, and one with fixed price and variable supply. Tether is the latter and is unique among cryptos in that regard, tether constitutes a significant portion of this eco-system but people do not realize it, either willfully or in ignorance.

>> No.6728917
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don't trust Google or MSM news about anything ever under any circumstance, see pic related.

Tether is fine, everything is fine