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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 250x250, chain-link-fencing-250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6718528 No.6718528 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys let's be totally honest for like two seconds.

Is LINK the game-changing, explosive tech that /biz/ says it is, or is it just a meme? Also, is assblaster for real or a larper?

I'm too much of a brainlet to be the judge. I tried reading the white paper but my eyes glazed over.

>> No.6718699


Just a meme. AssBlaster is DEFINITELY a larper. It was confirmed in a thread where that Signal Capital article came out and AB was like "OMG, that's my company" then when people did some digging and nothing added up he backpedalled to "Oh what are the odds, just has the same name as my company".
Lost all credibility at that point. Also oracles can be added to ETH with literally one line of code. LINK is just a running joke cos they fucked up the ICO and a bunch of /biz/tards got burned.

>> No.6718740


it is a game changer, no question. the reason it is still position 100 is because the people investing in the space are, like you, people whose eyes glaze over at the prospect of actual research. thankfully the weaponized autism of biz has been directed towards money-making, and whomever first introduced the board to Chainlink is a goddamn hero in my opinion, they literally changed my life, permanently, already, and the mainnet hasn't even come out.

assblaster....the jury is still out on him, but between rory's comments that they are talking to big biz and dataproviders to create markets for when the main net releases, and the zeppelin OS thing, and the SWIFT thing....we have a sure winner here, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.6718785

God I hate Reddit.

>> No.6718814

I've never heard someone say so much shit in so few words. Congratulations, you're a dumbass!

>> No.6718822

Hard to tell. The tech is revolutionary but anyone can write a good white paper.

>> No.6718901

hard to tell because of the memes really, and I'm too lazy to look into a coin who's founder hasn't tweeted since november 2017

>> No.6718905
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>> No.6719047

I mean hell I haven't tweeted since 2011

>> No.6719112

Excellent post anon, keep it up!

>> No.6719141

Yes, ChainLink been memed to shit, true. But it really is a revolutionary token. But you won't see any meaningful gains before main net is released which is most likely in Q3-Q4.
I'm accumulating LINK. 80% LINK and 20% gamble. Every paycheck I put some money down on LINK. I flip shitcoin, take profits and put them towards LINK.
The future for it's price is really still unimaginable. We really don't know where it would be priced. But $10 will make at least a few hundreds of people billionaires.

>> No.6719183

It's both. Framing this as an either/or betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of memetics itself. Everything is a meme, even true things. ESPECIALLY true things. The best memes reflect reality back to us, and in turn we reinforce that reality by acting upon it as though it were true. This is the real secret of meme magic. It's like the law of attraction, but less gay. Buy the dip faggit.

>> No.6719338
File: 3 KB, 100x125, 1507789911187s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is litterally the pickaxe for storing contracts attached to off chain data. It's easy for anyone (who would need to use one) to setup, it's compatible with multiple different programming languages soon, it runs in docker which means it can be ran on top of a GETH node (Ethereum).

Link is the most decentralized because anyone can provide the data, and if you are truthful you get paid in link, the more link you have, the more traffic you will recieve.

>> No.6719413
File: 9 KB, 250x172, 1507595879418s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this.

Or we might just all be half brain dead pot heads living in our parents basements who have no fucking idea what Chainlink actually does.

>> No.6719512
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>> No.6719552

Lol not knowing a meme when he sees one... Go all in anon. Guaranteed 10x investment. pls sir, market buy now sir

>> No.6719604


Probably a meme.

But if not and if it takes off it will be the biggest moon mission of all time. The lamenting of those who didn’t invest will be unbearable. The crypto world will measure all future missions on the benchmark LINK set.

>> No.6719924

Link and xlm both memes. BOTH SHIT MEMES.

>> No.6720592

ZOG assassinated Paul Walker to cover up their selling guns to beaner drug cartels.

>> No.6720767
File: 64 KB, 620x348, A50C55EA-DE60-442B-B70A-B6F46F3B2F39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man. If you want a legit x50 coin jump is this ICO with everything you can spare. Will be a 6 month hold but this is like the next BNB coin.
Sorry to be a cunt and hijack/shill here but I’m doing you all a fucking service believe me.
Already packed my bags so now I’m trying to refer as many anons as possible so we get rich together (both get a bonus 2.5%) pic related

>> No.6720830

Who’s ZOG sorry, brainlet here. I loved Paul Walker he was a god

>> No.6720966

Are you just going to post this in every thread until someone buys your bullshit?
>brainlet here
Oh, I see.

>> No.6721000

Anyone can be invited to present at SIBOs also.

>> No.6721023
File: 155 KB, 500x637, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6721041


I want people to take note that these are the types of responses you find in a Link circlejerk thread. These people are delusional, they are deluded in every thread they go into it. If you've been on biz longer than a few months then you'll know everyone treats Link as a meme other than the newfags . You've been warned.

>> No.6721081
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorified JSON Parser.

Small team that doesn't communicate.

Sergey gets nervous when a girl interviews him. If he can't talk to a girl how can he take this to the boardroom of successful companies?

Way too many things have to go right for this to take off. It's like rolling 6 1's in a row.

>> No.6721122

5 shadowforks, shadowlink, shadowlink daimond, shadowlink daimond gold, link shadow, and stanklank. Why hasnt anybody bought these up on darktopia like me?

>> No.6721209
File: 88 KB, 750x562, Dale approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, that got me.

>> No.6721666

Well that's embarrassing. If you need a chocolate face to go with Paul's murder, Google Eric Holder.

>> No.6721739

Meme get out. The devs haven't spoken to anyone in months