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File: 42 KB, 300x213, batlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6715097 No.6715097 [Reply] [Original]

BATPepeJesus demands memes! Let's get BAT moving on up! BATthread!!!!!

>> No.6715597
File: 97 KB, 779x660, bravepew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just in the time for the breakout :)

>> No.6715762
File: 108 KB, 760x380, batmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a vintage 2017 meme from the great bear run
hope you boys are loaded up on BAT

>> No.6715842

>pewdiepie, H3 and Jake Paul to endorse brave by end of q1

i have inside info

>> No.6716177

I want this fucking thing to skyrocket. Really I want the fucking 50x or 100x from here guys. That is what I want. But what will drive that increase in price? Will it be speculation? Will it be the 300B digital ad market trying to by ad slots? What will be the main driver?
I want to make a million dollars this year motherfuckers. I need to get in on the vehicle that will get me there the fastest. Is BAT really that vehicle? When do you think we will see 5x and 10x?

>> No.6716280


It will be youtube and twitch, more so youtube. Twitch already has a mechanism to donate or tip streamers, youtube doesnt. Loyal fans will switch to Brave and use bat to donate to their favorite creators and the creators themselves will shill it because theyre currently getting fucked on revenue with all the ad-pocalypse stuff. If 10-20% of the loyal fans of 4-5 big youtube channels switch it will be worth 2-3 dollars, if tens of big channels start shilling it will be 10$+ eoty just off the userbase and revenue it will generate. And as much as the current guys like Philip Defranco who are shilling it are fags imo, they have alot of sway in their community

>> No.6716298

Online ad market is actually valued at 1.3 trillion.

>> No.6716441
File: 74 KB, 540x540, 1516230086926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of you should start trying to jump-start bat by shilling to the big youtubers constantly.

If the big Youtubers don't know about BAT how can they even promote it
Also: even if they know about it they probably do not know the potential.

So if you want to have even the slightest chance of them mentioning it you need to start shilling it directly to them.
twitter, Facebookpage, Instagram, YouTube comment section

And in such a way the normiest of Normies can understand it so that their fans pick up on it and start mentioning it as well.

As long as this does not happens bat will remain at best stagnant.
They already have a product the only way to generate more hype is if that product is gonna get actually used.

>> No.6716456

BAT is not just about ads. That's just one angle. It's about monetizing the entire web.

There is no telling how high this thing can go, as there is nothing in existence to compare it to.

>> No.6716492
File: 111 KB, 511x305, BATDubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Bat will get there.

>> No.6716534
File: 39 KB, 405x365, bravekingmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716598
File: 51 KB, 1024x146, 9DCVwp3CZs7AEGDWAFwKrzEJQTMw13bnaW7Dl1MPpfU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh from plebbit: someone asked wikipedia if they will accept BAT, sounds like they will soon :)

>> No.6716687
File: 239 KB, 1200x800, EichbrainBAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big brain Eich making those connections!

>> No.6716843
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, 1516227288889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716873

So you think that it will be regular people buying BAT in the browser to donate that will drive the price up? I don't think so. I would much rather be a patreon than buy BAT in the browser if I got no extra content in return for my contribution.
Would you buy 10 dollars of BAT in the browser to support your favorite youtubers? Probably not. It's not the same as twitch. On twitch streamers give you a reaction or shoutout, that is why donating is so fun on twitch, that cannot happen on youtube if it is not real time. The best you can get is "Thanks guys everyone who bought BAT and gave it to me"... So I don't think that particular feature will be what will drive the price up. It will be people buying it on coinbase because there is a lot of buzz around it or it will be big advertisers trying to buy large chunks of it (which only makes sense if there are lots of Brave users already). I think our best hope is that it gets hyped and people buy it to speculate... unfortunately

>> No.6717029

I think the idea is that BAT will he given to people when they view ads. They then give that out.

>> No.6717091

you are right about the current payment scheme but you are missing the fact that Brave is developing instant tipping as we speak. trust me, they have figured this shit out and know what needs to be done

>> No.6717399

for $50 it needs a 50B market cap. for $10 it needs 10B market cap. trying to figure out where to value this thing. it's not the easiest thing

>> No.6717490

i think $10B would be a reasonable market cap this year. $15B if it's added to coinbase. in 2019 and 2020, if Brave succeeds in the browser wars then who the fuck knows. moon.

>> No.6717554
File: 17 KB, 1656x236, wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stolen from reddit, someone emailed Wikipedia about BAT.

They are aware actually which is great.
Brendan Eich knows a lot of people