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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 600x315, salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6709990 No.6709990 [Reply] [Original]

how are you guys feeling on this project?
now seems like a good entry point

>> No.6710032
File: 183 KB, 2000x950, 1-0x0KawZ2FMEpe6BStFkOTg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SALT is a fucking scam. BUY ELIX

>> No.6710120

fuck salt

>> No.6710203

Holding 800 Salt since early November. Its the low risk coin in my portfolio.

>> No.6710255

An internal SALT telegram group just confirmed what's been assumed for a long time: SALT already went bankrupt behind the scene and is slowly unloading their tokens on exchanges right now. That spike downwards on Binance a few minutes ago were employers selling their own tokens.


>> No.6710337

kek yeah im sure when the market went down and they liquidated 50% of loans and collected a ton of profit they just went "OMG CALL IT QUITS!"

>> No.6710583

Fuck salt and fuck cryptobro

>> No.6710895
File: 222 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180119-192824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not amassing obscene quantities of SALT while it's dirt cheat

This is why you retards won't make it, keep buying high

>> No.6710968

Yeah its too late for me to buy, and no I dont want your bags.

>> No.6711025

Yeah, you're doing it right, good job.

I confess, I'm a SALT whale that just keeps posting stupid FUD and Bitconnect 2.0 memes to suppress the price...the sad thing is that it works. Once our accumulation phase stops, this thing is going to go bonkers.

>> No.6711082
File: 101 KB, 460x405, 1516152113040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based whale

>> No.6711111

The great part is that I can openly confess to that and it's not going to matter anyway. We've basically destroyed SALT's reputation outside of whales etc. so much that we have complete control over the price. And since people don't check SALT topics, this statement is going to get ignored anyway.

>> No.6711231
File: 21 KB, 608x456, PB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6711517

just look at the dates fampai
>I am the one who buys

>> No.6711982

You faggots are not seeing the full picture here, arbitrage is not where the money is with Salt, what we need is for Salt market supply to go really low so that they can control the price from the platform.

That would make the coin moon like nothing we've seen before, 800M demand for loans on their first month ffs, people are going to be fighting for 1 salt.

>> No.6712366

This WILL happen for sure anon it's just a matter of time, whales are accumulating and fudding like crazy, one the other hand, the more people start using the platform that means more SALT for the company once SALT Platform have accumulated a big market share we will hit andromeda.

This is happen before 2019 but /biz/ love to buy hype so whatever I already have as much as I can afford.

>> No.6712383


got 126 a-am i going to make it?

>> No.6712424

We are aware of that. And yeah, circulating supply decreasing is the goal here, not selling once the first arbitrage gap closes. Once SALT Lending is able to control the price though, we whales can't control the token supply anymore. As long as there's still people panic-selling their "bags", why hurry.

>> No.6712483

Is 300 amount? I'm considering increasing my hold of SALT as it's needed for Salt membership and loans

>> No.6712553

>they can control the price from the platform.
They have introduced a kind of staking to lower interest rates so it could be sooner than expected.

>> No.6712582

I'm bullish long term, but that night biz was shilling it everywhere saying it was guaranteed free money then the price just wouldn't stop going down was hilarious - good times lads

>> No.6712619
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1514537032224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the platform worked as promised the tokens would be 25+ and the fact that they aren't means whales are staying the fuck away from this garbage. There would be no slow accumulation, they would race each other to 25 in a fucking day. Everyone should be very suspicious.
t. sold before platform release and never bought back in

>> No.6712755

I sold 100 Salt that night. Bought back 110 and kept the change in ETH

>> No.6712897
File: 169 KB, 786x1280, b22FjOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The platform works dipshit. Loans re being issued. Salt demand will go up.

>> No.6712944
File: 102 KB, 1280x482, PKtdxfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 month payment plan for 450k usd