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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 480x360, XTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6706794 No.6706794 [Reply] [Original]

Bad fucking news bros!

Tezos looks to be on life support and the Swiss Foundation is literally about to steal 1 billion dollars of ICO money from the devs.
If Tezos goes down, crypto and especially ICOs are going to be in a world of shit!

Start posting angry shit here

If Tezos actually goes down we're all FUCKED!

>> No.6706923


If one billion dollars gets stolen all fucking regulators are going to destroy every future ICO.
This can't be allowed to happen

>> No.6707399

Lol that self hating jew fag weeve shilled everyone to buy tezos for etherium hahahahahahahah even sam hyde sold lolololol

>> No.6707401

Bitconnect already stole 2bln usd, this will just be icing on the cake lol

>> No.6708142

Been laughing my ass off about this for months.

>> No.6708485

this was my biggest hedge.......how fucked am i?

>> No.6708509

looking forward to the assassination

>> No.6708518

links??? Proof??? come on now /biz/ you're better than this

>> No.6708660


you'll be ok, it'll be significantly up in sats at launch even with gevers at the helm, and when he catches a bullet it's moon time

>> No.6708931

what's your opinion, anon

you think Gevers is really going to develop his own 'Tezos' despite DLS having so much done already?

>> No.6709168

This. I'm expecting at least 4x on launch. In the months since the ICO a lot of new money has come into crypto. This is going to be their first chance at owning tezos. This delay is the best thing that could have happened.

>> No.6709475

agree that i don't care about the delay cause I believe in the project

just with Gevers' recent talk (see his twitter and pics from his presentation on reddit) it seems like he may use Foundation money to fund his own version of Tezos. a.k.a. none of our ICO contributions may not be used to grow Tezos as it was originally conceived

>> No.6709655


I don't think that any fork without the blessing of the Breitmans has a future

Gevers also owns a lot of coins on the originally-specified genesis block, so he won't want to tank them unless his expected return on whatever he can do with the foundation funds is higher.

I expect a pretty clean launch, everyone has an incentive at this point to play by the book and appear to be the most honourable party for when the Swiss authorities come knocking, looking to protect the reputation of the Swiss legal system.