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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.6706870

its considered good news nowadays that they raised $100 million via ICO and now outsource the work to pajeets for $30 million. okay man. okay.

>> No.6706920

Because you fucks always overhype this coin. Just speak normal about our REQ and don't hype up the news as wallbreaking news if the news is in the end actually just good news.

>> No.6706934

dont forget they basically have 200 million because of their own coins and shit

if they only outsourced unimportant shit i wouldnt have a problem but theyre literally looking for pajeets to develop their user app, invoice apps, POS system etc.

>> No.6706972

These FUDers are so obvious lmao.

I believe it's mostly one guy. He mentions "outsourcing to pajeets" in every post.

>> No.6706999

Everything REQ is still done by the team, they just opened a grand for startups / externat teams to build applications facilitating the usage of REQ network.

If anything they accelerated the whole process.

>> No.6707048

sounds more like literally every front end is outsourced

>> No.6707075

Everything is overhyped.

Like I said, it's good news. Didn't said it will moon to $100 now...

>> No.6707085

all this biz fud makin me feel comfy af. Just hodl anons soon all the fud will turn into fomo

>> No.6707108

good news? They basically said we are not qualified to do the work we promised so lets pay someone else to do it. hopefully it works????

>> No.6707123
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I will hold my reqs but i still am disappointed with the latest update

>> No.6707158

This guy says the same thing in all his posts. Must be trying to increase his stack from 100 to 107

>> No.6707178

Not everything and I don't believe they'll give it to anyone. And if no external party satisfies for a certain project, they'll still do it themself. Also most of these projects are new and not.a part of the initial planning. Acceleration and broadening.

I think ik could turn out nice.

>> No.6707213
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>> No.6707225
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>trying this hard to spin a $100MM into a negative this hard

Holy fuck fud shills are real

>> No.6707230

I added the link, you can read what they actually stated.

>> No.6707237

>Also most of these projects are new and not.a part of the initial planning

>Mobile apps to create, detect, and pay requests
>Invoicing apps (Paypal-like)
>Point of Sale (Square-like)
>P2P payment apps (Venmo-like software)

>> No.6707238
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The Request Network will be the Ethereum of finance.
If you cant understand that tough luck my friend you will miss out

>> No.6707265

>mhhh...guys...could you create a crypto paypal for us? I ll give you 50 grand, dude, cmon!

>> No.6707285

>lets build an app that runs on top of request that runs on top of ethereum
where does it end?

>> No.6707308

it ends at 0 my friend, it ends at 0

>> No.6707341

Naming 4 of the 17
The argument stands.

>> No.6707374

>lets build an app that runs on an API that runs on a protocol that runs on an OS that runs on machine instructions that runs on 1's and 0's

Either way I have 20k of these and I'm considering selling

>> No.6707390

Look up 'API'.

>> No.6707421

the most important ones

>> No.6707424

This. Computers and computing networks are rube goldberg machines, but it doesn't matter because they can execute perfectly. Most of the time.

>> No.6707455

A great new group is having a pump on Binance at 7 EST. Here's a link, cheers!

discord gg/jyMUnmq

>> No.6707468

When even the invoices are fucking outsourced then you realize they dont have shit to show. Thats like the basic feature of Request

>> No.6707562

Who would evern wanna use this if you have to pay ethereum transactions fees for every transaction

i can send money for free with my bank app on my phone, it gets delivered instantly

>> No.6707644

The Invoicing and P2P one is a shame, true.

>> No.6707691

bad memed

>> No.6707824
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Some people here appear to have a huge misconception that the Request team “overestimated” the scope of their roadmap and is now “offloading” their work. The team’s primary focus is building out the core protocol and accomplishing everything on their roadmap. The Request Hub was always planned from the very beginning and is clearly defined in the roadmap on page 7 (link below). The Hub is a way to expand the scope of the project and allow a true ecosystem to be developed. If you think about projects like Wordpress and/or Ethereum, they have a huge ecosystem composed of developers who are developing on top of the core. Request is doing something similar here with the Hub and is even paying to help incentivize community development.


>> No.6707944

i dont even know if i can consider this fud cause of how stupid it is

>> No.6707982

It's not stupid considering the fact that this was marketed as the next paypal

>> No.6708037

why didnt they market it as ethereum for fintech instead of "le next paypal!!!!"

>> No.6708086


The topmost layer is the Applications layer, which takes place outside the blockchain. Systems from different
companies can connect to Request to create requests or access information. Accounting, audit, tax, debt re-
covery and collection, factoring or payment systems can all be connected. When a payment system connects
to Request (Mycellium, Coinbase, Bank of America, Bankin ...), it will be able to access the invoices of the
user and propose to pay them instantly.

>The Request team will develop applications, including an interface and an API for creating and accessing requests

>> No.6708196 [DELETED] 

What the fuck do know but everything you need to know is in the whitepaper

>> No.6708239

While our competition has got geniuses working on the project, lets just pay some random pajeet average devs to do the same. Muhahaha. Thats exactly how creating awesome code works.

>> No.6708273
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What the fuck i know
Read the whitepaper

>> No.6708421

>The Hub is a way to expand the scope of the project
Yes exactly, EXPANDING! But now they are expanding not a fucking single thing. Yes, they named many use cases today, that indeed would be very useful and valuable to the REQ ecosystem. OH WAIT, THERE IS NO FUCKING ECOSYSTEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE JACK SHIT.

You have to agree that when Req was first presented they were aiming to be PayPal/Venmo 2.0 right? This was their main fucking feature. How on earth can you justify today's announcement, that they are subsidizing some pajeets to make THEIR MAIN FEATURE. Fucking redditors here call it outsourcing, but this is not outsourcing. Outsourcing is when you go to pajeets and tell them EXACTLY what they should be typing with their fingers. Now it's like, here 10 grand and just make something up for us. This is like promising investors/gamblers Amazon and then offering an HTML 101 book with the message, program it yourself, you will get 10 grand while you will make us billions. It's fucking nuts and you know it.

People are comparing it to the Google API and stuff, but remember, GOOGLE IS A FUCKING WORKING PRODUCT. Req is literally nothing but some JS library. Why the fuck would you care for the financial linux??? YOU WANT THE APPLE OR MICROSOFT BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT MAKES MONEY. Linux is for autistic russians, the rest is for the masses. If you care about community open source shit, use that fucking annoying wikipedia donation message.


>> No.6708453

green id thread

>> No.6708536

The problem with biz is that noone has any actual skills here, they are broke, hoping for an escape from their dreary valueless existence through gambling.

If they could contribute anything, they would recognise the value of building on a platform for a use case that the blockchain was tailor-made for.

>> No.6708710

Isn't this what ETH did. Dont mind the FUD tho I would like to buy some more at .50

>> No.6708780

Lol some pajeet on /biz/ shilled it to you as paypal 2.0 and you brainlet jumped all over it at ATH
You dont even have the attention span for a 23 page whitepaper
Just sell or avoid REQ if you dont like what its aiming to be

>> No.6708870

> create an incentive for developers to flock to the platform which in turn will cause user adoption to skyrocket when mainnet is released

leave it to biz brainlets to put a negative spin on that

>> No.6709079

no actually bought at 0.04 and just holding because its a small part of my stack.

name one successful (community driven) 'platform' worth billions or even 100MM or whatever REQ's market cap is

>> No.6709287

they pump every fucking update with every crypto .
You sell just before the news, you rebuy when it has dipped enough.

>> No.6709356

No one ever expected them to build all the frontends. Their ONLY job is to build a decentralized dApp that supports all the backend functionality required for a universal end-to-end payment system. That's the hard part. Making frontends is time consuming, but not worth their time compared to building the entire backend.

>> No.6709624

ETH and NEO have the exact same community grants

>> No.6710169


>> No.6710695
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I'm enjoying the FUD, it's better quality FUD then it was just a few days ago.

I purchased about 50K at 71 cents, so I want this down to 50 cents so I can average my cost down a bit.

>> No.6711314

Wubba lubba dub duuuuuub!

What's up guys is your boy tight sinus here for another episode of request that butthole! Today we will be granted special access to the one, the only, request enterprise ecosystem buZzword hub of creative development and multicultural collaboration! Crossing over to New Dheli, I'm talking with Rasheed. Rasheed, how are things looking on the ground at the new headquarters out there? "Absolutely designated
My friend"

>> No.6711425


>> No.6711486

Just sell faggots. Developing an app like PayPal, square etc wouldn't be that hard for the front end devs. The real magic is how it works, which is what they're still working on. I hope you all sell low like a bunch of faggots, I really do