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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 1024x614, raiblocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6706140 No.6706140 [Reply] [Original]

After originally getting in and buying 200 at $4.50, I've gone and taken my money out of my other crypto investments and put it all in XRB at $17.50. Yes I've broken the golden rule and gone all in on one investment. It's one of the few projects where I see a working product and a future and a lot of space to grow. Not just a whitepaper full of promises.

Either I'm going to be filthy rich by the end of the year or Raiblocks is going to fail I'm going to be broke... Started off in crypto broke so I'll just be back to square 1 I guess.

>> No.6706320

there is nothing wrong with going all in on a coin
i'm all in on ICX since day one and not stressing an inch

>> No.6706382

Nice work Op. Also an all inner from 4.50, I then diversified which hasn't helped. Gonna go back all in on Rai and come back in a years time

>> No.6706384

great choice

>> No.6706430

Day one? Begining of november?
How much did you have?

>> No.6706458

I dont have the balls to go all in, put a small part of my net worth in xrb at 3.50ish. I think we are gonna make it anon

>> No.6706466

Been thinking about doing this as well. got in at .12c. Sold half. paid off all debt. Now i mooned on some other coins and have 30k to mess around with. debating dropping all into XRB if it hits 14

>> No.6706475

Nice blog, enjoy losing your money when it gets to binance and the node sync issue fucks them

>> No.6706489

>there is nothing wrong with going all in on a coin

>> No.6706523

Great choice OP. Rai gets FUDed a lot on /biz/ and there’s a reason for that. People want cheaper rai. I remember altcoins such as neo being FUDed. When the product works and works well, it will be a top 10. There will never be rai below $15 again

>> No.6706642
File: 71 KB, 477x360, C4BABC36-F780-4757-8165-A35A3E085231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool coin yeah yap too bad it doesn't fucking work

>> No.6706653

And your a fucking idiot and doesn’t know shit. withdrawals have been a working on kucoin and binance is taking their time to perfect the release so the website doesn’t crash. Stfu

>> No.6706726

I might go all in too. Such a smart call anon

>> No.6706785

I'm 60% in raiblocks OP, god speed

>> No.6706819

>"too bad it doesn't fucking work"
>XRB is one of the VERY FEW coins actually delivering its value proposition at this very moment. Fully working.
>Hey you, anon lurking right now, go try XRB for yourself because it is literally the smoothest crypto experience I've ever had

The state of XRB fud right now

>> No.6706918
File: 146 KB, 545x617, 1515042313527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an itch to go all in too

>> No.6706970

Bought XRB at 29$. Halp.

It's going into the long term "hodl and pray" pile.

>> No.6707016

Got in at 12 cents cause /biz/ shilled it back in June. Thank you based shill.

>> No.6707058

good blog post

>> No.6707084

I got twenty for free. Too bad the wallet won't sync.

>> No.6707088

I got in at $3. Held ever since. Glad to see some xrb positivity here. My hands were getting slightly weaker by the day

>> No.6707114

I bought raiblocks from five to 27. Bit stupid at the time, but much less worried now.

>> No.6707137

Same shill got me too. Guy changed my life

>> No.6707170

29 will be considered a steal in 3 months. ust relax

>> No.6707247
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1509535199887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no new release for fixing node sync issue. Its stil from dec 16 latest release, 9.0.

XRB is a demo product, no new nodes can be bootstraped from its own network.

>> No.6707264

use the webwallet, not the desktop one. It'll sync instantly

>> No.6707376

Was an interesting time. Other coins were being shilled heavily at around that time too, ((bancor)) was one iirc. For some reason Raiblocks is the only one I thought looked any good.

>> No.6707428 [DELETED] 

The discord pump group that is unstoppable,,,

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6707446

Already tried this. There isn't any way to import my private key.

>> No.6707451

You know you could have bought in to XBY at ground level instead.

>> No.6707485

It was. I also bought Bancor which has been just ok. Made me a few k. XRB made me 6 figures off of a few hundred dollars. As a blast from the not so distant past, i sold mooncoin for XRB. I only used half my Moon profit. I wish i used it all.

>> No.6707524

Did that already too! 20k XBY here..From June as well.

>> No.6707567

If it's such a great coin at a great value, why do you guys have to keep shillin'? Also "all in"?
That sounds of desperation. Sorry you are missing the gainz

>> No.6707796

Got a small bag at $1 and now XRB is a majority of my portfolio. If it goes down I'm going down with it but there is way too much upside with this to abort the mission now.

If XRB succeeds it will be the new Litecoin in the short term. This will be a top 5 coin soon.

>> No.6707798

I was shilling this since April 2017.
Look in archive there is a thread where Im teasing faggots with "I know a coin of zero fee and instant".

Ive sold everything at 220k sats.
Im tellin you now get out, before it hits 40k sats, buy it back at that price.

>> No.6707808

A great new group is having a pump on Binance at 7 EST. Here's a link, cheers!

discord gg/jyMUnmq

>> No.6707818

Good man. You will go far.

>> No.6707864

What is your reasoning for the massive dip?

>> No.6707907

>barely developed coin goes from 20 cents to $30
>starts to highlight issues, especially node sync issue that STILL isnt fixed
>related team member uses xrb highlight his scam ico dadi

yet im the retard for selling at 2000% profit. This is iota 2.0, once it gets more popular the issues will start becoming more apparent.

>> No.6707953


How do they know it will list on binance by then zz?

>> No.6707961

it's so smooth I have to keep manually creating transactions in my wallet because they just don't show up by themselves when you just leave it on to sync

>> No.6708099

80% in xrb at $35

stupid noob made a shit-tier call

so kucoin enabled withdraws today, they take hours and kucoin is charging a fee(even though the network doesnt)

so this raises the question, whats the point of of a feeless coin if every exchange needs to do all this extra work for stabilizing their nodes, possibly buying new hardware.

so they're obviously gonna charge a fee after dealing with all this hassle

im gonna hold till their end, but i would never advise anybody to get in xrb at this point

>> No.6708117

You're an idiot on the whole, now be gone.

>> No.6708125

Seriously how do you guys find good projects like this and go in on it day one, like NEO, ICX, VEN, ETH?

>> No.6708129

100% in XRB since december 12th i think. $1.68

ask me how comfy i am.

>> No.6708163

Nice shill cunt
Ill think about getting some

>> No.6708174

How comfy are you

>> No.6708272

It's a pretty shit shill attempt considering I mentioned the project might fail. If they can't get it working properly on binance I'm fucked.

>> No.6708300

You are wrong in thinking that a fully working product is the most important thing that a project needs to have to be worthy of your investment. Not that there is anything wrong with Raiblocks btw, it is a very good choice and I hodl a lot of it for pretty much the same reasons that you do.

The thing is that Blockchain technology has potential use cases that go way, way beyond processing payments, to a degree we can't possibly imagine today. ID, transportation, land registries, logistics, employment, corporate and state governance, military chain of command, and pretty much every system or institution that currently relies on trusted middlemen in order to work will be completely disrupted by blockchain tech. Right now this is like the internet in 1980: the UI sucks, use cases are limited, but use cases will explode in just 15 years. You're going to be missing out on seriously massive opportunities if you only invest in projects that have a clear, defined application layer ready for mainstream adoption.

Just take a look on a mainstream assessment of crypto, written on the NYT for a normie audience:


This shit is going to be huge and it's only just getting started.

>> No.6708307


>> No.6708309

I want off this one already. Just keeps dropping and dropping and people saying it doesn't work.

When is it going up on binance?

>> No.6708347

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo comfy.

>> No.6708360

Yeah risky if you ask me. A lot safer plays you could "all in" than Rai but whatever I don't actually give a fuck if you lose all your money.

>> No.6708371

The listing on binance, will reveal more issues. Initial dump as always, will lead to full on panic selling.

Its just not made for exchanges. The whole point of PoW anti spam is to prevent spamming, an exchange needs to spam.
There WILL be bugs in whichever solution they program and no matter how many tests and testers. Bugs happen.

Panic follows.

Node sync issue is still not fixed, XRB its like a good looking strong horse, but broken legs, until if ever this issue is fixed. For real, not just shills sayin its fixed but its not.

I was there in April solving captchas, I was shilling it here when nobody cared. Im telling you now, its overbought, overshilled, just look at these shills nervving, get out and buy it back after panic.

>> No.6708446

Considering I started off in crypto with $300 I won't exactly be devistated if I lose my money either.

>> No.6708776

Valid points. I already cashed out half at a $31 average. I will hold the other half because nothing makes sense in this world nowadays.

>> No.6708797

I used to think it would dump on Binance, but it's been dumping with the rest of the market that I'm bullish again.

>> No.6708899

raiblocks is a fucking pajeet coin
just imagine, it was distributed by completing captcha

of course most of you wouldn't know this, because you haven't been here longer than a few weeks

>> No.6708917

Good lad, dont mind me, you already have a brain.

>> No.6708930

And btw. If it was you who put me on to this in the late spring/early summer. Thanks. I checked one time after i bought in and was down more than 50% so i just figured it wasnt worth selling. Saw it went to $2 and was going to sell but the exchanges were down. Next thing i knew it was in the $30s and i was debt free in life.

>> No.6708958

deluded, raifags are the worst. This is tron-tier delusion and loyalty over a barely functioning coin. Don't worry, i'll be buying your bags for $6 on the bianance dump :)

>> No.6709013 [DELETED] 

Godspeed OP, but listen to >>6707798
Raiblock is still overvalued at the moment.. buy back later cheaper

do this instead in the meantime
25% Ven
25% Dragonchain
25% Stellar
25% TEL

You will win, trust me.

>> No.6709018

Survivor bias. You only hear from the ones who made it.

>> No.6709324

Because you can get stuck like these guys.

>> No.6709342

you can do a JS PoW and make the user's computer do all of that shit instead

>> No.6709375

All in at $36. Kill me.

>> No.6709399

I mean, yeah, you could all in ETH, but where's in the fun in that?

>> No.6709405

I went all in on RaiBlocks when it was 15 dollars. Sold at 32 dollars tho

>> No.6709417

This is just a visual glitch, to fix it:
>Click advanced
>Toggle between Mxrb and kxrb or whatever
>It'll pop up immediately

If visual glitches are scaring you off from a product further along than 95% of the shit on the market, you don't deserve the gains anyway

>> No.6709441

how much XRB to make it EOY/next year? currently have 340

>> No.6709503

Exchange don't want an arbitrage coin, because they benefit from arbitrage.
There's no issue,except the fact that it works.
Same for IOTA
When DEX, all will be fluid.

>> No.6709798

Spotted the dumbass who sold at $2 and wants to get back in at $2.

Nice try , but try harder.

>> No.6709849

Your mother is barely functioning

>> No.6709888

You need at least 1k

>> No.6710102

Why buy a coin that doesn't work?

>> No.6710312

they did just fix node issues you fucking moron, literally yesterday.

>> No.6710571

yeah there is, copy your seed from the desktop wallet and when youre at the sign in page theres an option for "recover wallet with seed" or something similar.

>> No.6710882

95% of my entire net worth (not just crypto) is in vechain. Chad way to invest.

>> No.6711341
File: 97 KB, 922x972, dag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 75% into XRB, and 25% in PRL.
DAG all the way.

Scared Money don't make no money.

>> No.6711402

raiblocks is literally useless, xlm sends transactions in 10 seconds with 0.001 fees WITH SMART CONTRACTS.

raiblocks is a short term investment, shitty pump and dump. SELL AFTER BINANCE LISTING!!!!!! don't tell me i didn't warn you

>> No.6711697

I'm similar brohan. Also took a small position on HPB

>> No.6711972

Top kek

>> No.6712311

I went all in two times and I got some 4x in a timeframe of 10 days I think

I am not doing that anymore but when you don't have money you need to take some risk.

Also It was a bull run, so very little risk to lose money