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6703459 No.6703459 [Reply] [Original]

Name a bigger shitcoin in the top 20

>> No.6703492


>> No.6703531

How dare you?

>> No.6703546


>> No.6703554

is tron still in the top 20?

>> No.6703556

everything except ether, prove me wrong

pro-tip: you simply can't sweetie, thanks for playing xx

>> No.6703589

how do they prevent spamming the network with transactions?

how do they prevent anchors having no liquidity?

how do they distribute remaining tokens without dropping the price significantly?

why should I run a server?

I mean, there are worse shitcoins being shilled nonstop on biz but this shit is just ripple 2.0 and also probably a scam by le ultimate gox scammer

>> No.6703624

monero(and even that is only due to furfag pedos) and ether are only worthy coins

>> No.6703633

>Name a bigger shitcoin in the top 20
Bitcoin Gold
Ethereum Classic

only a few coins are worth a shit in current top 20. Order should be:
Bitcoin Cash

>> No.6703643

See you in febuary when you look like a retarded mongoloid

>> No.6703662

pls, if anybody can answer these questions, It would make me reassess my position towards le absolute state of biz

>> No.6703671

>muh roadmap
>muh FairX vaporware
>muh IBM

>> No.6703696


sell me on raiblocks without memes

and answer

>> No.6703720

Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Gold
Ethereum Classic

>> No.6703732

Sold my $3000 worth while this is in limbo and put it into TEL
>best move I've done all week

>> No.6703850

>how do they prevent spamming the network with transactions?
literally the reason there's a minimum transaction cost
>how do they prevent anchors having no liquidity?
>how do they distribute remaining tokens without dropping the price significantly?
airdropping like they've done for a good amount of time, it's easy to distribute slowly
>why should I run a server?
it's profitable if you're using the network

>> No.6703965

>literally the reason there's a minimum transaction cost
that just mean that if a malicious person want to spam the network he can easily spam all the nodes with 0.00001 xlm
Beside hacking on the anchor side, the real risk of fiat anchor on Stellar network is if the anchor provider don't have the fiat to backing up their fiat token on XLM network. Much like how many of us suspected Tether to not actually have USD backing their USDT token. That's why I think Stellar Foundation have to be very careful in forming partnership with anchor provider...
which means a lot of price dropping
>it's profitable if you're using the network
how it is profitable, what do I earn

>> No.6704089

>that just mean that if a malicious person want to spam the network he can easily spam all the nodes with 0.00001 xlm
you do realize that to actually spam the network that would run in the thousands of $ and is easily fixable, as the minimum transaction cost can be raised
>which means a lot of price dropping
I'm in this investment for the tech so short term price drops are arbitrary, but for investors who just want a quick buck the price drops you're focusing on are a good way to buy cheap :^)
>it's profitable if you're using the network
this im just basing on what people told me so I'm probably wrong there but it's a safe assumption that there's a similar model to Ripple, since there are other platforms that use the tech + the marketplace

>> No.6704198

man I've been reading up on stellar whole week and the more I read on it the more it seems like just an improved ripple and the tech might be interesting but probably really really faultprone

dont get me wrong its still better than 98% of shitcoins but I feel that majority of retards here are up for a hard wakeup call

>> No.6704248

>you do realize that to actually spam the network that would run in the thousands of $ and is easily fixable, as the minimum transaction cost can be raised
yes I do, which might not be a problem for an individual, or groups of individuals with that incentive and decent funding

lets say you're a western union and want to take down stellar network...

>> No.6704268


This has a lot going for it, the fact it is not yet being hyped, and is currently only listed on half the exchanges of XRP. Patience will payoff.
XRP after the price adjust showed it's true value and ath...2.50 added with shock and awe of change most dumped, so realistically it's zombie crawling itself to 2 where it will stay.

>> No.6704300

>mentions tether conspiracy
retard, move along guys

>> No.6704334

>lets say you're a western union and want to take down stellar network...
alright let's say you're [insert high profile bank] and want to take down [random shitcoin]

>> No.6704365

wow a speculation

U realize that if we get a tether crisis or btc drop youre fucking stellar is worth shit under this assumption where the fuck can it go

I am talking about fundamentals form techinacl point of view here not about a tron-like vaporwave

>> No.6704368

I've been in Stellar since $0.02. I'm going to do you a solid and explain why you're wrong.

First of all, Stellar is much more than what Ripple is. Ripple is just a means of settlement/transaction. Stellar can do ICO's. It's a platform like Ethereum or NEO.

The inflation mechanism is designed so that people will be compelled to use their XLM like an actual currency. By holding the coin, you also earn 1% inflation annually, plus all of the transaction fees on the network get redistributed to the holders once a week.

The remaining XLM supply that Stellar currently holds will be distributed via a sponsorship type of program given to new projects that develop on top of Stellar - it's a huge incentive for legitimate projects and developers to grow on the network. There will be no more airdrops to the public.

>> No.6704419

you can easily spam the whole network

was a repost, not my words

still it raised good argument that remains

>> No.6704448

Fee ramps up if somebody floods the network. Attacks would rapidly become expensive and thus pointless.

You have to declare trust to an anchor to use it. Trust your bank? Accept it as a fiat token provider. Yoi have to trust somebody in the end anyway to convert non-crypto into crypto.

Nodes are run because they increase your trust in the network, provide live data and ensure you can use the network in the first place. Mostly big entities running those, but you can run yours too to make sure you can trust it.

>> No.6704479

>you can easily spam the whole network
you keep saying that but I don't think you understand why it wouldn't work

>> No.6704537


>> No.6704538

>The remaining XLM supply that Stellar currently holds will be distributed via a sponsorship type of program given to new projects that develop on top of Stellar - it's a huge incentive for legitimate projects and developers to grow on the network
and huge incentive for it being a scam as well, or for corrupted behaviour

I am not going to blatantly trust somehow because somebody on anime anonymous image board told me

It differs from lets say btc since there is a reliable way, an algorithm, going on forever from the genesis block etc.. you get the idea. How the fuck is this decentralized

Only the network is... but so is torrent network

>> No.6704613

yeah, by sending random amounts of xlm?

why wouldnt that work?

>Yoi have to trust somebody in the end anyway to convert non-crypto into crypto.
this issue was meant to be solved by bitcoin, aka true decentralized ledger (I am actually aware of bitcoin/PoW cons)

>> No.6704637

Wow you are dumb. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Go read the whitepaper. It's a decentralized system and the SCP algorithm was designed by a Stanford professor with a background from MIT. But I guess I'm just an anime board poster so what do I know.

>> No.6704668

>yeah, by sending random amounts of xlm?
>why wouldnt that work?
literally read >>6704448

>> No.6704702


>> No.6704723

b-but he >>6704538 has an associates degree in computer technology from DeVry!

>> No.6704741

>Nodes are run because they increase your trust in the network, provide live data and ensure you can use the network in the first place. Mostly big entities running those, but you can run yours too to make sure you can trust it.
What incentive is to run a node as compared to mining a bitcoin which rewards me with btc?

>> No.6704766

You still have to trust somebody to give you btc once you pay for it.

Besides, xlm is more decentralized than btc. It's not controlled by a couple of chink mining farms and easily overthrowable by a government who decides to buy an even bigger farm.

>> No.6704784

never said anything like that

I am just trying to understand this, maybe you should get over yourself

>> No.6704812

>he fell for the raiblocks meme

>> No.6704825

>You still have to trust somebody to give you btc once you pay for it.
You can mine (in theory)

I agre with the rest, as I said I am aware of problems of btc/PoW but I dont believe stellar is a step in right direction

>> No.6704956

>Thanks, DeVry!!

>> No.6704995

>look mom, I posted this meme again, that will show him, speaking bad about my beloved coin

>> No.6705059


If you think Stellar is centralized read this:

There is no need to run a node. It's a similar algorithm to Proof of Stake, where you earn transaction fees from the network just by holding.

>> No.6705189

more in-depth info:


>> No.6705287


>> No.6705547

btc, btg, xrp, ada, trx, iota, dash, eos, lisk