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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6701356 No.6701356 [Reply] [Original]


skip to 7:00
it's the best part

>> No.6701599

You get joy out of people's misery? What a terrible person you are.

>> No.6701655

Youre on the wrong site

>> No.6701671

>Making sound financial investments
I suppose its better than buying Air Jordans

>> No.6701710

Poor guy, I feel for him, crypto is not for normies.

>> No.6701778

He just uploaded a new vid

>> No.6701865

biz was pretty bearable right after the crash.

>> No.6701894

Crypto is a paranoid mans game. I feel for the man, its not like he wanted this to happen. But you should NEVER put all your eggs in 1 basket. You should NEVER put your trust into some dinky exchange. Even coinbase could potentially collapse one day.

If you have over 10k in crypto, you get yourself a fucking hardware wallet.

It really sucks for this guy yea, but the signs were everywhere saying "DO NOT GET INTO BITCONNECT".

Did he watch that youtube video of the fuckign mexican going "BEEEEEEEEEETCONNNNNNNNECTTTTTTTTTTT"

Did he look on the bitconnect subreddit where 1 month beforehand a mod was talking about how the bitconnect team cashed their last amount of bitconnect(1 million)?

Did he notice that the only people shilling it heavily were kids and youtubers?

Again, i feel for him, but he pretty much went into a tigerpit and said "Oh man i got bit by a tiger, wtf"

>> No.6701920

actually air jordans are a great investment

>> No.6701929

Don't feel any form of empathy, he went all in with his life savings of 30k, he could of put 40% at the most if he was that much of a greedy fuck but no he went all in.

Lost a substantial amount myself going all in on other coins boofuckinghoo it wasn't nearly as much as this guy but still if you're going all in be comfortable with losing it all where it will not affect your life. He was irresponsible and he should get no sympathy but of course him being a nig nog I'll tell you what will happen:

>Bleeding heart liberals will learn of this
>fuck donald trump
>Begin a gofundme account for nig nog that was scammed by systematic racism
>fuck donald trump
>virtue signaling will intensify
>fuck donald trump

>> No.6701958

I get joy out of dumb niggers getting scammed by this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQCLH8vvt6E
Anyone who looked into this for more than 2 seconds would have known to stay away. Only the most greedy, imbecilic, low IQ, inbred, degenerates were caught up with their entire bank roll in this.
This is who they took advice from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnAyXdGNYgo and you expect people not to find this hilarious?

>> No.6701972

The best part is the second video, he's going to invest more in bitconnect lmao

>> No.6701998

good people exist on this site too

>> No.6702064

In his new video he is saying he thinks that bitconnect will give him his money back. Kek

>> No.6702096


>> No.6702223
File: 2.75 MB, 320x240, 1510359450925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>▄▄▄▄ P A R T Y ▄▄▄▄
>▄▄▄▄▄ T I M E ▄▄▄▄▄

>> No.6702242

He's saying bitconnect isn't a scam. Holy shit how can you be this stupid?

>> No.6702312

this is his second video


>> No.6702344

yes we laugh at niggers and retards who buy into shit. Got a problem with that?

>> No.6702358


>> No.6702454

no because if you're desperate for schadenfreude then you likely live in despair yourself so it's OK

>> No.6702469

>The best part is the second video, he's going to invest more in bitconnect lmao

hahaha **breathes in**


>> No.6702559

it's not like i'm going up to him or even commenting on his youtube. I just think it's funny that people are dumb enough to invest in a obvious pyramid scheme, not only obvious but any google search would show everyone calling it for what it is, a PONZI

>> No.6702596

whos the woman in ops pic?

>> No.6702657
File: 69 KB, 367x451, 1496856102029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually believes it's going to come back up!
>niggas gonna HODL!

>> No.6702659

the only way to teach this people is for them to lose their money. Explaining to them it's fake, not real, a fraud, they refuse to listen. So now I don't feel bad for these peopel

>> No.6702766

Even 1K deserves a wallet. They're cheap, don't be stupid. It's like when you buy an $800 phone, but don't put a $50 case on it.

>> No.6702847



>> No.6702917

Stupid people deserve to lose all of their money.

>> No.6703034

I feel bad man....

>> No.6703164
File: 9 KB, 256x197, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to watch this videp right after watching ops.


>> No.6703211

I finally watched this. You people saying that it's all ebonics are fucking retarded. He's obviously an immigrant. Not that that makes it a lot better, but he doesn't seem like a nigger to me. Just a dumb african.

>> No.6703471

>work 10 hours a day as a delivery driver in a country where you're oppressed and discriminated against
>save up $30,000 legitcoins
>lose it all on memecoins
Legitimately sad.

>> No.6703646

not at all sad, watch this.
the guy is destined to be poor forever.

>> No.6703697

Is this real or troll

>> No.6704185


>> No.6704583

>bitconnek eschange is bak now
>u can go sell ya bitconnex