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File: 21 KB, 1819x610, Iota_logo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6701110 No.6701110 [Reply] [Original]

give me 3 reasons why iota will not take take over 80% of the crypto market

>> No.6701134

0 reasons

>> No.6701158


>> No.6701219

better be ready for the new world order.

The UN will push for this regardless.

Where else best to test tyrannical technology on those with little?

>> No.6701241

because it doesn't even work.
you can't make proof of work efficient, except by decreasing the proof of work required one way or another, which makes it less secure.

>> No.6701270

Because it doesn't exist. 0% x 80% is 0%. The math proves you wrong

>> No.6701384

Seriously though, that would be awesome. A concentration camp that runs itself is pretty cheap to maintain, I reckon.

>> No.6701481

>will never

>> No.6701482


Because Ripple will

>> No.6701494

It will be number one by end of year.

The only crypto with a big corporate buying in and partnering (bosch). Bosch just opened a new IOT campus in Berlin (same location as IOTA Foundation).

Bosch will manufacture Q - or the ternary processors that will be the backbone for IOT and IOTA. Once this announcement hits it will be too late. IOTA will be the only crypto with a real purpose and product.

>> No.6701497

what? what planet are you from?lol

>> No.6701523
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because its the same as tron right now
just hype and talking

Also do you think this little nigga will be able to overthrow every other blockchain?
cmon nigger

>> No.6701534

utter delusion

>> No.6701536

Please tell me another crypto project where a big corporation like Bosch has bought in and partnered. You can't.

>> No.6701570

The bosch partership and buying IOTA is real. This alone would make IOTA the number 1 crypto as the rest have 0 legit partnerships.

The rest is just pieces of the puzzle.

>> No.6701579


>> No.6701594

don't need tangle nor ternary processors that doesn't even exist yet to get the IoT market.

just plain old ether, blockchain, plasma (which is coming soon) and a regular binary processor will do it

>> No.6701626

and what company partnered and invested in them?

>> No.6701660



>> No.6701697

You realize Bosch makes parts in every smartphone, most new cars, and many other components. Bosch is leading the way in IOT and partnered with IOTA.

>> No.6701705

still waiting

>> No.6701723

Why won't they give me my coins back? 4 months.....

>> No.6701757

it simply doesn't work. they've been developing this for 3 years now and they still haven't got it to a working state without their own centralized server "securing" the network.

what hope is there that after 3 years of no progress and multiple embarrassing amateur-hour security issues they have any chance of getting it working now? or even in the next year?

>> No.6701764

Stellar Lumens and IBM?

Fuck your non-working DAG crypto. If you really want to talk about DAG crypto at least go with something that WORKS, like ByteBall.

>> No.6701786

Members are not partners. That is like saying participants. Well IOTA data marketplace has many participants but that is not what I am saying. I want to see where money invested into ripple from any of those companies.

>> No.6701792

ICX has a partnership with Samsung, 3 universities, 25+ financial institutions

Doesn’t Bosch make toasters

>> No.6701826

works fine for me. And they actively update. Oh by the way. I am on trinity wallet as well. It is alpha but works great.

>> No.6701856

Bosch's investment is definitely promising, but as an investor, there are other projects which are near completion and already have an ecosystem which will get you better returns sooner than some pie in the sky boondangle tangle. haha

>> No.6701863

funny how people keep falling for this decades old marketing scheme. companies partner with other companies all the time with no result. it gets both their names out there and makes whoever is at bosch check the boxes for people who want to see inroads for experimenting with "blockchain".

there's absolutely no reason to believe anything is ever going to come from 95% of these "partnerships".

>> No.6701883


I am trading with other Shill coins too, but for XRP I have put a lock on it for at least 1 years. Let´s see where they bring me

>> No.6701916

XRB is better and I don't even like XRB

Dumb nigger

>> No.6701923

it works while it's 1) not being attacked, and 2) reliant on a centralized server to provide most of the security against attacks or just plain malicious users.

>> No.6701935
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>> No.6701959

Been following them since they were worth mere cents, but their systems have a really disastrous habit of crashing at least once a week. That's totally unacceptable if they were to be actually used in real scenarios.

>> No.6701974


>> No.6702018
File: 186 KB, 910x706, DumbFuckingNigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1,2 and 3
no one will buy it

>> No.6702020

seriously clear your barins and think further then your nose..the biggest problem iota has is storage!. in 5 years time iota will solve that , and be everywhere.mark my words

>> No.6702044

ByteBall is an IOTA that

a) Actually works
b) You can send to people using actual fucking email addresses
c) Has possibly the most well-developed conditional smart contracts I've seen in a crypto
d) oh again actually works

It's the only DAG crypto with an actual real chance, trying to shill IOTA to people is just making people take their eye off the (byte)ball.

>> No.6702060

The creator CfB is an utter retard, seriously take one look at his twitter and reddit and tell me this guy is going to part of any coin that's #1

>> No.6702092

Shame about the garbage name. Anything with the work "byte" in it, just screams "Pajeet".

>> No.6702105

he created proof of stake faggot

>> No.6702119

Because it doesn't exist. There isn't a working product and likely never will be.

>> No.6702133

Really? I don't even see the connection. Usually it's low cap cryptos that use "coin" in their name

>> No.6702162

Are you sure about that?


>> No.6702186
File: 472 KB, 497x412, 1514392340217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRB does everything it does better withiut having an autistic dev that wants Europe to join the caliphate and be politically correct

>> No.6702207

anything with "bit", "byte" or "coin" comes across pretty negatively these days. most of the projects that have good branding and marketing have all avoided those names because it just comes across as some bitcoin wannabe or clone, even if the codebase is entirely different (which a lot of times it isn't.)

>> No.6702258

Lmao - he asks for coins with big partnerships then he doesn’t reply to proof of huge partnerships

Your IOTA coin is going nowhere

>> No.6702305

yep im sure

>> No.6702370

> Come_from_Beyond 10 points 23 days ago
> Do you have a quote of CFB claiming he invented PoS? I can find a quote where he claims the opposite.

hmm, I mean he does say himself that he didn't invent proof-of -stake

>> No.6702371


>> No.6702391

you are the delusional. read some

>> No.6702397


how bout that...sorry pajeet. unlike xrb, iota has real devs with real backgrounds

>> No.6702451

I'll give you 2 reasons:
1) Byteball - The most complete working DAG coin with extremely cool features - Already has betting(Wager coin), dead man's contract (WISH coin), bot exchange with BTC, sends money to emails(auto generates wallet), real ID linked verification to your address so you can participate in ICOs, merchants in milan testing it, merchant buyback programs.

2) Xrb - No transaction fees (vulnerable to spam attack), instant transaction, healthy list of merchants (https://www.spendraiblocks.com/).).

>> No.6702459

NXT and CfB didn't invent proof-of-stake, Peercoin and SunnyKing did that over a year before NXT was even released

>> No.6702490
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INTchain, faggots. get in here.

>> No.6702493
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It will be.

>> No.6702518
File: 23 KB, 676x483, IMG_1224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because ICX

>> No.6702519

all refugge sos project, houve this

>> No.6702522

lol research more bud

pajeet pnd

>> No.6702549

It is feeless and instant. It scales with more users. Can Blockchain say that?

>> No.6702571

Fucking hash graph fagget

>> No.6702645

OP here! you answersd all Question in one world:)

>> No.6702694

> lol research more bud

Enlighten me, and don't say "full proof-of-stake" ore some shit because Peercoins ledger was secured only by proof-of-stake making it "full", Peercoin only used PoW for distribution of coins in the beginning instead of having an ICO like NXT

>> No.6702748

Im sure that will work to

>> No.6702914

Hashgraph isnt out yet. Its creator doesn't want it to be publicly tradeable. If it is, I'll buy some. But Iota has first mover advantage and a quickly growing network of real world implementations. I don't care if you buy it, but you should revisit what has happened in the past couple of months and make an unemotional call on whether Iota will make money.

>> No.6703100

>a big corporation like Bosch


>> No.6703152

>american detected

>> No.6703288

I don't think you realize how big they are in Germany, who you think is supplying their army with stuff like broomsticks to carry out their exercises?? they make a lot more than drills

>> No.6703315



>> No.6703367
File: 6 KB, 216x233, 1511388687436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arrogant Devs who deliver behind schedule and full of glitches
>Everyone who has looked at it in the Tech space warns "stay away"
>Already stupid high mktcap for literally no reason

I mean if you're going to buy a coin for hype and no actual product ADA or TRX are much more technologically sound, and you might be able to actually move/sell them without glitching if they tank.

>> No.6703742

i dont see how iota has a first mover advantage when nobody actually uses it.