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File: 6 KB, 298x169, bitconeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6700035 No.6700035 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to point something out to all the people who think all crypto is going to zero.

Bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect is a literal goddamn ponzi scheme, that actually collapsed, and stole every dumb fucks bitcoin they put in it, and IT IS STILL ALIVE AND FUCKERS ARE BUYING IT.

HAHAHAHAHA crypto will never die.

>> No.6700079

not to say there is one. But thats literally a roadsign of a bubble.

>> No.6700144

The reason its still alive is because it was never the real scam. Its just a decoy. The real scam is bitcoin.

>> No.6700171

quick question, how retarded are you? Enron still traded months after it collapsed. Shitcoins will still all go to 0 eventually.

>> No.6700180



you don't know the pleasure i felt whenmillions of normies lost their life savings investing in this ponzi

>> No.6700196



>> No.6700226

>all go to 0 eventually
Just like the dollar

>> No.6700251

It's still alive and a scam because some people are pathetically gullible and were massively taken advantage of to the point of something akin to Stockholm syndrome. Supposedly bitconnect is "buying" their old coins for $150 worth of their new scamcoin, and I've seen some comments of people hopeful to get more money than that.

>> No.6700366
File: 45 KB, 645x729, 1505953097341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durrr
dollar is priced against other fiat you dumbass, for dollar to go 0 then all other currencies in the world must go up by infinity

>> No.6700373

The difference is Enron is a stock that can easily be shut down, bitconneeeeeect is a blockchain based shitcoin scam that cannot easily be shut down.

>> No.6700579

Doesn't have to be shut down. Exchanges will stop listing them to make room for the next shitcoin.

>> No.6700617


>> No.6700811
File: 112 KB, 500x282, 74AFEC9A-F0FF-4DC4-82CF-050A26E872E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a literal goddamn ponzi scheme, that already collapsed

>> No.6701094

Fair enough but I'd bet 1 bcc that there will be plenty of shit exchanges who won't delist it, but I could be wrong of course.

>> No.6701182

In fairness half the retards on this board fell for SALT doing this shit.
not true. You can have a value of 0 against any number. It has happened. But that anon is still retarded.