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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6685855 No.6685855 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been lurking here for a while and I'd like to get on the bitcoin train. Redpill me on what is the best way to buy about 300 euro worth of bitcoin if I care about my safety and on't necessarily want to give my penis size to coinbase? I'm in Ireland btw. I also heard that the best way to cash out is to buy gold, is that true?

>> No.6685891

> 300 €.

Coinbase works best for babies first booboo Bitcoin

>> No.6685926

dont buy btc, buy eth

>> No.6686142

Nice larp. No one wants btc

>> No.6686256
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>lurking here for a while
a few hours doesn't count, Seamus

>> No.6686925

Well then I guess I'm too much of a pussy for these things, I won't give ALL my info to coinbase. How do I know they won't rob me when the crypto market comes crashing down?

>> No.6686980

If you're this much of a pussy you shouldn't start with crypto. Would you ever send 50k to some shady exchange to buy some lowcap shitcoin because of a possible x4? If not, keep the day job bud.

>> No.6687174

/biz/ is shit don't ask for advice here. been here for 2 weeks and from my experience so far, avoid coinbase. look up bittybot, it will give you a list of different websites and ratings

>> No.6687280

>/biz/ is shit
>been here for 2 weeks
you are part of the problem newfag