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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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668569 No.668569 [Reply] [Original]

Book threads should be a regular on this board. I just got through reading the richest man in Babylon (i recommend it to anyone looking to grow wealth). Can anyone recommend me some more money management books. Maybe some business books as well

>> No.668572

Why even read books? It's common sense, stop spending so much money. Use savings for investments. There, I just saved you some time.

>> No.668577
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Are you retarded? I'm honestly asking.
>Why avoid needless mistake
>Why learn the right from the wrong way of doing thing?
>Why save time and money and learn the right way the first time
>Why read from people who know more than me
>Why learn more
Please don't breed dude.

>> No.668579
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superior collection

>> No.668589
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>> No.668591

I wish we had a version of recommended books minus the self-help schlock.

>> No.668592

Wow you're mad, sorry that you're so stupid you need books to hold your hand instead of thinking on your own.

>> No.668594
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Hurr Durr you shur r rite feller. Book learnin is fer siss E's

>> No.668595

You're some clueless chav from the UK, I can tell. I'm successful, you're not. I'm superior, you're inferior. Deal with it.

>> No.668596

I agree m8. I'm not a fan of how to win friends and influence people. Seems to teach how to be a pussy

>> No.668597

>i recommend it to anyone looking to grow wealth
says the guy who has none

this is the funniest thread on /biz/

>> No.668600
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Sure m8.

Has anyone learned anything significant with this book i just started recently.

>> No.668605

I've read books like these. They're total ripoffs. No different than diet books.

>> No.668606
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The only good books on there are the Boglehead books and it's kind of companion book, A Random Walk Down Wall Street (advocates index funds instead of market timing and security selection).

Trading in the Zone is the best book on trading psychology which is irrelevant for 99% of this board.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is an absolute classic but none of it is particularly relevant for your average /biz/nessman.

How to Win Friends and Influence People is good if you're a social retard but most people would have figured out everything Carnegie says on his own.

Just focus on the Bogleheads stuff and you'll know everything that's relevant for the real world and not abstract information which isn't helpful.

>> No.668670

Currently reading Predator's Ball, about Milken and Drexel

When I was a kid I thought about maxing out a credit card A and using credit card B to pay it off, then going back and forth with A and B, keeping that as a 'closed circuit' and moving on to C and D. This is basically what Milken did

I have a few more books to read before I get into more text-book grade material

>> No.669021

I wouldn't have thought that I should remember people's names

>> No.669033
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take your shit books and fuck off back to /sci/

>> No.669037

I'm having trouble finding One Up On Wall Street. Is there a depository?

>> No.669043
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What's /biz/'s opinion on this book for an insurance salesman?

>> No.669071

This guy >>669037 again. I've located and found all Peter Lynch's books.

For anyone that is interested... anonfiles (dotcom) (forward slash) file (forward slash) 06b3fec787e952e11189c2631e977a4f

>> No.669136

You must be a blast at parties

>> No.669139

I think it's good if you're one of those people who have no real social skills.
Otherwise its pointless

>> No.669159

Anons, I just ended downloading most of the books of the list. If you want, I can upload them all together for you.

>> No.669200

Oh yes please m8!

>> No.669207

How come?

>> No.669246

That's arrogance m8. Never turn down free advice. If it's shit, you still don't have to listen to it

>> No.669274


>> No.669426

Thanks! I'll make a note and download it tomorrow

>> No.669939


>> No.670230

Bump, this thread deserves to live

>> No.670241

Juat got through listening to the audio book for Think and grow rich (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HMSjfIovJ4))
Breddy gud for getting hyped to make more money. That and Og mandino's the greatest salesman in the world. wouldrecommend/10

>> No.670287

Thanks m8!!!

If anybody has ''Why stocks go up(and down)'' by William Pyke it would also be much appreciated.

>> No.670328

try: uurpdf.abhappybooks(dotcom)(backslash)book(backslash)978-0966677508

>> No.670343

No, neither of those are legit. They make you sign up for a website with credit card info before you can download the files, and probably don't even have them either way.

>> No.670372

If you have any pdf that it's missing, feel free to post where I can find it and I'll add it later.

>> No.670385


I read a few of those. TGR is the most famous I think. Obviously after Buffet's "The Intelligent Investor," which doesn't seem to be on the list. To me, all these books are much like self-help books, Kyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," comes to mind.

They are designed for complete idiots and cover the very basics of something. None of them will help you get rich though. They aren't necessarily wrong, but they are "Don't spend all your money on blow and hookers!" equivalents.

>> No.670552

Buffet didn't write "The Intelligent Investor", Graham did. It's in the top left also.

They're motivational if nothing else. I quite enjoyed "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" for no other reason than the small happy feeling it gave.

>> No.670575


Yea, my bad. Just associated it with Buffet because every publisher throws him on there.

>> No.670577

>Buffet's "The Intelligent Investor,"
Fucking hell, man. Get it together.

>> No.670584


I deserve any and all shit I get for that.

>> No.670814

Does anyone need any of these books:
Against the gods
The Economices of money
The power of passive investing
The Real wealth of nations
Stop collecting business cards and start making connections.
Getting to yes(learn to negotiate)
Improving customer satisfaction
Business skills for dummies

>> No.670851

I recently read Zero to One by Peter Thiel. It's from his Stanford class notes on startups. He helped found paypal so he knows a thing or two about founding startups.

Most of the book is gold, but one section resonated with me pretty hard. He talks about indefinite verses definite optimism. Indefinite optimists think the future will be bright, but don't know what it will look like nor do they have any plans. People who major in something that "leaves their options open", etc. I think I've lived my entire life as an indefinite optimist, and I never even realized it until he talked about it. I think there's some stuff about this on youtube, it's worth checking out.

>> No.671007

Yes please

>> No.671068

Wealth of nations

The real wealth of nations

Life code

Get things done

The education of millionaires

The way to wealth

The Power of passive investing

Getting to yes(negotiating)

the secret code of success

The idiot

The black swan

Millionaire next door

Business skills

>> No.671203

Really appreciate that anon. Bumping so more people can see.

>> No.672319

Thanks anon

>> No.672338

hey biz in order to get accedpted in a good grad school next year im supposed to write a 10pages paper on innovation and competition.

so far im thinking of Schumpeter, but i would greatly appreciate any references on the relations between innovation and competition

>> No.672379

Does anyone have Devil Take the Hindmost from that list?

>> No.672976

Thread bump

>> No.672979

Any good books on accounting?

>> No.673419

No problem guys

Couldn't find i

Thanks man

I got you man (not sure if these are any good though):
Accounting Principles

Accounting made simple

Portable MBA

>> No.673544

What makes you think anyone who worked their ass of to discover the tactics to becoming wealthy would simply hand it off to a stranger through a book. Do you really belive people are this altruistic? Did you have a delayed birth by chance?

You are not going learn anything from these books that can't simply be found with just and hour of Google searching. Even when you do, the publicly avalible knowkedge is not going to yield much of a benefit in this rapidly evolving competition business world.

>> No.673629
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The idiots are a really coming out in force.
>Im soul less human being = everyone is a soul less human being
>muh sociopathic tendencies
>what are testimonials
>what is research
Listen you fetal alcohol syndrome baby people who are wise and have money understand that the more people who have money the better it is for them in getting money from them(i literally cannot dumb this down anymore). The fact that you get your information from google rather than a book is laughable in it's own right. The third thing is if you want to throw your head through a brick wall one thousand time before you get it right then by all means go ahead (based on your statement i would expect you to), but I rather do it the way people with an iq much higher than 5 do it.

-Sincerely, anon

>> No.673960

Thank you m8, this thread really should be stickied. I'll put them all in a zip folder and upload them when anyone asks. Especially appreciate the accounting ones.

If you scorn any sort of knowledge, you are a fool. I learned more in 4 hours of reading a book on asset allocation yesterday than I did in 6 months of google, an I'm only 1/3 of the way through the book.
> hand it off to a stranger in a book
Hardly. You have to go and work for it. It's no different from studying a maths book to get through an engineering degree.

>> No.674045

Always find it weird how these lists just include success stories and anecdotes, never any actual textbooks or straight edge how-to's...

That in mind, fuck books, it's 2015:
Sell your shit, start a biz, invest any income, buy salt and hookers.

>> No.675308

>Conservative investors sleep well
>Your money or your life
Any of you have these books? where can I find them?

>> No.675316

This is largely true. Note, I said "largely" not completely.

Most proprietary knowledge is locked away from public view because revealing it would reduce it's ability to make money. But there is good information out there, you just have to hoard through a lot of shit to get there.

Refer to my previous post in the thread to see.

>> No.675331
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>> No.675474

Could you post a link for Against the gods? I will add it to the folder.

>> No.675476


>> No.675485

Thank you very much!

>> No.675593
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>> No.676324

Anyone got a link to How to win friends and influence people? Can't find a link anywhere without surveys. Epub format please.

>> No.676337
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>> No.676474

Only textbooks
Only hardgore

>> No.676489

Which book are you reading?

>> No.677233

Which book is best for entry level beginner /biz/

>> No.677270

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John Hull is basically the bible of derivatives. If you are interested in fundamentally understanding derivatives at all it is the first thing you should read.

>> No.677284

I've burned my way through:
The Intelligent Investor (good read)
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (good read, but do not read in your first one or two books. Save til the last)
Learn to Earn (good read)
The Richest Man in Babylon (22 pages long anyway, but a good read)
Rich Dad, Poor Dad (I'd be weary of this)
How to Win Friends and Influence People (good read, but very obvious unless you are socially unaware)
All about Asset Allocation (good read)

I'm now 200 odd pages into >>673419 Accounting Principles, but it's a 1317 page book. I might start Peter Lynch's One Up On Wall Street or Beating the Street concurrently.

It's in >>669274, in pdf.

From what I've been reading, read
The Richest Man in Babylon. It's not technical but shows you the importance of saving.
Learn to Earn
The Intelligent Investor
All About Asset Allocation

From there either dip into How to Win Friends and Influence People as a side, return to further investing books (Peter Lynch's books) or straight into accounting. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is largely a fad.

>> No.677302

You never read business books? I doubt you are actually successful.

>> No.677379

it comes natural to some people

>> No.677410
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>mfw i made this image
>at around the 25k post mark
>mfw i put 'the idiot' in by request
>didnt even know what it was about

i made a thread and people just bombarded me with book titles so i slapped it all together

feel free to change this shit

>> No.677813

thanks m8

>> No.677949

thank you so much mate

>> No.678270


>> No.679045


>> No.679763

Tanks m8.

I bring more books:
The e-myth revisited

Business Models For Dummies

Business Process Mapping.

Save Your Small Business 10 Crucial Strategies to Survive

Running a Side Business How to Create a Second Income

Complete Business Process Handbook

Up Your Business! 7 Steps to Fix, Build, or Stretch Your Orginization