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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6675026 No.6675026 [Reply] [Original]

is there like a sticky guide or just a /biz/ guide to cryptos anywhere?

>> No.6675135

>is there like a sticky guide or just a /biz/ guide to cryptos anywhere?

Do plebbit faggots not even try and hide the fact there from plebbit anymore? Jesus Christ that absolute state of /biz. The worst part is, instead of the old fags coming in and raging at you until you got off this fucking board, a bunch of fucking normies are gonna get on and hold your hand like faggots. Jesus Christ, this is why /biz doesn't make nearly as much money as it did.
In the name of all the /biz bros who came before me. GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD.

>> No.6675180

can you shut the fuck up you absolute mess. i just wanna see /biz/s take on it

>> No.6675231

take on what? a yes or no question and waste of a thread? kys you absolute retard

>> No.6675266

Fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.6675298

>you absolute mess
What the fuck, are you incapable of even insulting someone properly? Jesus Christ, HOW DID YOU FIND THIS WEBSITE. you need to go back, leave immediately. Holy fuck I have never seen someone so normie in such a long time.

>> No.6675342

Aren't most people semi aware of this shithole?

>> No.6675344

lol all that pent up aggression. how much did you guys lose btw?

>> No.6675375

Stinky guide

>> No.6675383

DYOR faggot

>> No.6675447

whats the best crypto wallet?

>> No.6675453

Time to grow up sonny.

>> No.6675462 [DELETED] 
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>asking people who probably made more money this past week than he did last year how much they lost

>> No.6675476

whats the best crypto wallet?

>> No.6675488



>> No.6675495

>Hey /biz/ spoonfeed me
>No faggot
>Hahahahahaha how much did you lose?
>But please help me, even though you lost money
Why are you even asking us for advice in the first place, retard?

>> No.6675497
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These nuts. Fuck off.

>> No.6675513

Holy fuck anon, shut up.

>> No.6675528

tell you what. I'll do you a favor/ If you get a sharpie and stick it up your ass, while writing on you cheeks, "What is the best wallet?" I'll let you know. I'm also gonna need a piece of paper next to it with the time and date. Best of luck.

>> No.6675584

lol this impenetrable nerd wall, i hate you losers so much

>> No.6675608

Fuck off faggot.
Buy Confido.

>> No.6675641


lurk and learn.

>> No.6675652

im seriously going to redddit now

atleast they will give me a second opinion without sperging out for invading their secret club with questions about a public currency

>> No.6675700

should i use coinbase

>> No.6675718

do the sharpie in pooper first

>> No.6675750

Yes. Fuck off.

>> No.6675778

what are your thoughts on coinbase

>> No.6675806

what are your thoughts on the sharpie in pooper proposition?

>> No.6675879

what wallet do you use?

>> No.6675903

Before you can use a wallet, you have to purchase and install a blockchain on your computer.

>> No.6676069

Make sure to get a VPN for to to run the blockchain through or else you risk an a pajeet sending your coins to their wallet instead of your own.

>> No.6676081
File: 10 KB, 223x226, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the guide from the guide of guides

BUY HIGH and SELL LOW, that is the true way of /biz/, and then you post pink wojaks conjoined with any transcript of what screaming sounds to you or edgy lyrics

>> No.6676132

Yes, that is very true. Also, if the blockchain ever locks in the price of your coin, you can restart it and reset the price usually.
I recommend the OP go to Target and purchase a blockchain; saw some selling for $29.95 the other day.

>> No.6676155

Just use any wallet with a price locking feature and you'll be set

>> No.6676533

hahahaha insider jokes. i love being part of a secret club!

>> No.6676610

These are not jokes.
If you attempt to log into coinbase without an updated blockchain, you're going to have some issues. If you don't believe me, go ahead and open a ticket at support.coinbase.com and ask what the best way to update your blockchain is so you can use their service.

>> No.6676630

No, because we're all competing against each other.

I'm going to cash out with your money.

>> No.6676704

Alright so here's the deal. There's just 0 incentive to give anybody any information except to shill or fud specific coins (although pragmatically speaking it's insanely unlikely that shilling/fudding coins has any sort of meaningful effect.). On top of that you're on 4chan which has always had a "fuck you figure it out yourself while lurking" stance on basically every subject.

It's why DYOR research is such a meme. Because it's exactly right as far as advice but it's entirely useless to somebody that doesn't know how to do their own research already.

>> No.6676775


What are you blathering about.

>> No.6676821
File: 24 KB, 500x355, 1515371121051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off you fucking newfag, im sick of this shit. Fuck me this board has gone downhill.

>> No.6676867

Who is the cum bucket?

>> No.6676975

>In the name of all the /biz bros who came before me. GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD.

a fucking men

>> No.6677019

I'm going to cash out with some of his money too. We all are, except him of course. It's going to be great!

>> No.6677061
File: 7 KB, 337x150, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off go put your money in a term deposit and get a camry faggot head

>> No.6677125

Good thread fellas. Way to keep bumping

>> No.6677406

Come for the cats, stay for the empathy

>> No.6677427

do research and don't make emotionally based decisions (where 80% of people fail), that's all you need to know. also don't buy into crypto yet, wait till btc hits like 3k again

>> No.6677501

This. Put in time newfags, learn board culture or fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.6677684

Lopp.net is a good resource try that, pardon all the high strung fuckers in this thread m8, good luck !

>> No.6677816
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many trxs go fast annoucement soon thank me

>> No.6677875


You're welcome