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File: 111 KB, 960x960, 9439CA88-8758-4A04-85C8-B360B9D5E49A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6666191 No.6666191 [Reply] [Original]

REQ will hit $2 tomorrow

>> No.6666212

No, it wont

>> No.6666274

Yes, it will

>> No.6666277

>doesnt know REQ gets dumped every friday because people buy the rumor and sell the news

Kek, if you were smart you'd drop your bags in the next few hours

>> No.6666320
File: 36 KB, 480x360, yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6667059


>> No.6667088


>> No.6667181

Fuck your desperate

>> No.6667207

>imagining a 3.33x change in 24 hours

>> No.6667392

What's with the numbers 333 33 77 and other associated numbers in every REQ thread

>> No.6667537

Does she have a penis?

>> No.6667577


>> No.6667616

Ima grab dem tails and hit dat from the back tomorrow too nah mean heh heh heh yea buddy whole buncha lambo gang shit

>> No.6667640

It begins

>> No.6667648

Jesus I've never seen a more punchable face.

>> No.6667675

Judging by that comment you've never held req before or just got in recently holy fuck.

>> No.6667683

dubs and it dumps back to .55 because people who over hype this great long term coin are cancer.

>> No.6667692

OP is this true??? --> >>6667059
I'd seriously think about at least reimbursing the original owner. It's not cool to just take things like that.

>> No.6667753

who this bitch is?

>> No.6667795

Shieeeet it's the girl you can get with REQ when it hits $2 tomorrow

>> No.6667796

btw trips for $100+ in 365 days


>> No.6667840

$5 EOW

>> No.6667879

What the fuck does REQ even do anyway?

>> No.6667901

nothing XLM can't.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6667949

Nothing. It's just like btc but on the ethereum blockchain. Lets you pay people.

>> No.6667950

I wanna give my req bros a heads up for their other holdings.
he said they dump off a bitcoin gold pump and bitcoin gold is up over 11% in the last hour while everything else is stagnant or at a loss.

>> No.6667961


She’s still a 5 faggot.

>> No.6667979

Yes because they’re the same thing. Retard

>> No.6667989

15% 17% as i wait the minute to post. 18% 19% 20%

>> No.6667995

$2 confirmed

>> No.6668040

>Implying you're not trolling
Basically, REQ tokens will be burned in every transaction is done in the app.
>B-b-b-b-b-b-but what does the app do? xD
It'll be very similar to Paypal, allowing you to send a request to get paid, and receiveing them too. But the best part is that once you send or receive a payment request, the request can be done in ANY currency. Yes, you read that well, ANY currency. For example if pajeet cleaned his toilet and begged me for money as usual, and he sends me a request, I don't need to buy Bazingacoins to pay him, I can simply send ETH and the app will instantly turn that into rupees or whatever, burning REQ tokens in the process.

>> No.6668061

Only I know the answer and I'll never tell. :^)
Yes I'm telling the truth.

>> No.6668063

XLM does everything REQ can do.

>> No.6668100

this bitch needs to bleach her mustache if shes gonna bleach her hair

>> No.6668129

hes actually slow unreal

>> No.6668154

Req is just a purchase gateway, the beauty is that it's simple enough that even idiots can use it.

Req tokens are used to do the transaction but you can make the transaction with any currency and it's smart enough to see you making a transaction with any particular crypto, you can also use fiat.

>> No.6668242

He's not wrong though. Xlm does all the things req can

>> No.6668298

For example? I think you are bullshiting us.

>> No.6668303

She's a solid 7 with no makeup. 9/10 with makeup. I would marry her.

>> No.6668328

Did they every confirm the stake model or was that just a rumor?

>> No.6668350

how does it do this? Will there be some kind of reserve of currency to do the translation or will it draw that currency from other transactions in the network?

>> No.6668353

Read the fucking whitepapers and see for yourself how much they overlap

>> No.6668421

XLM has a major vulnerability. REQ does not.

>> No.6668426

Fuck I wish it was confirmed. I have a good stack of this. But no anon, don't believe anything that's not officially confirmed.
I think the company itself will store the currencies. I don't know all the details anon, but trust me, they're working on everything.

>> No.6668464


They have a partnership with Kyber, they're using them to automatically covert other currencies to Req to pay for the transaction.

>> No.6668487

XLM has a working product. REQ does not

>> No.6668500

Guys not trying to fud I just don't understand something about req.

What is the value behind the req token? Now, people always tell me that it will be burnt in the transactions blah blah but if you can use any currency, what's the point in somebody buying req in the first place? What is the advantage for a person to buy some req? So let's just fast forward, pretend the platform is released and running smoothly. Is there any reason at all that somebody would think hmm I want to buy some req because _____.

>> No.6668546


>XLM has working product.
>worth less than REQ

says it all

>> No.6668593

You don't have to ever buy req to use it you niggerfaggot. The req tokens being purchased and burned will be transparent to the users Jesus you guys are fucked

>> No.6668606

I want to buy REQ because it'll eventually increase in value purely because of the burning.

>> No.6668618

because over time there will be less tokens to power the network, and the ease of use will drive people to use the network. The tokens become more valuable as the network is used. At least that is my current understanding, the idea is that most normies that use it wont even have to bother with REQ tokens.
So really we are investing in the kyber network and if they fuck up the whole thing shits the bed?

>> No.6668640

Req tokens are used to pay for transactions, that's it. You buy the tokens to either use yourself or sell to someone else using them to burn in a transaction.

>> No.6668653

Have these fucking retards heard of a market cap? They wont make it

>> No.6668688


I don't think so, there's plenty of other ways to do it like with 0x, just Kyber was an easy partnership and made the most sense.

>> No.6668707
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>i dont know all the details but trust theyre working on everything
Same story as XRP the token is useless back end shit and noone will ever need the token

Dont get sucked into this crap by low effort shills people please

>> No.6668720


>> No.6668829

I'm fucking tired mate, it's like 10:00 PM over here. But I guess you never make any mistakes, right anon? Just buy some Bitconect.
Oh and
>comparing the jew shitfest that is Ripple to REQ
Just kys my man

>> No.6668861

If she doesn't have a penis, dump.

>> No.6668902

Do you know on binance if you opt to use BnB to pay fees it cuts them in half? That's what REQ will do. That's why people opt to pay the fee in REQ. No they don't need to buy it themselves, they click one button and their fees are cut in half whenever they use the request network.
None of you fags in the thread so far knew this which shows none of you have read the fucking whitepaper

>> No.6668991

It makes sense that a company using Request would want to buy a stash of tokens up front because it would get cheaper and cheaper to use Req as the value increases instead of paying the normal fee whenever a transaction happens.

Either way, transactions will take tokens. Buy tokens now and then sell them to people using them for the actual purpose later.

>> No.6669002
File: 89 KB, 1600x1216, Hitler rehearsing his public speeches in front of the mirror 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said i never make mistakes but at least i do proper research before i invest and know the details of the project
Nice rebuttal on my ripple comparison you really teared my argument down
The absolute state of REQ “““investors“““

>> No.6669007

Y-yes ma'am! :3

>> No.6669048

ill eat my left nut if it hits $2 tomorrow
you reqtards will be lucky to see .75

>> No.6669140
File: 75 KB, 600x656, d04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way gombinador!!!!

>> No.6669229
File: 7 KB, 276x182, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some East Side niggas and they love to bang
Know some West Side niggas like to do the same thang
Pull up and REQ, pull up and REQ
Pull up and REQ, pull up and REQ
I know some East Side niggas and they love to bang
Know some West Side niggas like to do the same thang
Pull up and REQ, pull up and REQ
Pull up and REQ, we take no disrespect

>> No.6669304

Can somebody answer this question for me:

If Req is on a blockchain, and there's no incentives for miners, or proof of stake for validators, what is the incentive for nodes to run the network?

>> No.6669482
File: 241 KB, 1662x850, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 8.10.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REQ: this pump brought to you by people who don't know how Y Combinator works.

>> No.6669615
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1513859904725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes no fucking sense
First you say you need to buy req to cut fees in half and in the next sentence you say you dont need to buy req to get low fees
Also fees are always paid in request only it gets exchanged through kyber in real time
You have no fucking idea what youre talking about
Yeah because companies operate with enough liquidity to pay for transaction fees 10 years in advance sure
Come on

Anyone with half a brain avoids this shit
Be reasonable people

>> No.6669647

>1 in 10 is bad

how many startups usually go to zero immediately or after 1 year?

>> No.6669650
File: 15 KB, 550x368, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't taking hearty keks, lil' nigga (Straight up)
Put a couple holes in your eth, lil' nigga (God)
Fuck a stinky linky, get you stretched, lil' nigga (21)
Got a private key 'round my REQ, lil' nigga

>> No.6669768
File: 361 KB, 1280x690, 1_twP1t-jwd47pugh_VhrWUg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first you say you need to buy REQ to cut fees
No I did not
Are you a brainlet anon? Have you ever used binance before? There's literally a toggle button to choose whether or not to pay in BnB. It's a button that cuts your fees in half. You don't touch BnB yourself just like you won't need to touch REQ

>> No.6669788



>> No.6669852

Mass produce this and make it sound good

>> No.6670029

Well I'm convinced.

>> No.6670077

The difference is BNB isnt obligatory to pay your fees in and REQ will be used in every transaction anyway
So theres no incentive to actually buy some REQ
And if youre betting on the coin burning i got bad news for you
The amount of coins burned will be marginal to keep the network running for a few hundred years
The request team even said themselves theyre registered as a non profit
The token is basically a pyramid scheme to get the founders rich anyway
Well who couldve guessed its not like their first milestone on the roadmap for ICO was called “pyramid“
Oh wait it was?
Well fuck

>> No.6670107

> the idea is that most normies that use it wont even have to bother with REQ tokens.
Yes, not directly. They do buy them under the hood though indirectly. Kyber and 0x based liquidity pools are used for purchasing that fee amount of Req automatically.

So its not that they don't use Req tokens, its more like they don't even need to care or be aware that they are using them.

>> No.6670348

>So theres no incentive to actually buy some REQ
not an argument
buying early vs paying market value means you'll save in REQ fees by hoarding it duh
>The amount of coins burned will be marginal
not an argument
Request will move to pos (burning benefits all / staking benefits the hoarders)
>The token is basically a pyramid scheme to get the founders rich anyway
not an argument
same could be said for ANY crypto
>Well who couldve guessed its not like their first milestone on the roadmap for ICO was called “pyramid“
not an argument

>> No.6670418

Holy shit guys the tokens are like the fuel for the platform, no matter what happens any transaction burns a token, thus increasing the value overtime damn brainlets

>> No.6670517

Nice dubs, but I'd like to refute that "dumps every friday" meme. Using 11am as a start point, 11pm as a close point, and quoting candle close price...

1/12- in decrease, then 5620 -> 5335
1/5- at bottom, then 4087 -> 6448 (incl ATH)
12/29- flat, then 2175 -> 2557
12/22- increasing, then 1735 -> 1924
12/15- flat, then 1478 ->1471
12/8- flat, then 648 -> 765
12/1- flat, then 605 -> 591

It far from dumps every friday. You're more likely to see a big gain than a dump on Fridays.

Just hold, newfriends

>> No.6670650


>not an argument

Aka you have no fucking rebuttal to him you brainlet. Stay poor

>> No.6670660

Can somebody answer this question for me:

If Req is on a blockchain, and there's no incentives for miners, or proof of stake for validators, what is the incentive for nodes to run the network?

>> No.6670702

i had a rebuttal for every vapid 'point'

>he didn't read the white/yellow paper
not my fault kiddo

>> No.6670750

ethereum is moving to pos (so will req)
>what is the incentive for nodes to run the network
do you know how ethereum works?
try to keep up

>> No.6670829

XLM is worthless just like Ripple.

>> No.6670928

XLM will be what fucking saves crypto from the failing BTC you brainlet.

When the decentralized exchange FairX goes online with XLM as the trading pair, we will finally see the entire market go bull again.

>> No.6671640

Why the fuck is it dropping so much right now? Did the founders have a heart attack

>> No.6672542


completely uneducated on the topic, but still like to spew bullshit. classic. if you did a 5 minute google search you'd release that request network is a network to pay each other with different currencies, and that the request network token never actually makes direct contact with the users, it is just used in the transfer process.

now go back to shitposting and ruining this board brainlets.

>> No.6672811


Wow biz is actually fucking retarded.

>> No.6673652


ok yeah req will definitely not be hitting 2 dollars tomorrow. Really the market is pretty unpredictable right now, it's a stupid thread. I do think request network can be an extremely successful project however.

>> No.6673973

Let's say that Request announces a partnership with Amazon tomorrow, with implementation of the Request payment platform as a payment method scheduled for mid March. What happens to the price of REQ?

>> No.6674035

I would literally shit myself. I would be giddy like a school girl. That literally would make me shit

>> No.6674169

that's not even funny to bring up, it'll never funny its pointless to even imagine. If it did though, REQ would easily go to top 5 in terms of market cap

>> No.6674254

It would be like winning the lottery for me. I would never have to work again. I wouldnt freak out though. I would begin planning on how to make the fiat stack bigger.

>> No.6674311

>Estimated value: 0.00564407 BTC

>> No.6674446

Get back to me in February with mainnet release. You honestly think the working product meme means shit? It doesn't when the working product chugs dick

>> No.6674480 [DELETED] 

token air drop.


Please sirs, my family will starve if I don't get any tokens.



>> No.6674645

I'll click your link pajeet
but first you must send me 100k TRX

>> No.6675357

I do know how ethereum works.

Req is finite. They said they won't make any new coins. They're burning tokens as they use them. There are no miners on the Req platform because there's no token reward, so unless Req runs completely on Ethereum there's no way to run the network.