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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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666515 No.666515 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/. This is my first post. I'm 18 and heading for college at a decent school. Is it a decent idea to get a B.B.A in marketing with a dual minor in computer information systems and a foreign language (most likely mandarin). I pretty much want to work for a tech company but on the business end because I don't want computers and technology (which i like)to be a burden, just a hobby. Is this a decent pathway to go? Or should I consider going for finance or international business?

>> No.666522

You're so unfocused. You know that so many people have degrees these days. It's too easy to get stuck doing low skill/minimum wage labor and buttloads of student loans unless you're actually have a focus. Business marketing is one of those "I don't know where I'm going in my life so I may as well just sell out" degrees...

>> No.666524

Jobs like to hire for hard degrees, no matter the position, so go for STEM
And the middle class in China speak english btw

>> No.666525

Really. To be fair I've always been interested in getting into marketing since middle school. So then what should I do?

>> No.666527
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If you double major in comp sci and marketing you would be a fucking beast. Pro tip: the business major marketing is likely tougher than the Communication major's version of marketing ("strategic communication") or something. The communication major gives you literally the same marketing info as biz marketing major, but you can also learn sales/persuasion strategies which are God-tier. Also, communication could be a good GPA booster to balance out with the tough computer science courses, so you can still graduate with a high GPA. I was a communication major, and looking back I would have done that (with comp sci or engineering)

>> No.666531

Oh, and Rosetta stone is cheaper and more effective for learning mandarin than the years of coursework. And get a chinese gf while you're at it

>> No.666533
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Really? I always felt like I had no place getting a degree in computer science, math, engineering, etc....My entire life I've always been more of a peoples person so I felt getting a business degree would fit me

>> No.666535

Maybe in whatever biz major you do, double major in information systems. It's kind of techy, enough to land you a job at Accenture or IBM if you get a good GPA

>> No.666536

Thanks for the advice. I'll throw out mandarin. I'd consider computer science but I really don't feel interested in picking up programming and delving into theory. Not to mention all the "gaymers" that I know are getting that degree.

>> No.666538
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Thanks man....definitely considered

>> No.666550

>Jobs like to hire for hard degrees, go science/mathematics

I'd say that is false. a science/tech degree wouldn't be any better than a psychology degree to a job that is totally unrelated to both studies.

A more appropriate statement to say would be "Jobs like to hire for Ivy League degree holders, no matter the position".

>> No.666552
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Being that I don't go to anything near an ivy league school (Georgia state university). How can I put myself ahead others when getting a job?

>> No.666559

I'd be wary of doing that unless you loved the people or its virtually free to go because of scholarships. I regret my Baker College education almost every day and wonder what could have been had I just sucked it up and did Spanish credits to get into a decent school. And that was in fucking 2003.

You could spend money on a business loan and if you failed could go bankrupt but you can't lose student loans in bankruptcy.

STEM is a total meme degree

You are right computer degrees are likely going nowhere, you could get some network certs or information degrees might be okay if they can lead into say a cybersecurity for hire business.

Chinese and Indians are kicking our asses in computers will always be some curry jerkoff jockeying for your position.

If you are a real people person... try marketing and Spanish. Latin market will be huge and you'll be able to be either a marketer to their market or a buyer of their goods.

>> No.666561

Degree relevancy doesn't mean anything
A person with a finance degree will be almost nothing they were taught at an investment bank. Which is why investment banks like engineers

This is the reality of the job market

>> No.666563

Idk man. These types of jobs require a lot of communication and cross referencing with the code writer. Something not easily achieved through outsourcing.
I'd say the freelance web designers are gettin fucked by our curry friends in the east but apparently that's pleb tier unless you already have a crazy portfolio and can package maintenance into the contract. I doubt

>> No.666594

Don't listen to this drivel OP
In just about every job you can imagine, a STEM degree will put yourself ahead of people with degrees like psychology.
STEM will show the employer you know how to think critically, which is important everywhere.

>> No.666642

Just do CS

>> No.666646

> marketing degree

If you're gonna go for useless dog shit you might as well go for women's studies, liberal arts or psychology while you're at it.

>> No.666793
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What makes marketing such a useless degree? Never heard of a company that didn't need it?

>> No.666796

>"need it"
top lel marketing and hr departments only exist to fill up race and gender quotas

>B.B.A in marketing
>any business degree
have fun working at mcdonalds OP

>> No.666809
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Then what do you suggest anon?

>> No.666816

I want to do investment banking. Assuming I went to a target school, what major should I pursue?

>> No.666821

your memes are shit and youre an idiot

>> No.666825
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Sure told me man.

>> No.666836

You are never going to be successful.

>> No.666838
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>> No.666852


>> No.666861

Engineering / Med school

everything else is useless

if not just major in art history/women studies and develop your social skills. if you can sell yourself to the employer with such a joke degree then you can sell anything my friend

>> No.668023


>> No.668112
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>all these faggots talking shit about marketing and sales on /biz/ today

99% of the brands most people buy are only bought because of marketing and PR, and no business can operate without sales. This just further proves that most of the faggots on /biz/ are delusional neck-bearded, Cheetos-fingered social retards who have zero creativity and are too much of gigantic fucking pussies to put themselves out there either social or professionally. And news flash: the reality is that almost all of these daggots who bash marketing/sales and suck STEM's dick are basement dwelling losers who make less than a fucking garbage man, and don't actually know anything about real business. They pick STEM for job security, and so they can coast in an office making money for not really doing anything or taking any risks, but in reality, when the layoffs begin, the first faggots to get fired are people who are fucking pussies and not willing to take risks to move forward. Real true business is done through networking, interpersonal, strategy and creativity.

>> No.668121

Also, marketing is entirely data driven now. So if you really want to be successful in marketing, take some sort of course work in statistics, data science, information systems, web analytics, basic html and computer database shit, almost enough to have a minor in it unless your other double major has that stuff (information systems). Become a professor's research assistant for course credit and analytics experience, and become Google Analytics certified before you look for marketing internships. These two things will land you a really hot shit first internship, and then next summer you get an even better one, and the summer after that again, and next thing you know you're being recruited by JP Morgan Chase for their 2-year marketing leadership development rotational program, on track to a corporate management position with them, and on track to Stanford Business School. After which you'll never make less than $250k a year. Meanwhile, these marketing haters on /biz/ will be dead, from either a heart attack, or have committed suicide from their shitty STEM job and realizing what pieces of shit they are

>> No.668141

>work for
That's not how it works.

>> No.668169

I work in sales and I'm saying you are a joke if you go for a communications or marketing degree

>> No.668173

Investment banks would hire someone with an accounting/finance degree over marketing, even for their sales positions, and they will (and do) hire engineers over both
You fucking moron