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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6664649 No.6664649 [Reply] [Original]

Don't miss out on 2018's hidden gem. FunFair WILL hit $1.00 - $2.00 this year. No doubt in my mind. Get in before you kick yourself for missing yet another life changer.

For those of you who do not know, FunFair aims to be THE online casino chip. It has a great team, over a year of development, contacts in the Vegas elite, and is nearing their final release.

This link is from last week, but it explains why FUN will be on the moon sometime between Feb / March with ICE and their casino beta.


Also, do a search for FUN related events: http://coinmarketcal.com/

This is your chance to make 10-20X on a coin this year. Don't miss out.

>> No.6664683


t. OP

>> No.6664740


>> No.6664814


buy fun or stay poor

>> No.6664883
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I bought in at .14

The dip would have been a nicer time to buy. Argh.

>> No.6664889

why would people buy a token like fun to play their games ? Seems like unnecessary step

>> No.6664904
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>inb4 casino implementation fails

Show me how much you've all put in if you want to convince me

>> No.6664936

it avoids dealing with credit card fraud and chargebacks

>> No.6664939

Read the white paper

>> No.6664987
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>> No.6664989
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Its a way around taxes but I wont tell you how

>> No.6664990

alright I will, but if this is another shitcoin thats on a blockchain but doesnt need to be then ill be back to tell u to fuck off

>> No.6665009
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Im about 50% in...

>> No.6665021

I have fun, but what about decent.bet, not yet on any big exchanges, has working beta slots, roulette and api that allows you to build your own decent.bet casino... also has option to invest in the house...

>> No.6665031

hahaha dacent idea, put money into fun, claim it was won in poker, pay tax on dirty cash.

>> No.6665053

I'll wait here in the thread

>> No.6665112

cool, give me 30 mins

>> No.6665176
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>> No.6665204
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All aboard the moon mission!

>> No.6665227

I'm not moving my coins at a loss for this. Link is going farther then this shitcoin would ever dream it could

>> No.6665251

it's on blockchain because the games are provably fair and transparent

>> No.6665269

but how many stinky linkies do you have?

>> No.6665431

i bought 8k.. will i make it

>> No.6665647

I read it. Do gamers really not trust the house to be fair? I have never heard that being a problem with gamers I know.

>> No.6665822
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unsure about this desu. Dont see how it beats current centralised casinos.

>> No.6665942

>No Kyc for FF.
>No withdrawal of funds bullshit.
>No low RTF.
>No restrictions on Burgers and Changs using it.
>Best memes by miles.

I-It's a shitcoin, anon.

>> No.6666019

FF control the licenses for the casinos right? They could be forced by gov to only allow licenses if their clients implement kyc.
Burgers and changs can use overseas casinos now. Dont see the problem?

>> No.6666043

Will this moon before link? I want to take fun earnings into sergays belly

>> No.6666131

That's the casino's problem, not FF's.
2 dicks in Curacao allowing customers from all over the world or a pub in SE Asia can buy a load of it for their customers to play with.

There are an awful lot of restrictions on online gaming sites to operate in The US and China.

>> No.6666195

I still don't understand why all of these 'uses for blockchain' and 'monetization' opportunities make sense.

Why are they passing on free money to us? Where does funfair coin come from? Do they own them all and use the revenue they get for startup costs? Why not get private investment?

I'm such a fucking brainlet. I understand that the technology is really useful for protecting data integrity, but is it proprietary somehow? Why does it have value to us plebs? Why the fuck do any of these 'promising' crypto ventures have any value? Why monetize and call them 'coins'? Why?

The digital currency kind of makes some sense but only one coin will fill that gap surely?

>> No.6666213


But why do we need 3 threads

>> No.6666238

Online gambling has had a notorious history with being shady, and quite a few casinos have been caught out skewing results. Trustless gambling just gets rid of all doubt, and the FunFair platform allows people (who are legally able to do so) to set up their own online casinos very quickly.

In regards to the "need to buy tokens to gamble", many casinos won't out right say "here buy these tokens!" - many of them will probably use USD on the front and FunFair on the back-end, so normies think they're still playing with US dollar value.

>> No.6666303

There was a guy with 6 million in an earlier thread, I can screencap it if you want
Also, there's zero chance of failure. If you look at the team in charge of it, the people they've been poaching from top casinos, and their backgrounds, you'd realize why

>> No.6666338

Because it is easy fucking money at the moment.

>See Kodak Blockchain rumours
>Long Island Blockchain

Easy to rope in money.
There are very few actual use cases and most coins/tokens wont survive the holocaust in 2020/21, but a few will - those that solve a current problem instead of all the world's ills.

FUN can.
BAT will.
Logistics will have one: it might be LINK or some other shillcoin for all we know.

>> No.6666370

ya I was thinking theyd do something like that alright. No way do you want fun at the front end.

>> No.6666416

>startup looking to distrupt business that are doing ok
>Zero risk
>Zero risk

>> No.6666490

Okay. So lets say that the technology has a real use in making online gambling provably fair. Great. Why is it in the form of coins? Why not have a p2p ledger in the background and not put yet another meme coin on the market? I'm too much of a brainlet to even articulate the question I'm trying to ask, but it's something like 'Why the fuck does this real world application of the technology mean that I can buy some shit coin called fun? If the idea is rock solid why not get private investment?

>> No.6666507

It's one of the major benefits of FUN
They're all equally fair, but you can go to whichever casino has the options that appeal to you the most, which is why online gambling has the potential to become bigger than regular gambling in the 21st century. The power of technology.

You no longer need to go to a casino in person to potentially get ripped off, and you aren't limited to only the ones you can reach. You could being in Australia and use a Chinese casino if you like their options. Or you could jump on Vegas' online casino.

Whoever /doesn't/. use a gambling crypto of some kind will end up falling drastically far behind everyone else, and FUN is the undisputed king, so naturally you'd go for it

>> No.6666571

Gambling wins are tax free?

>> No.6666659

I am confused. What youre saying is the place with the best odd and risk / return will get the most customers eventually? I am not following you here at all. sorry.

>> No.6666695

Zero chance of failure, not zero risk. The people in charge have all been in the gambling industry for over 20 years, most of them involved with online gambling, and have insane connections. They poached people like David Greyling, a high executive from William Hill, the biggest online casino. You don't just give up a prestigious job like that unless they've got deals going on behind the scenes, or FUN has the potential to be infinitely bigger than the previous job.

There isn't any risk of failure of for this project short of their HQ being nuked by Korea.

Even if the crypto market as a whole was on the verge of permanent crash, do you honestly think big shots will let their investments disappear? No chance. Even if everything else goes down, FUN will be kept afloat solely by casinos needing to keep holding FUN in order to pay people off.

>> No.6666700

If you were to put every transaction on a ledger it would be too expensive as trx costs would skyrocket quickly.

With fate channels you pay one entry price and blow through fun in that session before cashing out - the result of the FC is put on the ledger.
The earlier you get in playing the cheaper it is to cash out as your ETH costs are low.

>> No.6666859

Faster, cheaper online gambling that is just as legal as gambling in Las Vegas. Pretty sure they will have some shit of games and it will look nice. Played some blackjack and it was like other ones on apps.

This is perfect for fat or crippled cryptoholders.

>> No.6666910

If one casino has an option for directly converting USD to FUN in realtime, and another just expects you to have tokens, then you can choose to go to the casino that has USD options if you really need that.
If one casino locks in the price of FUN purchases for the day (ie. they have you buy from the casino itself, whom sells their FUN directly to the customers and covers the difference between their FUN and the market), and another sells them to you at current market price, then you can choose whichever one fits you more.
FUN is just the backend tech. The casinos customize everything else to their liking. You can pick and choose from what each casino offers on top of FUN. This creates genuine competition between casinos, which means they'll all work to the best of their abilities to appeal to the general population. They're also required to compete, because by not jumping on the FUNtrain, they end up giving up their chance to monopolize a heavy percentage of the gambling market who wants guaranteed fairness.

>> No.6667086

>fate channels

The early brainlet gets the ponzi I think. I don't compute any of this shit at all. I'm going to keep my retarded ass out of crypto I think.

>> No.6667167
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FUN shooting up

Estimations of value at 6.2?


>> No.6667381
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>> No.6667526


>> No.6667735

There was literally no reason to believe it wasn't free money. We've been telling you for over a month and giving you the exact reasoning.
Most coins can't tell you anything other than 'XD IT'S SO GOOD HODL' whereas we were literally telling you when it would go up, why it has the best team in all of crypto, everything about it that guarantees it's worth money, and we even had the best memes to attract retards

Sell low my boys

>> No.6667884

Even if the whole market crash, this coin will still have value.

I'm totally comfy holding FUN.

>> No.6668033
File: 25 KB, 649x347, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare yourselves
12 cents and we're not stopping
I hope you faggots listened when we told you to buy and prepare to break our old ATH

>> No.6668182

this coin is the only reason i make money in crypto jesus christ the whales in fun are so comfy

>> No.6668425

The most legit team in crypro

>pokerstars marketing director
>william hill director
>pkr.com founder

How can this coin not succeed.

>> No.6668496

Yet they somehow still don't have a poker platform in their casino.

>> No.6668506


>> No.6668529

yessssss! more give me more give me more!

>> No.6668581

Its pretty obvious they are doing it later one way or other, they are practically best friends with pokerstars. Jez has a good name in poker circle

>> No.6668619

what the fuck is biz's obsession with shitcoins that clearly have no fucking product or use

>> No.6668659

>he bought tron, ripple, cardano

>> No.6668718

dubs and i put all my REQ into FUN

>> No.6668747

>he's retarded

>they already have 12 games which is more than 4x what any other casino coin has developed
>they have 20+ in development on their own, with a multitude of side devs sending in their work as they get paid per state channel their game is used on
Yeah man, they're really lacking

>> No.6668945

>still don't have the biggest and probably most played game in online gambling that they all specialize

Wow really makes me think glad to know they're working on thumb wrestling and coin flip apps tho can't wait to check it out.

>> No.6668986

I only have 27k i think im selling soon after feb

>> No.6669017

>up 21% in 24 hours

>> No.6669056


I don't give a shit if I convince you or not. Your loss.

>> No.6669168

Most people who go casinos play Blackjack as it gives the house no advantage.
Also, I don't know what the fuck you're on about. They already have multiple variants of Poker available for play right now https://showcase.funfair.io/

Fuck off noFUN

>> No.6669199

Someone convince me to hodl for a year

>> No.6669236

They expressed that having a multiplayer game like poker presents some challenges because of the possibility of collusion.

>> No.6669244

im holding until next year and this shit will make us rich

>> No.6669314

yep this is a shitcoin confirmed. thanks faggots i'll have FUN watching you lose your allowances

>> No.6669320

They are expanding to poker, betting, dice etc next year and already have contacts for it all. If crypto is ever used in poker, this is the coin for it

>> No.6669354
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Convince yourself scrotum cheeks

>> No.6669363

weak troll

>> No.6669370
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only 2%

>> No.6669448

>bought in at 3c
Yeah I'm not losing shit, retard

>> No.6669453
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>this is only one of my wallets

>> No.6669477
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dubs and you kys for not buying fun in the first place

>> No.6669526

This is a weak argument because the same could be said about any other online casino yet just about all of them allow poker.

>> No.6669563

THe problem lies in the integration of poker within a smart contract.

>> No.6669582

Ima just leave this here... https://www.decent.bet/

>> No.6669612
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Who is literally having fun?

Even with the huge crash, my coins never touched any red.

>> No.6669664

I mean the fate channels

>> No.6669699


>> No.6669743
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>> No.6669779
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>> No.6669870
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Solid advise for the soyboy

Meanwhile fun 1100 sat up 100% in 24h

>> No.6669928
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Thank you jez, I love fun!

>> No.6669929

who wants to tell me why a casino will use a volatile cryptocurrency as their token instead of solid fiat values

>> No.6670032

Who wants to tell him what we tell everyone else
Actually fuck it I'll do it
FUN is just the backend. Casinos can build on top of it. They can have you put in a fiat value and it'll convert it to the amount of FUN you need to use. Casino might have calculators on demand, might show your worth in real time, or might even lock in the price for FUN each day and pay the difference themselves (or take the free gains) to cover market costs and removing all volatility for the consumer in the process. If you don't like the way one casino handles it, you go to one that handles it in the way you prefer.

There is nothing requiring you to only speak in FUN and decimals.

>> No.6670040

Stay in shitcoins pajeet and do your own res

>> No.6670082


>> No.6670159

Why would I buy some ERC20 shitcoin when I already own ETH?

>> No.6670206

Stay poor pajeet

>> No.6670267
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>> No.6670274

Probably because there's no major casinos coming online that mainly use ETH while there are for FUN.

>> No.6670307

So it's pajeet to wonder someone would gamble on the 90th ETH token to be released when they can just buy the original king mack daddy that created them?

>> No.6670309

>being this defensive
Good way to spot a pajeet

>> No.6670353

Why do we need FUN when there are other crypto casinos that accept coins/tokens of better value?

>> No.6670426

because they need someone to buy this shitcoin from them so they can get out and buy a coin that will actually be used for something

>> No.6670448

Who give a shit, as long as this shit give me money it doesn't fucking matter

>> No.6670519
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If fun gets to $1 I'm buying a miata
If fun gets to $5 I'm buying an s2000
If fun gets to $10 I'm buying an apartement.

I have complete faith in this project.
Lets go boys!

>> No.6670555
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Stay mad pajeet

>> No.6670558

Because other crypto casinos are actual casinos, so casinos can't adopt them.
FUN is tech that any casino can adopt.
FUN is made for mass adoption, crypto casinos serve no one other than themselves, and in the off chance they somehow have a deal with a casino, the casino can't make any changes at all without bending over for the devs.

>> No.6670617

>No licensing fee, unlike existing platforms
>No royalty fee, unlike existing platforms
>Eliminates need to maintain servers
>Automated payments through smart contracts
>Blockchain ensures transparency
>Easy auditing of all transactions for everyone, including operators, clients, affiliates, and gov authorities
>Two-click set up to start new service; html ready, no software needed
>Proprietary technology; first in the market that allows cheap, fast on-blockchain gambling

People have been shilling this coin heavily for a good reason. This also makes all the faggots who see all the "chadcoin" shilling get their panties up in a bunch.

Fuck the haters. This team clearly knows what they are doing. Rising as we speak.

>> No.6670739

i already had a ton of FUN
i was just asking if i should buy more

>> No.6670783
File: 214 KB, 1200x1200, any-man-who-must-say-i-am-the-king-is-no-true-king-zkw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People have been shilling this coin

Any coin that needs to be constantly shilled is no good coin

You guys would be happy buying the coin at 10 cents and less. Not constantly trying to increase the price.

It's okay though I am sure everyone here will be able to hop off the ride before it bitconnects

>> No.6670858

back to faceberg with your GOT meme faggot

>> No.6670921

Moon mission on pause, BTC taking a dip.

>> No.6670923


That's a completely retarded generalization. FUN doesn't "need" to be shilled. It's getting shilled because it has a lot of fans. There's no coordinated effort to shill FUN like you see with these other coins with Discord groups and shit. It just has a lot of fans and holders who believe in the coin and want it to do well.

And you just ignored all of the facts I listed there and talked about something largely irrelevant. I think you're retarded.

>> No.6670957

Bitconnect is some shit ponzi scheme.
FUN has an amazing team with a working product. Most shitcoins these days shilled on here hardly have a whitepaper.
KYS and your shit memes.

>> No.6670971

>got meme
Back to Plebbit with you scum

>> No.6671082
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no need to shill fellow channers. Plenty of redditors you guys can bait. What price are you guys trying to get it to before dumping?

>> No.6671405

People shilled the hell out of ETH on here too you braindead tripfag.

>> No.6671626

You know you have power over something when you've got dedicated retards hating on you. You've been in multiple threads doing nothing but trying to shit on FUN while getting btfo. Fuck off with your nignog trip back to /vg/

>> No.6671643

>lives with parents
>drives a miata

>> No.6671680
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You're right anon, we're all just stupid and you're not. Good for you.

>> No.6671808


So since Apple, McDonald's, Samsung, and Coca-Cola all spend astronomical amounts on "shilling" their products through ad campaigns, they're all shit companies right?

Are you retarded?

>> No.6671839

Has any casino even shown interest in FUN?

>> No.6671862
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aaaaaand were going back down again. Glad I bought in at 300s

>> No.6671892

how heavy are the bags you're holding?

>> No.6671921
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A whale dumped his stack because he bought at 8c or something and wanted a 50% gain. We're still going up

>> No.6671938
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>> No.6671962
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don't be a little bitch. Have some FUN

>> No.6672150


So we agree that your argument is completely retarded right? Good. I love it when someone tries to respond with something completely unrelated. It's basically conceding that you were wrong.

And I bought in when it was a nickel. Not very heavy at all, ya retard.

>> No.6672229
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Lets have FUN!