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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6661472 No.6661472 [Reply] [Original]

Is IOTA a solid investment for the long term?

>> No.6661643

no, iota is the death of humanity, if they develop what they promise then nanobots communicating with each other will be unstoppable killing machines, only a matter of time until AI or some madman uses them to wipe out humanity

>> No.6661674

but why not profit of the nano machines in the meantime?

>> No.6661743

>hey boss we found cure for cancer
>nah lets profit of the cancer treatment medicaments for the meantime

notice something ?

>> No.6661768
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>smart refugee cities

>> No.6662115

no, RaiBlocks is better in every way

>> No.6662162

I'm xrb fan, but iota's anti spam measure might be the winner in the long term

>> No.6662335


ITC is superior to both. IOTA would be king if it was opensource

>> No.6662387

IOTA is a pothead's hobby project.

>> No.6662416
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>AI is our true evolutionary path as species
>fuck humanity

>> No.6662626

Absolutely. Real world connections like mad. Currently bidding (at 50 percent cheaper than any competitor) for smart meters in China, India, South Africa. Sweden looking at Iota for e-kroner. Bosch likely using Iota for all smart devices (building a billion dollar processor plant, major players now part of Iota team, bought into Iota heavily, opened joint offices), a fucking battery of dozens of PHD math and tech geniuses on their team (to reach 150 by EOY), and offices opening in Tokyo, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Chicago, more coming. Trillion dollar project or nothing.

>> No.6662783

dog owners should be lynched

>> No.6663015

Visibility bump

>> No.6663048

i would have pleasure pushing your shitty eyes in your rotten brain