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6656579 No.6656579 [Reply] [Original]

All you have to do is buy coins on coinexchange.io, send to the lendconnect dashboard after you make an account, and lend the coins out. You get a 5% daily bonus on top of whatever the coins increase in value. Although the 5%gains you get are dependent on the price when you put the coins up, not the current price of the coin.


>> No.6657241

BTW u really think anyone will fall for this shit after BCC drama? kek

>> No.6657292
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>> No.6657404

Bitconnect was a fucking ponzi scheme. How is this a ponzi scheme?

or do you just mean the name

>> No.6657411

neck yourself, pajeet.

>> No.6657596

Fuck off you idiot. We all know you get a % return from people you sign up.

>> No.6657647

Ever heard of DavorCoin?

>> No.6657681

I'm not sending my shit anywhere go kys

>> No.6657806
File: 23 KB, 385x386, 1515627647748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea you get a bonus for referral, but that's not the point, you throw 1k in here and get roughly 50$ a day for doing jack shit. plus the gain the coin makes after the contract ends.


>> No.6657922
File: 425 KB, 790x665, 5wgwjvsf1ra01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart. Notice the pyramid. You're trapped in a scam, anon. I bet you can't even take your money out. How did you not notice this was a scam? Genuinely curious.

>> No.6658091
File: 81 KB, 400x397, 1515627905681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's a ref feral bonus on top of the 5% daily gains. And its shaped like a pyramid. Doesn't make the whole thing a ponzi scheme. Also i've already sent coins back and forth from coinechange, so I can withdraw.

>> No.6658092

lol is this shit for real

>> No.6658107

Fuck off asshole. Go educate yourself on a ponzi. Anything guaranteeing any amount of % of return is a scam. I hope these pajeets take your entire life savings.

>> No.6658158

lol my lifes savings. I threw some pennies in here to see if it would work and it does. Thought id share.

>> No.6658189
File: 11 KB, 480x360, lendconnect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6658200

You can withdraw... Until you can't.

Honestly, I'm going to put about 1k in this and hopefully I'll make some profit before it inevitably tanks. Bitconnect lasted a year.

>> No.6658220

Yeah, it's taken directly from their website.

Dude. This has genuinely made me a bit upset. You seem to genuinely believe this. Take your money out ASAFP, you're 100% locked into a scam.

>> No.6658232


>> No.6658247
File: 197 KB, 330x236, 1504346890053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy oh boy another ponzi

>> No.6658259

You are exactly here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAeaqeN-shs

>> No.6658281

Honestly you might be right. But that's fine. I'm already up, and with 30m mcap it will only go up. This isn;t something to dump all you have in, but ez gains are inevitable

>> No.6658381
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What the actual fuck. This exists.

>> No.6658472
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>> No.6658520

The site OP links is a scamsite btw. The real adress is lendconnect.io only.

>> No.6658542
File: 11 KB, 600x600, 1515647474477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like triangle scheme

>> No.6658572

Why not just call it "ponzicoin"? At least that has a nice ring to it. Lendconnect sounds boring as fuck.

>> No.6658579

its a referral link but you do you man

>> No.6658584

It's litterley a pyramid

>> No.6658588
File: 26 KB, 435x395, 1516305823295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6658727

Isn't every referral basically a pyramid scheme? Honestly this post was about the 5% gains from lending coins out. You don't even need the referral shit its just extra.

>> No.6658844

>Isn't every ref-
NO. Fuck no. If you keep getting money from your referral's referrals, that's a ponzi. If you get a single time bonus everytime your ref purchases and everybody gets the same bonus for their refs as well, that's a legit ref bonus.

>> No.6659006

come on, there are over 1000 coins out there, some even have a clear use and solve a clear problem. Why pick this one? the risk isn't wort it.

>> No.6659008

Either way its not the point. Bonus pyramid scheme referral on low mcap coin that will only grow. Site has only been out weeks.