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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6655632 No.6655632 [Reply] [Original]

>biztards says they managed to turn $1-10k into $100k within a few months
>tfw it seems impossible for me as once I started seeing huge gains from my $1k investment that I put in in late December, it went all back to $1k when the BTC dip occurred
I am hopeless now. Even with the hold meme, I don't really expect to see any massive growth for months to come, and definitely not even remotely close to a 10x

>> No.6655671

impatient fucker

>> No.6655674

litecoin bro, if bitcoin can reach 5 figs litecoin too

>> No.6655720

there might not be another boom until Q4

>> No.6655726

lol whoever on here is saying they turned 1k into 100k in the last few months is a pure-fucking-liar, I can promise you that. 1k into 10k, or 10k into 100, I can believe but not 1k into 100k

>> No.6655735

Peaked at $150k two days ago. $120k right now. Feels good, even after some retarded trades on my part

How does it feel being normie-tier late to the biggest transfer of wealth of our generation?

>> No.6655744

litecoin didnt even hit 4 figs

>> No.6655786

You admitted that you can’t make a profit in crypto yet suddenly you know when things boom? BTC is fucking dead and dying, look into alts you poor sap

>> No.6655788

There was a fucking boom today retard. Just buy the dip.

>> No.6655796

Oh, it's this thread again.
Babby's first bear market I see. Relax you sorry fuck, the market recovers every single time.

>> No.6655875


I started in 1/1/18 and have about 6k now. I did the one thing everyone says not to do - I went all in on a single coin. I hit XLM early then dumped it ath then hit neo most recently.

My whole plan was to gamble and get some capital to actually work with.

OP - you don’t have enough to hold if you want real money.

Take a gamble or two and see what happens.

>> No.6655880

>people who've been in crypto for years have made 1k to 100k

>I've been here a few weeks and not a millionaire yet wtf

PATIENCE you dumb fucktard

>> No.6655901

I put 4k in beginning of december had 40k before dip currently 25k and recovering, but keep being hopeless see how thats gonna work out for everything you do in life

>> No.6655914

Either some anons browsed /b years ago and put their allowances into btc and Eth early or some motherfuckers straight up larping. It takes 5k or more now to make big gainz in today's market gambling on shitcoins .

>> No.6655926

A lot of stuff went x50 in December though. XBY for example. Some people actually made their first million from tens of thousands, yep.

>> No.6655933

but how fast?
because I DMOR and have seen how alts and BTC had the biggest growth in the last quarter

>> No.6656012
File: 117 KB, 960x1280, bitcoin private.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of these people (including myself) went all in on a coin instead of diversifying and splitting attention between a buncha shit. focus on one shit until like, 50/100k usd, then diversify from there.

i went all in with 5k usd on zcl at 27usd, thanks to a whalebro's post on 4chan. pushing 70k now.

>> No.6656017

Clearly not as fast as you want it to. Go outside, get away from the internet for a while. Many coins have been going full green today yet you haven't noticed somehow.
Welcome to crypto. this happens at least once a week, in both directions.

>> No.6656051

yeah some definitely could have but who gives a fuck you can’t turn 1k into 100k by just browsing 4chan and making frog posts anymore retard.

>> No.6656132

I'm gambling on NIMFA after DBC gains, but that went 2x down so right now, I just hope that all the upcoming news and new exchange will actually do something about it

>I did the one thing everyone says not to do - I went all in on a single coin
even I am smart enough to know that this is actually probably the best thing to do. Diversifying below 10k is retarded

I missed ZCL. I haven't even bothered to look into it anymore despite the fork as I know I MIGHT get more out of other coins. Problem is..which one? I feel like it is a gamble, but somehow there are anons here who seem to be able to spot coins that will 100x before it happens. Those signs are usually low market cap and interesting product

>> No.6656143


I started in late December. If I had went with my initial investment strategy, I'd have been up x15 - x20 on January 7th.

I didn't and chased Stellar because of FairX. (Kill me btw.)

So it's definitely possible.

>> No.6656196

Weeks? Ah, I was expecting months. Maybe it's not so hopeless after all..

>> No.6656250

I am trying to be nice here, and I think my advice would help you, so please don't get offended.
You are one of the few cases where doing your own research would hurt you. You are so dumb you don't actually know how to apply your research, you just try to imitate what you think you're supposed to do when you research. (I mean really? It boomed in x/y/2017 so that means it won't boom until x/y/2018? Really?) Stop trying to think and just go all in on the next low marketcap coin you see being shilled hard.

>> No.6656276

christ, people forget so easily how quickly a market can turn. Chin up anon.

>> No.6656363

>I did the one thing everyone says not to do - I went all in on a single coin

What the fuck? Every single person here says that if you're going in with a small amount.

>> No.6656364

Why do you idiots expect a huge payout after having held a coin for fucking 48 hours?? Hold the shit pussy

>> No.6656464

t. About 55x gains since 2013

>> No.6656495

Dude, read. I said I expected maybe many months before a rebound.

uh, if you look at BTC's chart since 2015, you'd see a patter that:
dips a little in January, stays mostly flat until Summer where it will have a slight bump, then moons in Oct-Dec, rinse and repeat

>> No.6656501

I did exactly that in a month from XRB, bought at 1500 sats, sold at the ATH

>> No.6656675

I know this is a meme board where everybody wants to get rich quick but do you not realize how compound interest works?

If for the next 5 years you could manage a 20% return you could very easily get rich if you just saved money every month. If I could consistently get those gains I would never have to work again because that's an insane return.

Just get a fucking go get a compound interest calculator and realize if 5-10 years is too much to wait for you that is the reason you are poor now.

>> No.6656897

>Past data is going to tell me how the market will act in the future

4chan is amazing because in the past we knew how people thought during makret growths but never before did we have documentation in such volume of the mindsets of people who have absolutely no idea how economics work try to get rich off playing markets.

>> No.6657180
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ah well...yeah, I mean I guess it's impossible for markets to have annual trends then

oh wait...

>> No.6657254

>talk to some guy on omegle
>he tells me about bitcoin and how he mined 10000
>think its the most retarded scam virus shit I've ever heard of

>> No.6657356

Yeah and bitcoins season is based off of the dumb shit you post on 4chan to try to justify your useless models.

I take it crypto are your first investment?

>> No.6657556

>tfw I actually should have listened to /b/
>there are probably several thousand /b/illionaires lurking here; you call them whales

>> No.6657684
File: 142 KB, 800x600, megRsjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were born around the year 2000 weren't you? Learn to delay gratification faggot. And try DYOR.
Also you still have your initial investment. Wtf are you whining about? This is not real work, it's easy money. If a 9k loss bothers you then crypto is definitely not your thing

>> No.6657736

Man let me give you honest advice...put as much money as you can into Digibyte. Its a long term but at least you wont get screwed.

>> No.6657778
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah and bitcoins season is based off of the dumb shit you post on 4chan to try to justify your useless models.
seems like someone bought on January 9th

>> No.6657853

I don't want to sharpie in pooper
loss doesn't bother me the slightest. It's just the thought of missing out a huge opportunity and that I might not reach my EOM goal if the market continues what it currently does at this rate