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File: 18 KB, 160x188, sunny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6655217 No.6655217 [Reply] [Original]

Not gonna lie. I'm probably gonna get fired for this.
I'm one of the 40 devs working at Vechian.

I have dumped my personal stakes in the company, and I advise you all to as well before this spreads.

I'm spilling the beans about everything. As former anon already leaked: A long time ago, Sunny Lu (or as he likes to be called: The Slant-Eyed-Noodle Nigger Ninja) crawled through his mother's vagina. We all knew this, and we were appalled to say the least but kept the sharade going because the pay was good. What kind of freak would even touch, let alone CRAWL through their mothers vagina?

Anyway, Sunny sustained himself by impregnating his mother from the inside and eating his fetus siblings. However, when Sunny was feasting on the legs and arms of his 3rd fetus, Sunny noticed an anomaly. The fetus could speak. This was not you're average day inbred fetus. No, it had an IQ of 300. Sunny learned him to read and write, poetry even. Using fecal matter as ink, they outlined the Vechain whitepaper inside their mothers womb, where it still resides to this day. Now you know why they have no whitepaper.

During Q1 an attempt was made to enter the womb of Sunnys mother once more and recover the white paper. This was originally planned for mid january but something went wrong during the procedure. Now you know why rebranding got delayed.

Think guys, do you really want to give your money to this baby eating, incestuous psychopathic rice chink? This is no joke, we were all forced to sign a legal binding NDA. Those that refused were denied any further rice.

Now that the NDA has been lifted since this all has been leaked, it's all going down the drain. I'd advise you too sell immediately. Sunny already got arrested and his mother is in protective care.

Me and some of the former 40man dev team are considering legal action in hopes to retrieve lost rice. The Slant-Eyed-Noodle Nigger Ninja will not win, no. Not this time. He has gone too far.

>> No.6655296

>>Vechain Dev
>>Speaking English

Pick 1

>> No.6655354



>> No.6655360

slant-eyed-noodle nigger ninja here. i can confirm everything anon has said. thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.6655421

o this copy-pasta again

>> No.6655640

You have been fooled from the start. Every Chinaman speaks English fluently. It all started as a secret government psyop during the Mao revolution. Babies we're put in giant playpens, with nothing but a screen that displayed a random English word. At the same time, an audio clip of that word would play, for every word the child got right, it was rewarded 2 grains of rice. The ones that didn't learn fast died off, only the smart survived. Almost the entire Vechain dev team was selected from this program. Everyone but Sunny himself.

>> No.6655984

DYOR, it gets real shady

>> No.6656080
File: 100 KB, 500x334, 1512877799753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the best pasta I've seen for a coin.

>> No.6656113

Quoting the wikipedia article:"Controversy was sparked when the performance artist Zhu Yu claimed that he prepared, cooked and ate real human bodies, including fetuses,[1] as an artistic performance.[2] The performance was called Eating People he claimed it was to protest against cannibalism.[3] It was intended as "shock art".[4][5] The Chinese Ministry of Culture cited a menace to social order and the spiritual health of the Chinese people, banned exhibitions involving culture, animal abuse, corpses, and overt violence and sexuality[6] and Zhu Yu was prosecuted for his deeds"

Zhu Yu now goes under the name, you guessed it, Sunny Lu.

>> No.6656120
File: 46 KB, 396x368, 1515450731370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656314

From Wikipedia: "In Fruit Chan's Dumplings, fetuses are consumed with the belief of their rejuvenating properties."

Dumplings? Who has been taking about soup dumplings? That's right, The Coca Cola Kid. Open your eyes.

>> No.6656396

Wtf did i Just read

>> No.6656692
File: 513 KB, 2048x1463, DTHqvg1XcAEQ073.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Soup Dumplings"

The Coca Cola kid IS Sunnys fetus brother. He was named this way because Sunny used to call the fecal matter they used inside their mothers womb to write the white paper "Coca Cola" since it had similar texture.


>> No.6656728


>> No.6656767

I am all 40 members of dev team
>sunny is kill

>> No.6656805

Just sold 100k ty

>> No.6656812

I'm now going into hiding, the last part was not supposed to be revealed. Do with this information as you wish, I wish you goodluck.

>> No.6656848
File: 17 KB, 620x349, arnold-schwarzenegger-end21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Coca Cola kid IS Sunnys fetus brother. He was named this way because Sunny used to call the fecal matter they used inside their mothers womb to write the white paper "Coca Cola" since it had similar texture.

>Tobacco leads to a lot of aborted fetuses, Coca Cola kid shilling tobbacos