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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6648735 No.6648735 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum competitor. Only credible one alongside Neo. Not chinkware. Delivering products on time. ICOs. Sidechains. C# (fuck off turbonerds, this is about corporate money not NEET devs). Expensive office in London. Spotless TA. I have put all my spare money in Strat and unironically expect it to hit $100 by EOY. Happy to answer questions.

>> No.6648764
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1516098897895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

£1000* EOY, $100 end of Jan

>> No.6648924

Please don't shill strat here, this board is only for memecoins, the third world fuckers that lurk here only bring bad luck...

>> No.6649061
File: 203 KB, 1680x1006, Achain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 eoy lol my sides
already rank 15
if u think the market will be this bloated eoy u could stay in eth and call it a day....

will give u this because i'm in a good mood

>> No.6649116

I will buy 1k if your memecoin if you can tell me one logical reason c# is used instead of C in your project.

>> No.6649305


I'm not him and I have no interest in discussing the merits of this but I can tell you that most big corporate offices are still using C#. This is especially true in financial services.

>> No.6649431

I use C# for work, I'm not asking for proof via coincidence. Most enterprise software simply does not care about speed because you can buy more hardware. Why would I waste money on an inefficient coin? Yes OpenCL handles most of the load but you still need to hold and transfer many things through RAM too, which languages like C# are abysmal at.

>> No.6649628


I don't care what you waste your money on. Stratis being in C# lowers the barrier to entry into Blockchain for corporate money and programmers by a ridiculous amount. This will be good for gains, even if the tech is not ideal for purposes you've identified.

>> No.6649751

What, it is rank 30 with 1.5b. Even fucking TRX has 4x higher market cap.

>> No.6650410

NEO also uses C# and it is already way more advanced then Stratis, even though they appeared later in the market, so why would I invest in Stratis?

>> No.6650634

Don’t its a shitcoin.

>> No.6650661


my sides

>> No.6650742

No one here will use chinkware. I'm being crass but this is literally true, Stratis will take all the contracts

>> No.6650780

I think you severely underestimate how much growth potential there still is in crypto.

>> No.6650787


This desu, Neo is already relegated as the poor man's Ethereum, its not a scam coin but it is a trash coin. Stratis will likely dominate.

>> No.6650969

It's sad so many people here would rather invest their hard-earned (or not) money in fucking chainlink but there you go

>> No.6651076

>implying multiple american companies are not already switching from ETH to NEO

don't let your racism hinder your investments

>> No.6651272

I'm not being racist, I just said chinkware because I'm on 4chan. Of course some companies will - as I said in my original post I think Neo is credible. But I do think a majority of companies will prefer a London based consultancy to a Chinese one, especially when a lot of their services are reliant on strong client relations

>> No.6651475

> Be Anon
> Shills coin near ATH
> Anon claims to buy us all lambo's with near ATH coin

>> No.6651529

>I just said chinkware because I'm on 4chan
find your own brain

>> No.6651601

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.6651807

someone needs to make a bingo about people who larp as employed programmers after taking one cs101 course in college, and this needs to include "this blockchain project is better because it uses C#/javascript/haskell/C++"
1) any passable programmer can grok an entirely new language within weeks if not days
2) decentralized apps necessarily differ in architecture, retrofitting general purpose languages to blockchain app development is more likely to generate confusion and mistakes than an entirely new language
anytime someone names programming language as a selling point, well, they're selling you something, namely their bags. run away when you hear that, and run further when not a word is said about consensus model and the tradeoffs that come with i.e. dpos

>> No.6651830


>> No.6651994

>t. gets all his news from Neo Facebook groups


>> No.6652523

So the framework implemented by the platform, which in this case is .NET and Azure, widely used in the industry is not (a) deciding factor in enterprise choosing a way for blockchain implementation? That's horse shit. .NET/C# is widely used in banking, finance and IT, and those companies won't bother hiring new or training their staff an obscure technology like Solidity for example.

>> No.6652540

USP being C# and C# being a noteworthy plus-point of the platform are different things
I think I was unclear, I don't give a fuck about racism but that has nothing to do with why I am FUDing neo. chinkware is easier to type than 'chinese software' but I wouldn't say that on facebook. nigger nigger nigger what's your point

>> No.6652592

I was unclear, I didn't say that specifically because I was on 4chan but because of where I am I didnt' feel the need to be PC, despite racism not being the reasoning behind me fudding neo. fuck your nan

>> No.6652742

this coin has official microsoft support as well in the form of Azure templates, so there's that.