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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 200x200, opt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6646274 No.6646274 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone with 10k+ OPT is a millionaire.

>> No.6646509


>> No.6646859

yeah OP, don't be so cryptic you fucking faggot.

>> No.6647081

Read the whitepaper. Look at the marketcap. Look at what exchanges it's on.

It's a guarantee.

>> No.6647265

well i know that it will be on new exchanges by q2 latest, but I still don't see how owning 10k of those bitches makes you a millionaire. Its market cap would need to be over a billion for that to happen.

>> No.6647504

Read the whitepaper. It will be. They're coming for Spotify. Think of Spotify as BTC and Tidal as Ripple. This is Monero..

>> No.6647895

Nah that's a bad analogy think of the songs as coins and OPUS is like the ultimate decentralized exchange with no fees

>> No.6647920
File: 215 KB, 751x600, 94B093DF-3F00-44B7-92D6-15AF856FAEDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m ready

>> No.6647938

If anything it's ETH, not monero. Spotify being BTC is a good analogy tho because the only reason people use it is because it was the first to really catch on.

>> No.6647989

Something's gonna take Spotify down just like something will take down BTC. Shit only makes Taylor Swift and Drake money. Everyone else gets boned. I make music and would rather my shit be on OPUS

>> No.6648023

OPUS and LINX will be the new standard for the music insdustry one day

>> No.6648074

Good luck telling/biz/ brainlets that. One glance at the whitepaper and you realize they're not playing games. They're solving problems that need solved and that's how you overtake a market. Shill me on LINX tho I've never even heard of it

>> No.6648101

Not only that
>Rothchilds invested in OPT
>Under direction of the Bogs
>rumored to be next 1b Mcap coin
>will control the chinese through MK Ultra streaming song
>own dev offices all over the world
>Team is direct descendents of Jesus Christ
>will be the first streaming app on mars
>in the process of putting an intergalactic antennae on Pluto
>will host all artists by the year 2020"
>team has combined IQ of over 9000
>ancient indian scriptures tell tales of a songbird descending upon earth to bring humanity into a new era of enlightenment
>you likely have OPT bots right now in your brain
>every child will have the opus symbol implanted at birth
>team in regular communication with the archangels
>discovered the horn of Jericho
>team learned polish in 2 days
>have full access to atlantian supercomputers
>Nationstates in talks to back their reserves by OPT

>> No.6648175

Hmm... Really cheap too. Even if it doesn't moon extreme, it's so cheap that I'm almost certain I can maybe minimum get x4 my money.

>> No.6648225

Yeah it's a guaranteed x5 when it hits literally any exchange, but if you hold long term more like 100x unless the dev team starts stuttering and smoking weed

>> No.6648237

overtake the market lol
u brainlets have not the tiniest fucking clue what a pain in the ass dealing with copyrights and intellectual property actually is

you know how many years it took spotify to sign even the first contract?

were not in lala land internet dwellers, they will need years to get something relevant going

>> No.6648382

Idk man anything seems possible in this market

>> No.6648415

Please tell me why someone would ditch Spotify for this? Also you know Spotify is going public before the summer...right?

>You must research more than just crypto

>> No.6648458

you know nobody makes money with Spotify except Drake right?

>> No.6648498

It's only a pain with dinosaur artists like Prince and The Beatles. If you get all the small artists on OPUS the big ones will come. Look at SoundCloud

>> No.6648548

I have 80k OPT, I'm considering killing myself, the only thing keeping me is my VEN Thunder Node.

I wish I would never have invested in this shitcoin

>> No.6648573

dropped it when i saw any track can be unlocked without paying because it's all on the public blockchain, did they fix that

>> No.6648581

You know they have over 70mil users... Right?

They're valued at nearly 20bil... right?

This might help bands get their feet wet but I'm not about to drop a service that literally has every artist I seek for one on the blockchain

>Except tool...no one has fucking tool

>> No.6648601


God damn Drake sucks.

>> No.6648720

+1 internet!

>> No.6648738

I held some of this earlier too, lost like 60% and made it back on another shitcoin, it's a nice idea but this seems pretty hopeless

>> No.6648762
File: 564 KB, 500x815, jmcbiz349204992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Tons of people I know in music scene are looking for different ways to monetize. Most people who make music don't get paid for it, and would love alternatives to spotify.

>> No.6648772

Sorry guys. I would never trust a MUSIC application made by a CHINK. Have you ever heard chink music? It's all hoing choing ding dong. Waiting for rockafella or cash money blockchain

>> No.6649115

>loudly invests in neo


>> No.6649119

It's gonna grow organically like SoundCloud. First a bunch of nobodies and no names, then a cult following, then big names can't ignore it any longer. This will happen over the course of 3 years.

>> No.6649902

So you're predicting $100 Or apprx. 1ETH per OPT. By when? Could be worth a gamble.

>> No.6649926

.1 ETH*

>> No.6650541


>> No.6650570

White paper and vision are legit. Too bad it's only on cancerdelta