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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6646088 No.6646088 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw anon still hasn't bought the 2 XLM for 1 deal

the sale ends soon

>> No.6646169

>roadmap coming
>ibm partnership
>low price per coin(normies don't know what market cap is)

If you aren't all in: stay poor

>> No.6646199

When does this sale end and how do I get this deal?

>> No.6646280

Hi! OP is saying the price will double after January the 25th when the roadmap is released :) take care in the world of crypto lil fella!

>> No.6646291
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sorry i just fomo'd in

back to 30 cents we go

>> No.6646296


The sale ends when its $1, and that will be within 2 weeks. Get in now

>> No.6646363

But wait, there's more. Buy now and receive these beautiful ginsu knives

>> No.6646370

I have 9000 euro on normiebase right now. I just need to transfer it to binance, right?

>> No.6646479

How did you find this website?

>> No.6646523

Get out now you normie, you are going to lose everything.

>> No.6646754


You can purchase on Binance if u want, there are other markets.


get it before the koreans take em all

>> No.6647164

How high can this realistically go?

>> No.6647204


>> No.6647956


That's like saying how high can bitcoin realistically go?

Guaranteed $2-3 in the next couple months due to its mass adoption and media coverage

>> No.6648380

Everything on /biz has become a meme now. No real financial advice. The roadmap for stellar isn't even released yet, what is this 2 for 1 deal anon is speaking of? I've searched and found nothing.

>> No.6648506
File: 94 KB, 800x451, 252345345136324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> The roadmap for stellar isn't even released yet

If u read the title you would see I said Jan 25

>what is this 2 for 1 deal anon is speaking of

It's current price is 0.54$, if you buy within the next weeks you'll get 2 XLMs for the price of 1 when its price hits $1.

Do you not know what Stellar is or did you just buy it because pajeet told u to do it last week?

>> No.6648553

Look at XRP and then adjust for the different number of coins.

>> No.6648683


Having money in both, I have to say that if one is going come out on top it is going to be XRP.

XRP would be in use before Stellar has a chance IMO. Remember in February trials end for XRP and banks/payment providers announce adoption.

>> No.6648791

Will i need to transfer XLM to their wallet for that or do i need to keep it in the exchange?

>> No.6648794


They both have use in their own separate ways. What are u talking about? Do you have ICO's being made on Ripple? No you have them being transferred from ETH to Stellar

>> No.6648867
File: 400 KB, 996x1134, 2018 Major Crypto forecast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see how true this rings at EOY.

>> No.6648941

XLM has ICOs. The projects are just getting off the ground. Spoke to their head of growth on Tuesday. This coin is going to have a big year.

>> No.6648962

The financial nerds figured out the math for you guys. This is a financial technology, no hype, will do it's job.

>> No.6648999

meant to point to pic at >>6648867

>> No.6649015
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>Will I need to keep XLM in a wallet for the fiat value of XLM to increase.

>> No.6649148

I like ADA but these people are fucking crazy.

>> No.6649276

>Cardano brainlets

>> No.6649291

I almost seem to think ripple is getting mainstream attention, as if.... to get the mainstream comfortable with its brand....perhaps the ven for amurrca, but regulated :) lol

>> No.6649408


>> No.6649474

>ADA $68

top fucking kek

>> No.6649531


>> No.6649603

>thinking this coin will ever reach $5
>total possible tokens = 103,610,058,900
>more deluded than linkies and troners

you guys dont seriously expect this to ever go above 2 dollars, do you?

>> No.6649667

where is this from?

>> No.6649690

Being over a dollar defeats the purpose

>> No.6649712

60 bux by Q3

Screencap this

>> No.6649742

I need to know where this came from.

If that comes true my life will be changed forever and all the emotional and social pain I’ve endure will have been a small price to pay

>> No.6649790

Pls be true

>> No.6649798

Bitcoin got to 19k with wallstreet screaming about the bubble bursting.
Imagine a crypto with true global widespread adoption. It would make Bitcoin's marketcap look like a drop of piss on a designated shitting street.

>> No.6649841

fuck ada i hate it just for the hype and lack of valid exchange

>> No.6649854
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even with the large supply this is actually very reasonable.

>> No.6649906

Only 17 billion now.
10 USD puts in on par with BTC. Not impossible.

>> No.6649924

yeah, 6.8 trillion dollar market cap, so reasonable

you are fucking deluded

>> No.6649930

>$1.7T market cap of ADA
Anyone seen my sides?

>> No.6650156

Take any news with a grain of salt. But several other predictions still point ADA being in the number 3 spot at eoy, so can imagine what it'll take to do that, no hype, just wait for the announcements. The xrp value just feels like truth why would a high vol regulated currency which they own a chunk go any higher.
>tfw XRP hype is getting mainstream to accept crypto with some ad profit for getting on board..but capped at 5bucks... hehe that amurrca for you.

>> No.6650195

>dropped link

>> No.6650411

1 trillion market cap by 2020

>> No.6650931


by the time 103,610,058,900 is released, the time would be 2109


Plus theyre distrusted every week (plus transaction fees) to all lumen hodlers as long as they have set their inflation address wallet

>> No.6650954


>Being over a dollar defeats the purpose

I made that meme, no joke. Explain to me what purpose it is defeating?

>> No.6651065

well with all this skating going around these days, the question is not so stupid. neo gas, for example. faggot

>> No.6651124

Will i make it with 35k?

>> No.6651285

10,000 by eoy you're gonna make it

>> No.6651434
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Maybe not tomorrow or this year, but maybe in our lifetime. Who knows.

>10,000 by eoy

No lol

>> No.6651492


50, 100, 500, 1k???

>> No.6651826
File: 5 KB, 318x159, mmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up a buttload of XRP under buck during the crash, enjoyed the rise for a bit till 1XRP = 1 XLM + 1 ADA. and dumped the xrp for that trade. still a eoy hodl.

>tfw 1ada+1xlm surpasses 1 xrp for teh same cost. next month

>> No.6651892

You dumbass Stellar is already being used to transfer money between countries in Asia

>> No.6651940

all in

>> No.6652373

All in before weekend is preferable. Definately before 25th though cus itll be going off the roof and into the sky

>> No.6652407

you're right, 10,000 by eom. I was being conservitive

>> No.6652573

Transfer it to gdax, buy ETH, go to binance, trade ETH for XLM, plugin in Ledger Nano S, go to Stellar Account viewer, send Lumens to Ledger

This is the chad way of buying XLM

>> No.6652621


As long as you get in on the sale before next week, you should be fine



>> No.6652628


Dont forget to set it for inflation

>> No.6652744

1 dollar EOY