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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6643766 No.6643766 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on vacation at a small resort in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and who do I see having drinks at the bar but MOTHERFUCKING CRAIG GRANT. He's just as fucking annoying in real life as you would imagine. I will accept XMR or ETH to beat the living shit out of him.

>> No.6643801

beating first sir, xmr later. thank you sir

>> No.6643859

He also shaved his head. He's literally talking about Bitcoin openly and loudly to a random older couple like he didn't just Ponzi 2 billion dollars.

>> No.6643984

It's early here, like 10am and he's already drinking. Im sure by late afternoon he will he hammered and have his guard down. This resort is small and isolated, so I'm going to follow him around and find his room. I've been training Muay Thai and BJJ for 6+ years and I'm going to beat the dog shit out of him.

>> No.6644110

Show pics. Also, what hotel? Would you recommend the hotel? I might visit.

>> No.6644849


Pls be real. Can you take a pic anon? He's like the Tai Lopez of crpyto.

>> No.6644927

This nigger scammed me out of 20 grand, I'm gonna take his kneecaps if he doesn't get my money

>> No.6644958

why give the larp away so soon? You could've milked this for much longer

>> No.6645003

>scammed thousands of low iq brainlets
>they mad now
>goes to fucking mexico
i say this guy is dead in a week lmao

>> No.6645916

proof pic or larp

>> No.6645924


Not a larp. I really do train and I am literally going to fight him. I spend a good 2 hours reading through Reddit posts of people crying about losing their life savings yesterday and this morning fucker is going to pay. If I can make some money out of it, great, if not I'm still going to AT LEAST choke him out and raccoon his eyes.

>> No.6645974


I didn't want to be too obvious because I was sitting at an angle where he might have noticed me but I found his room. There's two small beaches here and one has a lot of rocks and shit so it's usually empty, I'm hoping he will go there but we'll see. If not I'm going to catch him coming back to his room late.

>> No.6645975

That's legal in Mexico so go for it Anon and post pictures

And do Trevon James next

>> No.6646033

Anything is legal here with enough cash. The resort I'm at is ultra expensive and I have enough USD handy to pay off any Mexican cops. Those fuckers will let you do ANYTHING for a grand, so I'm 100% not going to go to jail even if I fuck him up in public.

>> No.6646048


post a pic of him please to prove its real, you will get a higher offer if you can prove its real

>> No.6646055

I'll put 1eth on your fucking address if you pull that off dont lose your ID

>> No.6646057


>> No.6646101

why not confront him on video and then post it? I'm calling bullshit unless you post a pic of him rn

>> No.6646139
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because he can't fuck him up first and then post pics or video your fucking retard

>> No.6646172

Tai lopez is the tal lopez of crypto

>> No.6646180
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Go go go!

>> No.6646182


Go up to him and say, hey man, you're that bitconnect guy right? I've seen you videos on YouTube, is it really that easy to make money? Can I get a picture with you?

Then post it. This thread will go parabolic and so will the offer for beating the shit out of him.

>> No.6646208
File: 407 KB, 992x744, 1515548678474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre a fag, unlike OP who is a cool guy if he delivers with proofs

>> No.6646214

I'm not talking about fucking him up you dumb nigger. He's larping and you are white knighting like a faggot.

>> No.6646230

Nice dude you showed him. Make sure you screenshot it and show it to your wife's kids

>> No.6646283

Fucking do it then if you are a man holy fuck. Why is everyone such a bitch these days? Reports to the FBI.. Bombings are part of life. Let the feds do their damn jobs.

>> No.6646392

Will send 1 eth if you post proof

>> No.6646430

Didnt get scammed so Ill send 20 BAT for making me lol

>> No.6646448

Pretend that you lose money because of him and ask It back, if he don't deliver punch him and make a video

>> No.6646460

He’s larping. Craig is still making videos from his Miami apartment and uploading them to YouTube. No shaved head either. You idiots that believed OP are probably just as dumb as the beeetconnnect idiots.

>> No.6646587

To say you trained for six years you seem quite nervous about sleeping him, you do realise he’s an untrained civilian you could quite easily just sweep him, mount him and finish in space of ten seconds. Sound as if you’ve trained but not fought?

>> No.6646751

Ah shit, Didn’t mean to quote dude above

>> No.6646802

Are you replying to the wrong person? I haven't claimed to have received any training. Although I have some training from what I received in my past career..

>> No.6646863

mfw it's a random black guy that literally dindu nuffin.

>> No.6647116

Nigga look like a goddamn scrub brush

>> No.6647196

Fuckin kek

>> No.6647242

>breaking news: the white supremacist known as 4chan beats black man to death by mistake

>> No.6647328
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>> No.6647440

I could just osoto gari him and kill him if I wanted, what I don't want is to get caught and have to deal with all the bullshit and pay off the cops.

>> No.6647487

No it's him. I could hear his annoying fucking voice from a mile away.

>> No.6647513
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You know what to do. Do it anon, EMBRACE THE DARKSIDE.

and by do it i mean throw eggs at him. obviously.

>> No.6647527

Post proof and i'll send 2 XMR

>> No.6647612

>whiteknighting a bunch of retarded people who took advice from people on YouTube
that's somehow even dumber than being one of the people he ripped off

>> No.6647653
File: 11 KB, 1200x288, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is

No need for 2 XMR one is enough
What my addr?

>> No.6647710
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x569, Screenshot_20180118-084225~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's still in his room. I'm standing outside his room staring at a fucking peacock, what is this life?

>> No.6647715

Turn him in to the local authorities. By that I mean bribe the cops to lock him up for being a scammer. They can tell him they got a tip that he's wanted in the US for fraud and then take days verifying that information while he's locked up. Explain to the cops he made millions scamming people and pay them well.

>> No.6647776


keep up the good investigation skills.

>> No.6647837

Your pic you uploaded is literally called screenshot. Nice LARP, faggot

>> No.6647866

>inb4 op tries to fight him with his mediocre mma skills
>craig just pulls out a 9mm and shoots him in the head

>> No.6647898
File: 994 KB, 1064x591, Screenshot_20180118-084708~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the path that leads from his room to the beach. That's where I think I'm going to get him. It's dark and pretty isolated.

>> No.6647937

I did that to quickly reduce the image size for quicker upload nigger. Data isn't free.

>> No.6648000

>mfw I do this too, low 4chan size limit
Still big if legit

>> No.6648012


You gonna suck his dick or what?

>> No.6648030
File: 2.23 MB, 824x1349, Screenshot_20180118-085120~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better view

>> No.6648075


No but I'm thinking of strapping a kimura on him an permenantly crippling his arm.

>> No.6648128

And then suck his dick? No whatever you into man I ain't judging.

Just keep us posted.

>> No.6648199

Dont think OP found a website full of amateur pics of some resort with a peacock.
The pic were waiting for is off the bitconnect nigger.

>> No.6648226
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Why do the two cryptocoons look identical? I didn't realise they were different people until this thread

>> No.6648244
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>> No.6648268

holy shit this
i literally thought there was just one nignog shiller

>> No.6648272


Man Im telllin you...if you submit him thats gonna be the best 4chan story of this year so far

>> No.6648284

>Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
somehow I wouldn't be surprised. something about his appearance makes me less surprised that he'd immediately spend his wealth on insignificant pleasure tourism

>> No.6648287

>fat trevon james

>> No.6648288

Are you going to record it or what? If not, don't even bother

>> No.6648291

Be sure to call him by his name to positively ID him. You said your suspect is bald and talked bitcoin. I don't think that's conclusive yet.

Also I don't think you should harm the guy, seriously.

>> No.6648310

Steal his passport

>> No.6648318

No tapping in the streets. I'm going to break his arm atleast.

>> No.6648324

His undies.

>> No.6648336
File: 39 KB, 472x472, 1495179858694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steal passbort

>> No.6648339

This is wrong nigger, either take his things or fuck off. At this point your a thief/stalker at best. Don't become physically dangerous to the man too.

>> No.6648355


That's the hard part. I have to convince my girlfriend to record it or take a picture, I'm worried she would freak out seeing someone get hurt like that.

>> No.6648364

passport, laptop, any electronic devices he has laying around probably

>> No.6648385

Is Tai Lopez a big deal?

>> No.6648390

Just tell her you need to fight him to assert dominance. Thots get wet af over that shit

>> No.6648411

>I'll splatter this guy's brains across the pavement and the hotel won't even care because I am throwing around thousands of dollars of bribe money which is how shit is run here
>gotta change the format of my photos before posting them online to save the cost of a few hundred kb of data

just kill yourself you dumb larping faggot. on the off chance you're not larping take that fat sad nigger out first too

>> No.6648418


Already left. He didn't have shit but gay Hawaii shirts and expensive nigger cologne. The good stuff must be in the safe.

>> No.6648422

>don't become physically dangerous
OP already said he's going to beat his ass, soyboy.

>> No.6648423

Why did your id just change?
Anyways, don't fight him, but confront him and tell him that you invested in bcc because of him
Record this, upload it to YouTube
Again, don't start a fight, fuck those naive redditors and youtube commentors. They would have let that money on trx or some PnD scam anyways.

>> No.6648428


>> No.6648446

Maybe he wanted to scramble exif data as well.

>> No.6648463

i want to see some literal rape or OP is confirmed gay for the dick

>> No.6648468


I don't give a shit about all that. I wanna take him out paid mercenary style. He deserves it and I need some more ether.

>> No.6648473

Why is this larp thread still going? OP provided no actual proof

>> No.6648515

You better pump and dump this jabroni.

>> No.6648514

Yeah fuckin gay ass larping OP. Couldnt even take a pic of the nigger. Saged.

>> No.6648518

Or force him to wire his btc to this address:

>> No.6648531

that would have been a fine excuse and could have saved the larp if this were 10 years ago, at which point 4chan began automatically stripping exif from uploads. but that's not the type of stuff they teach you on reddit

>> No.6648544

Ok I'm a huge faggot. I went up to him and made conversation. He's Dutch. Looks just like him but it's not him.

Sorry anon. I would have done it.

>> No.6648559


>> No.6648575

>mfw when I almost accidentally brutally assault a random Dutch guy

>> No.6648589

Anon, I...

>> No.6648598

Fucking told you moron. You almost broke an innocent man's arm. You better go offline for a while and reflect on that for a while you aggressive ape.

>> No.6648620

nobody is innocent

>> No.6648644

piece of shit

>> No.6648652

>i would have done it
Of course you would, sunshine, we all believe you. :^)

>> No.6648742
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>> No.6648767

Definitely not OP.
Repent for your sins, OP.

>> No.6648809

I hope he gets aids

>> No.6648842


>> No.6648851
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>> No.6648879
File: 182 KB, 356x578, 1495845237431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you confuse a mulatto and a dutch guy. are you fucking stupid?

>> No.6648918

/biz/ - Assassination Market

>> No.6648963
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>> No.6649051

There are black people in Holland that speak Dutch you fucking idiot

>> No.6649088

I don't visit reddit, but being capable of avoiding violence for no reason isn't a weak trait. faggot.

>> No.6649138

leaving everyone blueballed come on man

>> No.6649331

OP is wasting a vacation in the beautiful Riveria Maya LARPing for 4chan affirmation.

You guys are too autistic sometimes. Go get a fucking pina colada and gtfo OP.

>> No.6649331,3 [INTERNAL] 

My friend was just looking for this information. Thanks