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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6639406 No.6639406 [Reply] [Original]

I've been ruined. I'm not even kidding, I was all in TRX from 0.23c and sold at .6c at a loss. My 70k turned into 19k. What the fuck do I all in now to do or die.

>> No.6639428

Well why the fuck you’d sell?

>> No.6639442

get some nice quality kneepads

>> No.6639464

this shit hurts nigga

buy the dip in BTC and ETH now with 10k and wait for a couple of weeks to bounce back.

keep the rest for in case of sudden moon missions

>> No.6639465

I thought this shit was doomed to go down further. There was no bottom in sight when I sold.

>> No.6639475

you are fucking retarded. give me your remaining 19k and I'l make you rich

>> No.6639477

Why the shit would you go all in?

>> No.6639486
File: 29 KB, 386x389, fresh pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about next time you don't put your money in an obvious scam coin held up by nothing but normie hopes and dreams?

19k can turn into an absolute fortune in crypto if you invest in coins with an actual future. Keep your chin up, kiddo.

>> No.6639500

lol serves you right noodlehanded fag

>> No.6639503
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Buy high sell low. Why hold on to something that has lowered in value? That's how you are supposed to do it!

>> No.6639510

Send me your btc you weak handed pussy

>> No.6639538

never sell at a loss, im stubborn as fuck and have held shitcoins for months just to break even, they always bounce back, you just need to be patient.

>> No.6639566

19k is a good start. don't go all in in shitcoins, you'll do fine.

>> No.6639570

>selling at a loss on the initial investment, even if it drops
Never. Do you hear me? Never.
To begin with the only money you should have invested is money you can afford to lose, or keep locked up for a long time waiting for the moon.
But thanks for injecting capital into the market for the smarter of us.

>> No.6639579

Just write it in for a tax deduct.

>> No.6639599

All in is a terrible idea. Look into some legit stuff like Request, and if you want a gamble look into PFR. Do some research on them. Don't just throw money in.

>> No.6639600
File: 181 KB, 1680x1286, btcp.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbass, lol. buy zcl or end it

>> No.6639662

*breathes in*

>there was no bottom in sight
Dumbass every market was in red. You could've HODLed