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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6626054 No.6626054 [Reply] [Original]

>21 million mcap
>89 million circ supply
>only on Etherdelta, slayer of normies and gatekeeper of moonmissions.
>product is a crypto marketplace like localBTC but for shitcoin to FIAT

its really only a matter of time before this hits a dollar, and then top 100 mcap. I'm betting on $50 end of year. such a comfy fuckin coin

>> No.6626141

this nigga knows

>> No.6626146


Picked up a node for stupid cheap after I learned about it at the bottom of the dip.

Felt too stupid not to at this price.

>> No.6626172

wat dis

>> No.6626196

this coin sucks it barely recovered today. when exchange? when moon?

>> No.6626202

I picked up 23k at $.34, I should have been patient but in the long run, fuck, maybe next month it won't matter. Ultimate comfy hold

>> No.6626211
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Went all in and feeling good.

>> No.6626219

how do they handle fiat conversions? inb4 read whitepaper, read it a month ago it was so shitty i'm not going through whatever they have now.

>> No.6626226

Went -80% at the start of the dip. CO-M-FY.

>> No.6626232

all aboard on this just grabbed 10k! This thing will pop off once it goes live

>> No.6626243

idiot. This coin literally saved me from the first day of the crash.

>> No.6626257

bought this shit because someone low-keyed it here in the middle of a thread about tron. It was 0.02 cents at the time. Now it's and will be my moon mission of the year.

>> No.6626270

comfiest hold in 2018.

gonna take some time but will moon hard.

>> No.6626279

smart money. also picked up my node during this dip, feels so good man

>> No.6626298

$0.02 I mean.

>> No.6626330

i remember when shill boy baggins would shill PFR once a day and the thread would get buried within an hour... i ended up buying in at 8 cents thanks to him. now there's a PFR thread literally every hour and Shill Boy Baggin's work is done... he truly started a revolution

>> No.6626351

>stayed stable the entire crash
>kept my head above water while everything else failed
>"barely recovered"
it saved my ass, that's why I shilled it today

>> No.6626353

it's similar to localbitcoin, but more options and safer.

>> No.6626359

Got this at $0.14, sold at $0.35 a week before the crash. Team didn't seem super active, and despite their best efforts, no exchange wants to work with them despite being a relatively simple ERC20 token that would be easy to uptake.

I like their vision, but these seemed like red flags.

>> No.6626365
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This big boy has been pretty strong during the storm. I'm proud of him.

>> No.6626371

dat means its 80% off babeeeeeey

>> No.6626418

yup, Bought at $.05 because of Shill Boy Baggins.
Im still in the green because of his shilling.

>> No.6626437

The fact that the only way to sell was to get your ETH onto the EtherDelta smart contract, which takes forever, was probably what shielded it.

>> No.6626447

all hail Shill Boy Baggins

>> No.6626530

yup. Plus the was a nice pump before the crash.

hopefully we'll see it mooning in the next 2 weeks. There is a new whitepaper, website, and marketing video coming up.

>> No.6626549

10k nodes

>> No.6626687

Payfair and Ven are comfiest holds of 2018. Its fiscally irresponsible to not be loading up on them

>> No.6626860

it was .45 before the crash. it is now .27 so still down nearly 50%. all my other coins are green today while this is flat

>> No.6626931

50% off sale hope you are getting more

>> No.6626993

Stop anthropomorphizing internet coins fag

>> No.6627045

low volume. And everyone accumulated their nodes already.
in less than a month it's going to shoot past ath and go straight to $1+.
There is a lot happening very soon.
Payfair is still at the starting line.

>> No.6627519

This also has potential to be used as escrow for ICOs considering how easy it is to scam right now, if the devs allowed it.

>> No.6627661

what coin is this?

>> No.6627678


>> No.6627741
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Payfair (PFR)

>> No.6628056

I've been looking for another comfy hold to sit next to XRB and EDU. I might load up on PFR

>> No.6628674

It'll probably stay around the $.27 to $.30 range for a while which is a good entry point

>> No.6628762

fuck, i have to figure out ED again. will swap my ebet to this and let it ride the rest of the year.

>> No.6628769

Reminds me of the minereum scam

>> No.6628796

You posted this in the last thread too

>> No.6628835

Is there a discord group shilling this coin? I really don't get it. The team is nothing special, the "demo" on the site is pretty basic, the white paper is overly simplistic, and the concept is being executed better by Request. Why has this coin been getting shilled so hard here lately?

>> No.6628974

I think this will be better for tax evasion than REQ when it comes to converting the crypto to fiat

>> No.6629096

low market cap essentially

>> No.6629160

Okay, I'll bite. How?

Considering you posted this
>I picked up 23k at $.34, I should have been patient but in the long run, fuck, maybe next month it won't matter. Ultimate comfy hold
I feel like you're just trying to dump your bags. Fwiw, I bought at $0.14 and then sold around $0.30 when I started feeling uneasy about the team.

>> No.6629225

Yeah, but that's never a good sole reason to buy unless you're a day trader staring at charts all day. I do see PFR as an easy 2-3x, but there's no telling when it could dump. Low market coins are only worth getting into if you're confident it'll hold its value when it moons, unless you're planning on camping in front of your computer to catch the moon.

>> No.6629313

I've heard that the way it shows up on your bank account doesn't scream "I BOUGHT CRYPTO" like if you bought ETH at Coinbase for example. Just private transactions like a better version of local bitcoins.

And yes I FOMO'd in like a retard at what is now a high price but holding PFR also kept me from dipping as much as some others on here. I literally didn't dip at all on the first day of said dip.

>> No.6629366

And the other big thing being the passive income from trust nodes which (I might be wrong) REQ isn't doing.

>> No.6629406
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>3x since I bought in
>I only put in $50

>> No.6629410

Did I misread the Request white paper then? Because I'm pretty sure PFR and REQ are similar in that regard.

>> No.6629423

join if you want to make some profit even during the dip..
Discord >> UXBnfm2

>> No.6629486
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Payfair will be like local bitcoins, but decentralized and offer more coins.
There will also be an escrow system which will make it safe for 2 parties to buy and sell large amounts of crypto without fear.

And the ability to make money with the trust nodes and escrow nodes is nice.

>> No.6629747

Maybe? I'm rereading the REQ white paper right now. I guess I had the opposite impression since REQ can also audit and I assume take into account all of your transactions done with REQ for tax purposes but I'm unsure now.

>> No.6630437

Where does the 10k figure for a node come from? I haven't been able to find this info anywhere but biz. Did they say in telegram or something?

>> No.6630553
File: 22 KB, 555x208, trustnode10k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, telegram

>> No.6630625

Ty anon. Gotta find funds somewhere for another 4k tokens I suppose...