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6624261 No.6624261 [Reply] [Original]

Is crypto a scam? Anyone here actually believe in the technology?

>> No.6624352

not a scam, but will not become mainstream either, it will have only few, specialized uses, worth few bil total at most

>> No.6624544

So, I shouldn't invest my life savings?

>> No.6624566

Yes, I believe in what the technology will be in 4 or 5 years even though I don't have the sophistication to understand how it works beyond a certain level. We are literally people talking about credit cards and it's 1968. The bubble will come and go, the technology isn't going anywhere. Decentralized ledgers are going to change the way some of our industries operate at a fundamental level. Blockchains and the technology it spawns is going to store information differently in an age where information will be the most lucrative object. Power is going to be derived from information. Crypto is not going away even if Bitcoin isn't the be all end all world currency.

>> No.6624571

You are akin to not believing the future of .com in '90s. Ironically, you can also be pajeeted.

>> No.6624639

Most people are in for the profits. I don't believe in it. You can't replace money with a system that's bound to fail. Ie quantum computing

>> No.6624664

they want you to believe decentralized technology is a scam but it absolutely can't be

>> No.6624667

Not necessarily, bitcoin most definitely is not a scam, but bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect most definitely was clearly a scam from the start.
Some people think ETH is a scam but I don't agree with that at all.
Then there's Bcash which is clearly a scam too.
Its all different levels from no to fucking clearly.

>> No.6624722

>Ie quantum computing
explain this meme. How can crypto not adapt?

>> No.6624726

i do. i'll either be rich or broke but i will die regardless so why not?

>> No.6624740

I'm not saying I don't believe, just being swayed by some FUD. Perhaps, I should rephrase the question. I understand why the ethereum network has value, even why Bitcoin and other virtual CURRENCIES have value, but why does the ether token hold any value? How is it even related to ethereum? It seems like a lot of these block chain products are very promising, I just don't get why they all have tokens and they're all worth a lot. Can someone explain that? Feel free to use ETH Example.

>> No.6624743

the technology is there, it's just that the coins are redundant..

>> No.6624746

>Ie quantum computing

>> No.6624856

If this were the case, why would someone like Vitalik release a coin along with ethereum network? He's a die-hard commie, true-believer. I'm inclined towards this position, but feel I might be missing something

>> No.6624904
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