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6622254 No.6622254 [Reply] [Original]

how do people live like this

>> No.6622295


>> No.6622461


>> No.6622621

Fucking gross. Heineken? Really?

>> No.6622624

treat it with psychedelics mate

>> No.6622726

fuck wish i could. too nervous having it sent to my p.o. box. i'll just wait until i'm depressed enough to not care about going to jail.

>> No.6622803

>Buy mushrooms spores legally online (they contain no psilocybin so they're legal)

> Look up PF Tek for info on growing them

> grow them in your closet

> consume and cure depression

>> No.6622854

Piss bottles smell and I would never let my keyboard get that filthy but I can sympathize with the rest.

>> No.6622880

thanks for the tip. but it doesn't 'cure' depression. from my experience lsd alleviated my depression for ~4 months, which granted is better than anything on the market. haven't tried decent shrooms yet, only low-grade ones that did nothing.

>> No.6622928

>tries to treat mental health problems with black market drugs
>enters psychosis

>> No.6622946

>Piss bottles smell

why no lids? that's whole other level of lazy

>> No.6623042

Big big crypto money

>> No.6623052


How can you not live like this?

>> No.6623258
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My room

>> No.6623357

Waiting for your mom to cave and come clean it for you?

>> No.6623378

Nah this was after about a week of violent ass cold/flu

>> No.6623386

t. australian

>> No.6623451


>> No.6623497


You're a sick fuck. Clean your room and throw away your choccy milk.

>> No.6623527

Cleaning your apartment/room is the best gift you can give yourself every day. It takes a lot of effort the first few days, but after that it only takes a few minutes. It really is one of the best feelings once you start.

>> No.6623533

Fucking high viz gear!? Australian tradie alert. The Normans have truly arrived sell everything!!!

>> No.6623729
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>> No.6623747
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>> No.6623792

fuck off jordan peterson you're not even my real dad

>> No.6623983

I should have never posted this picture on /b/ years ago. I was in a bad place and I no longer live like that

>> No.6624022


>> No.6624078

From my experience from the dozens of times Ive done LSD it has 'cured' my depression, I guess it just depends on the person.

>> No.6624191

fuck you australian tradie for life boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.6624333

B4 u listen to these assholes and do psychedelics read manufacturing the dead head a product of social control or entheogens Whats in a name. (Pdf free. Do your googles.)Hallucinogens are mind control. You need to clean your space. A major portion of your depression is due to poor nutrition. Go paleo or keto. Get to the gym. Dig yourself out and never go back.

>> No.6624386

kek. many such cases!

*raises hand

>> No.6624432

you have done nothing wrong.

>> No.6624449

Can't take a photo with correct rotation. Normie confirm. Sell Bois it's over!

>> No.6624476

Trufflemagic.com will sell and discreetely ship them to your door. They are sold as Holland truffles but they are very special

>> No.6624518

I have 3 kids and if I am not stern or careful, my house quickly starts looking like that

>> No.6624624

FAAARRRKK they're everywhere.

>> No.6624652

>tripping in a space that messy
that's "it's my first time /b/, just took 6 tabs at a death metal concert with a bunch of strangers what am i in for?" teir

>> No.6624706

wouldnt be that bad if you put your clothes in a fucking basket.

>> No.6624876

When you're drinking the beverage you don't consider that you may need it to piss later, so you just crack it open and toss the cap away before you chug the sugary drink down like the slob you are.

>> No.6624894

wtf is that matress without bed shit?
Im eastern europoor but even gypsies here sleep on the bed

>> No.6624955

Even rich kids do it in burgerland. They say it doesn't make a difference and frames are hard to move around. But they don't realize that a box spring does make it more comfy.

>> No.6624967

We don't have barn animals or bugs crawling around on our floors in the first world, generally speaking.

Makes it safe to sleep on floor, if a bit tasteless

>> No.6625392

LSD helped me with depression as well.

>> No.6625410

DESU I don't think they're mind control. I think they absolutely shift your perspective, and I think some people may easily convince themselves of things after doing them. I think though, that if your sane and you've done it a few times, you can learn to tap into your subconscious and really channel what it is that you want, or come to understand new revelations about your life that were just below the surface.

>> No.6625713

LSD is the closest thing to a literal red pill you can take. Also LSD is what you think weed will be like before you ever smoke weed.

>> No.6625796
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R8 mecolegdesk

>> No.6625830

i noticed the first time i smoked weed and got high was more overwhelming than the first time i dropped acid. imo acid is better.
top notch stuff. 10/10

>> No.6625846

take molly once and make some friends and you'll stop being depressed, worked for me

>> No.6625851

>imo acid is better

>> No.6625972

Mescaline helps too

>> No.6626000

Oh fuck that enticing.

>> No.6626008
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alright we know where this is going.

>> No.6626326

>LSD is what you think weed will be like before you ever smoke weed

i'm a huge stoner and this gets me really excited to try lsd

>> No.6626445

because they are jews

>> No.6626585
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>grow mushrooms in your closet
>eat them
>contract botulism and die

>> No.6626709

those pee bottles in the back are the worst part of this pic.

>> No.6626722

don't listen to these faggots

take nootropics instead

I swear to god it's like a hidden secret, I can't believe people dont know about cerebrolysin and LLLT treatments

>> No.6626761


>> No.6626767

Can anyone recommend a openbazaar2 trader for LSD that ships to germany?

>> No.6626790

It's called psychomotor retardation, caused by severe and long term depression. Very common in 2018.

>> No.6626882

>tfw even bottom of social ladder tradies have gotten into the game

>> No.6627061

I reckon you fags can try meth or heroin
Great cure for depression, just... don't run out

>> No.6627226

where do you even buy cerebrolysin? wtf

>> No.6627884

>tfw my room looks good except for my diaper pail

>> No.6627933

My room is squeaky clean but I do hold a cum shrine in the middle to balance the energies.

>> No.6628300

mental illness

>> No.6629212

>first world

>> No.6629312
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Truly a mystery...