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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6621023 No.6621023 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6621055

Fuck, I left out content. I meant to say:

ITT: Lets discuss canadian taxes, business opertunities, weed stocks, student loans, careers etc.

Get in here (I know this board has a high % of Canadians).

>> No.6621160
File: 32 KB, 631x631, E7326266-F630-45E3-8B1B-C221E442596C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I migrated here from /pol/ so dont even get me started on how cucked Canada is.

>> No.6621319

where in Canada? Just leave Ontario if you hate pajeets or leave BC if you hate chinks.

>> No.6621926

Or just live anywhere else other then vancouver and victoaria in bc.

>> No.6622135
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Any Canadian's looking for Countries leave to? I fucking hate this place.

>> No.6622668

all inning on crypto to pay off student loan

good idea or great idea?

>> No.6622859

Fucking hate this cucked province I live in (Ontario). Kathleen Wynne fucks up everything she touches and the place is going to shit. Trudeau is a weak, embarrassing faggot.

>> No.6622906

Anyone here work in IT/Software? I'm in BC without a degree, but decent programmer. I'm looking to leave Vancouver in the next couple of years and move to Toronto/Montreal/maybe Calgary. How feasible is this if I have experience, but no degree?

Im 23 btw

>> No.6623246

yeah the sky was dull and hypothetical
and fallin one cloud at a time

>> No.6623374

NB reporting in

>> No.6623841

Go all in on mining hardware and run that off your schools power.

>> No.6623932
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>live in bc
>can buy one house here
>can buy 2 ten unit apartments in moncton

are you guys going broke? considering buying a couple

>> No.6623948

Toronto fag. Hate every fuckin imigrant in this city. White middle class male who's parents wageslaved their asses off for years, and now can't afford to retire.

Went to uni, had great time but 60K debt.

Started working, payed down most debt, then went all-in on crypto last year. 10K invested up to 50K portfolio. Feels good.

Fuck Canada. Cucked country.

>> No.6623961

I've lived in Ontario all my life. All I can say is white people have been eliminated from this entire province and I'm running out of time to gtfo. Where do I go?

>> No.6623995

yo guys there is this stock I've been wanting to buy it's called Cannabis Wheaton and reallly looks promising for 2018. What do you think about it and where can i buy it online easily?

>> No.6624020

You fuckers are going to put Wynn and the Liberals back in power again, and you know it. I'd laugh derisively, but Ontario is going to drag the rest of the country into the gutter...

>> No.6624055

we've all been broke since 1980 lmao. but no seriously the cost of living out here is really fucking low. Where I am right now you can buy 6 hectares of land for like 30k

>> No.6624069
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This is our future, sadly.

>> No.6624077

Come to montreal tabarnak!! all the chinks are coming cuz weather and hydro-quebec make elecricity cost much lower than anywhere else

>> No.6624101

and moncton is a shithole for the most part too lol

>> No.6624211

holy shit this is scarily on point

>> No.6624231

Atlantic confederacy resident here

>> No.6624299

Come to NB brother, great paying jobs are hard to find though.

>> No.6624300

Same here. Feels bad man. We white folk have literally served up this country on a platter to imigant fucks. We have no culture, we have no home anymore.

It's over. Too many weak generations of men allowed us to get colonized by much smarter foreign leaders. Where to go from here? Texas is a good choice.

>> No.6624499

>Too lazy to get a job
>Get 200 bucks a month for no reason from the government
>Spend it on crypto because why not
>Have Over 600k usd in gains and the money keeps rolling
He he.. i love the country!

>> No.6624556
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td give me a line of credit for 20k without any proof of income yesterday
our banking/mortgages are pretty fucked

set up a brokerage account with your bank
think you'd be better off with just investing in canopy or aphria

it's going to be a big boys game, wheaton has little ability in that

is saint john better?

>> No.6624629

thanks mate
what is canopy and aphria?

>> No.6624869

canadian government doesnt care about canadians. just make enough money to leave Canada whileyou can. they oly care about brining in more immigrants to boost their votes next election

>> No.6624892

afiak st.john is okay as long as you stay away from 'the old north end" that building is too nice to be there so you should be fine. The old north end is 3rd world country tier that the gov has abandoned

>> No.6624944

Move to Waterloo, it's booming for tech right now.

Calgary is shit.

t. calgarian living in waterloo

>> No.6624964
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is bacon outlawed in canada or is that just a fucking meme?

>> No.6625019

Native Wasteland checking in. Even the prairies are getting JUSTed hard. Things seemed pretty normal until a few years ago, now there are so many africans and arabs. You'll never even see a woman pushing a stroller that isn't wearing a burkka anymore, they're the only ones breeding now.

>> No.6625043

Nigga we have bacon named after us

>> No.6625049


Pretty much. Although you can extend the native wasteland up to include the northern islands as well. Unless the picture is implying Russia annexes those.

Anyway. Buy weed stocks.

>> No.6625068

Move to Kanata. They have a massive tech park and opportunities out the ass. Living there is also relatively cheap.

>> No.6625134

>spend better part of a decade in school
>have double honors degree
>have MSc degree
>still spending the winter sitting on EI and trading crypto, cause fuck supporting this rotten system by producing wealth only so it can be stolen and used against you

>> No.6625195

That's a pretty solid investment actually. If you can get the same price for a property near Mountain Road, even better

>> No.6625212

Man, a lot of my buddies did really well with weed stocks. I always figured it was too late to get in and realize good gainz. Plus I had little faith in our government not fucking this up (isn't ontario going to have a state monopoly on weed sales?). Is it still too late anon? Red pill me on this.

>> No.6625232

Holy fuck especially in the bigger areas. And the kids are always little shits too.

>> No.6625524

canopy is canopy growth corp, biggest cannabis company in canada, and the world
aphria is the third or fourth biggest

canopy just got financed from the bank of montreal, the big companies will do loans like this, not the small stuff wheaton is chasing

the easy money for canada is mostly gone, but the big thing is these companies will take the canadian market, and then be able to move into other countries

if you can set the money aside for 10 years, just wait until the americans legalize

>> No.6625557

>I migrated here from /pol/
go the duck back and stay there retard.

>> No.6625589

maybe you should return to reddit newfag

>> No.6625634

hey leafbros,

anyone thinking of shorting or taking buying lots of long put positions for some of the fucking weedstocks.

when do you think this will crash? I'm thinking a few months before legalization when some delay is announced or something. I know the government will fuck this up

>> No.6625652

Anyone planing on moving to another country to avoid capital gains taxes?

>> No.6625671

>Cannabis Wheaton

DANGER WILL ROBINSON. That stock is amongst the most shorted in the entire weed sector. I consider it high risk.

"safe" weed stocks
>Canopy Growth (WEED)
>Aphria (APH)
>Cronos Group (MJN)

mild risk to moderate risk and/or has some entanglements that need to be settled for it to really take off
>Aurora Cannabis (ACB). Two reasons this is in moderate risk category; 1) share dilution. 2) the Cannimed takeover is messy and has and probably will continue to generate not great press as Cannimed CEO Brett Zettl throws tantrums and talks trash. 3) Successful Cannimed takeover would generate even further share dilution. 4) Aurora's valuation hangs on their huge greenhouse facility Aurora Sky being completed on time
>Supreme Cannabis (FIRE). Small cap. Mild risk.
>Namaste Technologies (N). Retail focus. Young-ish CEO who is very earnest but his inexperience shows sometimes. This company does already generate pretty decent profits though. Mild risk.
>Future Farm Technologies (FFT). Greenhouse growth lighting/equipment, vertical farming implementation etc. Moderate risk because this is essentially a US company. Head office is Canadian but virtually all of their assets are in legal US states.

There are a ton of others in the moderate risk category, these are just ones I am current or former investor in and have done enough research to say they aren't scammy scams and are trying to make an honest go of it in this new sector.

>> No.6625729

So, back on topic, how will taxes work out with crypto?

I'm planning on taking out some profits throughout the year to secure my investment (these crashes are going to give ma fucking heart attack otherwise). Anyone know the procedure to stay on the up and up?

>> No.6625735

What's the premium at right now? I was fucking around selling puts for WEED when it was around $20 but it's gotten way to rich for my blood.

>> No.6625748

any bizbros know what crypto taxes will be like in Quebec?

>> No.6625785

Ive always thought about buying one these and living in it. Have like theme rooms and shit. Really not worth living in NB tho.

>> No.6625801


nobody gives a fuck about double honors in english and canadian feminism you mongrol LMAO youd be making 50k max

>> No.6625823

Why doesn’t TD support interac anymore? Tried to dump FIAT into the ETH dip via Quadriga and I get some pajeet on the phone telling me they just do VISA debit now.

>> No.6625824

Respect, I live in Ottawa and it's one nice city for tech career

>> No.6625828

If I "make it", yes, and I probably won't come back. I wouldn't regret for a moment spending my days in a tropical paradise, drinking cold cervesa, fishing, banging hot latinas, etc. That is my lambo lads.

>> No.6625891

Fuck off, i studied STEM, hence the MSc and not an MA.

>> No.6625911
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>English and feminism

I'm pretty sure those would be considered M.A. I think you might be the mongrel.

>> No.6625935

yeah i dunno what this visa debit bullshit is. Seems like shitcoin vapor wear with no working product to me.

>> No.6625955


You can get a MSc with any shitty undergrad.

>> No.6625958

Trade on Kraken.

Don't need to.

>> No.6625962

Where should I move to daytrade crypto. I want to buy a cheap house somewhere, but also don't want to get fucked by taxes. Also my wife is a teacher so she needs to be able to find a job

>> No.6626005


>> No.6626010

Most of us are cross posters from /pol/ so if u don’t like it you can leave

>> No.6626017

toronto female here, will be your crypto gf for LINK. need to pay off school loans. DM me

>> No.6626028


selling price minus adjusted cost basis is your capital gain

50% of capital gains are included with your taxable income

so if you made 200k in profit, 100k would get added to your taxes, if that's your only income, you only pay 20-25% tax depending on which province

it's your responsibility to keep track of trades and know your adjusted cost basis, it will be a huge pain if you didn't and traded a bunch

>> No.6626051

Good luck jumping into any serious grad studies program with no background in the field making it. Any art student who succeeds at that will have certainly earned my respect.

>> No.6626092

Former NDP staffer who voter for Max Bernier here, AMA

>> No.6626136

>crossposting from /pol/
how many times do other boards need to tell you guys to fuck off? If anyone ever outs you as /pol/ leave and never come back. If you can contain yourself do whatever.

>> No.6626173
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>> No.6626207

Options trader, havn't even tipped my toes in crypto yet.

>> No.6626214
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Tits or or larp.

>> No.6626258

ughhhhhh How the fuck are you supposed to keep track if you're day trading? So many piddly little trades.

>> No.6626264

What was the last straw?

Elbow-gate for me...

>> No.6626295

how do you get 200 a month?

>> No.6626306

I use Binance, lowest fees. I think it's like 0.05% if you pay your trade fees with their BNB coin.

>> No.6626341

thank god im poor

>> No.6626342

Fellow white Ontario residents, how the fuck do you get a job?

I have a BSc and I've been looking for 6 months with maybe a total of 3 interviews. I always say I'm happy to relocate but the second they know I don't live in the region that I apply to they just stop responding to my calls.

>> No.6626381

Have you considered becoming a professional dog walker?

>> No.6626413

If by dog you mean putting feminists on a leash and breaking them, yes.

>> No.6626465

Do you self identify as native/metis/visible minority on job applications? Cause if you don't check one of those boxes, you're basically saying "please discriminate against me for my race". When quotas need to be filled, applications lacking one of those ticks will just get binned a priori.

>> No.6626487

does anyone get a job with a Bsc?

>> No.6626501

thank you senpai

>> No.6626506

yup I figure as much

>> No.6626540

You're either not trying or you're a Pajeet.

>> No.6626555

Well you don't get one with a MSc. If you don't have at least 2 years of industry experience between your BSc. and MSc. you are fucked.

>> No.6626568

Spent 5 years of my life as a meme english teacher in Korea came back to grow and get a real job it was the biggest mistake of my life man. The absolute biggest mistake. I regret coming back everyday....

>> No.6626570

Yep, you can do quite well for yourself with just a BSc in geosciences. For now at least. Lets see how long before we successfully destroy our mining and natural resource industries.

>> No.6626578

Last straw in which sense, specifically?

>> No.6626594

>fellow white

I've lost count how many resumes I've sent out.

>> No.6626612

no its a meme as an MA holder its hilarious the dumbasses who thought just existed in STEM got them a job while anything under the broad umbrella of Arts was useless. The culture shock was hilarious.

>> No.6626620

Cheers senpai. I was thinking of buying some Canopy, Aurora, and Supreme.

>> No.6626650

Paid off my student loan a week ago with my gains. Right before the correction. Feels good.

>> No.6626706

I'm not looking for starbucks, thank you.

>> No.6626712

send me an email johnwickboogeyman99@gmail.com

>> No.6626717

you can export the csv trade file, and set it up in excel

if you did well enough, it might be easiest to just put your cost at 0 and lose a bit of money but not spend all of the time tracking it and hoping they wont audit you

>> No.6626795

Canadian here. Last prime minister was cucked by the US, current is 100% canadian prime alpha. Stop projecting.

>> No.6626828

Why not just stay in Van? So many opportunities right now. You just gotta get out there. Tech is frothy with investors right now.

>> No.6626839

it says here you studied chemistry, only have calc I& II and your work experience contains being awkward and playing dota. Im sorry sir but that adds fuck all value to starbucks.
Maybe Mcdonalds?

>> No.6626848

As much as i like to mock arts degrees, frankly you're probably better off getting a BA in education and getting a comfy, secure government job babysitting brats than being a try hard and going into the private sector.

Government jobs are so cushy and overcompensated at the expense of everyone else, you'd be a fool not to be on the inside as part of the problem.

>> No.6626873

Right on man! Good for you!

>> No.6626895

kek can also add hydro one for engineering, these fuckers watch movies for 7 hours a day getting overtime and doing fuck all

>> No.6626907


>> No.6626947

Thankfully the government helped pay it so I still have plenty invested. God damn I love living in Canada.

>> No.6626984
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For anyone interested in mining check this article


>> No.6627003

>government jobs
>Over compensated
lolno. depends on your skillset. they have comfy security, but skilled workers for gov, especially crown corps are horribly underpaid leading to incompetencany in many areas.
nah. I got nothing against STEM i know engineering folk who made it and if I went back I'd do actuarial science as a Bsc. But Kin, health sciences and shit are the same as communications and deserve to get mocked. While Ochem/Chem, bio and a lot of other fields dont open many doors till at least a masters and even then.
>a /biz/ poster remembered to take profits and used them wisely
Im proud anon

>> No.6627006

I like to take a break form getting JUSTed by Canadian society to get JUSTED by crypto crashes. At least the crypto crashes rebound.

>> No.6627063

Torontonian here. Absolutely hate the place and what immigration has done to it.

Have a very good career, primary property 1/2 paid off plus some investment properties and some other holdings here.

Have had enough of Canada and the people who've made it this way. The type of people to vote for Wynne, Trudeau and next up Singh. Want out. Can get a Euro passport easily so am considering options. Needs to have a solid tech sector and not be overridden by immigrants. Suggestions?

>> No.6627100

Ontario residents can skip this article. You'll never make it mining with your insanely expensive (((green energy))).

>> No.6627179

That's the thing, I got a biochem, which is basically a mix of genetics/bio/biotech/orgchem/analytical. Every job I've seen for a masters wants 4+ years experience. I think it's a huge mistake to go masters before you get some industry experience unless you just want to go into academia.

>> No.6627194

Canada is one of the best places to live in the world. If you can't handle the diversity, move to Atlantic Canada. Cities in every developed nation and even developing nations tend to be real diverse.

I live in newfoundland and its 98% white, 1% native (the mixed, integrated kind), and 1% black (the hard working west african kind).

Shits pretty good besides the weather.

>> No.6627300

in the 80s it was zero percent black. All my neighbours thought pajeet, my visiting academic friend, was black

>> No.6627301

How would they ever know exactly what trades you make

>> No.6627303

Go get 4 years as a lab tech then apply for the big jobs. For a college kid, you're pretty thick.

>> No.6627328

van checking in my hate for chinks is growing exponentially

>> No.6627362

start banging them. 2 or 3 at a time if you have to. it helps, trust me.

>> No.6627365

I feel bad for the HK chinks.
They came over to get away from mainlanders and we're just letting them follow.

>> No.6627408

Applied to those too, what you think I'm applying to be R&D director or something? Don't be retarded.

>> No.6627409

lol truth

>> No.6627424

Must vary by region. I know teachers in ON earn more than their private sector counter parts, Hydro workers in MB are very well paid, I was way over paid when I did forest firefighting back in the day (can't believe how much we got paid to do absolutely fuck all most of the time).

The fact that our government seems to be doing everything in it's power to strangle the economy isn't helping.

>> No.6627441

how is that not better than nuclear? it might destroy magestic landscapes, forests and species, but it keeps us safe from tchernobyl kind of catastrophes. what say you?

>> No.6627445

How easy are asian girls in Van as a blue eyed blonde guy?

>> No.6627595

nuclear is super safe and highly efficient when it comes to cost

>> No.6627613

>blue eyed blonde guy
very once you get the hang of it. specifically look for fresh uni girls.

>> No.6627698

Ontario's green energy policy has been an unmitigated disaster that has driven up the cost of electricity to among the highest prices on the continent.

They weren't canceling nuclear plants already under construction in that multi billion dollar scandal to win two ridings, they were cancelling natural gas fired plants, which are very efficient both in terms of pollution and the cost of generating power.

Besides, if Ecofags didn't constantly FUD nuclear power and prevent advancements from being developed, maybe we'd have much cleaner thorium powered technology that doesn't produce long half-life actenides as waste.

>> No.6627769

teachers yeah. Unskilled workers like in hydro sure. firefighters (no offence). Its basically an optics thing. People get pissy when you spend lots of money on a skillset they dont have. Only okay to splurge on the little guy and anyone with a union membership. Its commonplace for government to axe a bunch of "overpaid" lawyers, policy people etc etc (or just lose them to private competitors). And then contract them for more money through private firms. Or executives on crown corporations to be in over their head.

>> No.6627806


>> No.6627847

where to go?? im located in van as well

>> No.6627942

>be gayfag in van
>don’t tow party lines
At least I have lots of time for work, crypto, and vidya.

>> No.6628041


>> No.6628079

and they say ppl here are retarded...
thank you for educating me, though i could do it myself was it not fo my lazyness to do so

>> No.6628122

Personal income tax in Ireland is extremely high and the weather is very poor. Any alternatives?

>> No.6628158

Are you familiar with the sunshine list? It's a list of government employees paid >$100,000 every year. It's astonishing.

>> No.6628204


that's ur fucking problem. aim for 1 job and ace it. stop sending a million resumes like soem kinda desperate cuck

>> No.6628219

go blow some dudes on davie street

>> No.6628301


>> No.6628313


Quebec is pretty comfy desu and much less boring than the ROC

>> No.6628427

Used to live in very northern Ontario and it was fucking based (Moose Factory and then Greenstone). Now live in southern Ontario and it's a shit hole filled with pajeets and Muslims

>> No.6628486

it's comfy if you are fluent in French, otherwise you suck

>> No.6628501
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You guys know you're all going to be taxed as traders right? You stupid fucks actually believe you're going to have half taxation and capital gains? How retarded can you be. The CRA will rinse you for everything you have to scrape you into paying a higher tax.

T. Canada cuck who is going to pay half to pay 53% in taxes to this absolute garbage country



>> No.6628516

80% of this board is /pol/

>> No.6628535

ITT: low-IQ redneck cucks

It's not like there aren't rich white people in Toronto, I am one.

>> No.6628584
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You are a complete brainlet if you believe that. He is ass fucking the middle class right now through TFSA halving, small business tax code, and CPP increases (so they can balance their budget). CBC churning out 24/7 propaganda pieces for Lib government. Trudeau says he's "sorry" for ethics violations. His defense minister lied about being part of a major operation. His finance minister is probably defrauding the CRA amongst other things.

Too young or too dumb to understand why you're wrong, pick one.

>> No.6628628
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You don't pay taxes if you buy high and sell low, anon.

>> No.6628632


No tax on gambling winnings. There must be a way to exploit this but I'm too much of a brainlet to think of one atm.

>> No.6628703

i find it hilarious when people discuss canadian politics

shits faker then fuckign santa clause are you kidding? this country is owned by the global establishment. it's a bilderburg country and all of our major politicians are in on it.

canada doesn't have an anti-establishment guy like trump so politics in canada just doesnt matter

fucking naive votefags i swear. sick of this shit

>> No.6628752

buying a whole fucking half apartment building? that would be some troll ass shit

>> No.6628757
File: 36 KB, 260x300, trudeau phone call that saved canada bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's buying weed stocks
>crash the market

>> No.6628764

Ever heard of being audited?

>> No.6628803

>Most of us are cross posters from /pol/ so if u don’t like it you can leave

That's not how it works, refugee. You have to go back.

>> No.6628848
File: 19 KB, 495x362, pepe rage tantrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halving TFSA was ruthless. TFSA were such a nice little crumb that was given to us little people, and they couldn't even let us have that.

earn money
>pay income tax
buy shares in a company, they turn a profit!
>company you're a stakeholder in pays corporate tax
realize a capital gain
>pay capital gainz tax
cash out to spend your money that's been taxed 3 times already
>PST, GST, carbon tax, exorbitant tax on any any little pleasure (eg i pay 700% more for a pouch of drum tobacco here than I would duty free)

THey had to fuck with the TFSA.

>> No.6628862

i wish trump was my president

>> No.6628870

Ich gehe nach Deutschland

>> No.6628877

Obviously I'm not going to claim all of my gains as gambling winnings. Just a portion that would reduce the amount of taxes I'd have to pay.

>> No.6628960

No delusions here senpai. Our democracy is a joke, there's only one option but it comes in 3 speeds:
A: fuck my shit up, senpai (Libs)
B: fuck my shit up, extra fast (NDP)
C: hold the line until A gets back in power so they can resume fucking your shit up ("Conservatives")

>> No.6628965

Are you serious? You're going to get fucked.

>> No.6628982

Just leave the gta and it’s basically 90% white.

Imo our immigrant class are good people generally. Hardworking and honest. Doesn’t make it right but at least we don’t have African Americans and Mexicans everywhere.

>> No.6629015

yeah but thats not a lot for skilled lawyers or even policy people in some instances let alone execs. Compare auto insurance company CEO salaries based on the size of the company to that of the ICBC ceo and realize he is underpaid.
right? but like its still more realistic then me buying a house here.

>> No.6629086

Funny working with some Moroccan Muslims going on about Hitler not being that bad of a guy, "History is written by the victors."

>> No.6629131

>Doesn’t make it right
doesn't make what right?

btw even a shitty illegal immigration buffs country's economy as long as the country doesn't give away too much welfare, the more so skilled immigration does it

>> No.6629323
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buy gold wit btc sell for cash or use btc atm retard

>> No.6629394

at this point,,, Canada is only good for people who come from poor countires. If you were born here then goodluck having a life without tons of debt

>> No.6629405

Yeah probably that's why I'm not going to do it. Here's my dumbass plan so far
>Take 25% of my gains and move it in to a gook exchange
>Cash out rest of gains and pay the capital tax.
>Buy XMR with 25% and withdraw from wallet and exchange it to another wallet
>Have friend in another country gamble with you on

This is assuming they can't get records from the gook exchange and there is a decentralized gambling platform that I could use to do the laundering.

>> No.6629478
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Canada should break up into different countries based on racial and ideological lines.

>> No.6629559

I hope Vancouver separates and becomes a tax haven city state.

>> No.6629590


restez chez vous

>> No.6629605

yeah, don't get me wrong, people should be paid what their worth, and some jobs are certainly worth a lot of money. It needs to be competitive with what the private market is offering. Problem is we have highly politicized public service unions and our government doesn't negotiate with them in good faith, as representatives of the tax payers.

Regarding potential career paths for anon though, when I was conceding that a BA might be better than a BSc, I was thinking about overpaid easily attainable careers, like teaching, rather than underpaid highly specialized government positions (laywer, ceo, what have you).

At least we can take some bitter sweet shaudenfreude knowing that if they manage to islamify our country, those useful idiots will be the most despised and mistreated in this new culture they're importing...

>> No.6629625

avec plaisir!

>> No.6629630


that could work actually.

>> No.6629724

What's the opinion on Harvest One'ss stocks? The price is quite volatile now but I think they're gonna be making some revenue in upcoming months.

>> No.6629766

>go the duck back and stay there retard.
get the fuck out faggot, this isn't your board

/biz/ is a free market white nationalist board

>> No.6629799

like hong kong, that would be nice.
Just let whitey have their own ethnostate and I'm down

fuck vancouver anyway

>> No.6629811
File: 6 KB, 250x214, wojak nooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me sad.
>Dad immigrated from China
>found a Canadian wife
>raised some buck foreskin Canadian boys who love guns, fishing, and the great white north
>mfw he didn't bother to teach us Chinese because we were Canadian now and weren't going back
>mfw my cousin who was born in China tells me all his childhood friends are extremely wealthy now
>mfw would have been nice to get more than one generation out this great country

>> No.6629870

Are you at least a good looking half white half chink?

>> No.6629884
File: 769 KB, 757x763, 12372384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'd be wary of any cannabis stocks. Cuckdeau has been dragging his feet on the whole thing and I've read some articles that it might get pushed back even further than July.

>> No.6629908

you could literally buy a house in new brunswick at the age of 13 if you traded crypto this past year and have atleast 30k

>> No.6629992

Yeah man, the chinese father european mother > whtie father asian mother happa meme is true
6" tall, look white with some unspecified admixture (people are usually surprised when i tell them), good at math. I got dealt a good hand.

>> No.6630028

Your dad must of been a chad back in the day.

>> No.6630055


But if my goal is to hold for 2 yrs or so is that gonna make a huge difference? It could impact HVST in a way where they couldnt get revenue enough and might go bankrupt or something. They recently got 25mil investment so I ain't too worried yet

>> No.6630080

I didn't even think about getting early cause I believed this government would drag out the legalization process (call for more redundant studies, etc) and drag it out so they could campaign on it in 2019.

>> No.6630152

I had this chinese taxi driver who was in his late 50s or something and I was shocked when he talked just like a boomer canadian, talked about hockey and shit and had zero accent

his grandparents came here back in the day when they had to dynamite through mountains for the railroad

>> No.6630159

haha yeah, he was a pretty remarkable dude Not your typical chinaman.

>> No.6630213

Capital gains is taxed on half of your investment

where do you get this 53% from?

>> No.6630238

deja ici

>> No.6630406

>prime alpha
isnt this the guy with the lgbt shit? kek alpha indeed

>> No.6630409

Sigh... We had such a good thing going, such a nice cohesive social fabric. Multiculturalism done right with the host culture held in the higher esteem, before it became (((multiculturalism))). Things are going to become such a mess.

I don't like all these new Chinese immigrants they're flooding us with. It's unfair that they're pricing Canadians out of the west coast housing market. Especially when our gvt taxes and regulates the shit out of us, then sends our money to the China Investment Bank to invest our money in the kinds of projects that get stonewalled here. How are we expected to compete and how are people expected not to be resentful?

>> No.6630434

I don't know if that's true.

>> No.6630474

Arrête moi :3

>> No.6630562

It's good there are chinese people that understand this in this country, damn.

>> No.6630619

are you retarded? every one of us understands this and here you are hating us like we are them

fuck you faggot

>> No.6630685

>every one of us understands this
everyone one of who?
asians on /biz/?
chinese people in canada?

>> No.6630710

i went there for university and even as a CHINESE it is fucking garbage place. unless you want to be a big fish in a small pond delusional ppl there everyone is a cocksucker literally. but i guess the ppl are nice~

>> No.6630802 [DELETED] 

i live in toronto and am sitting on 55k LINK

>> No.6630958
File: 66 KB, 1040x798, its a trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, that's bait. Didn't even post timestamped tits in good faith.

>> No.6631049 [DELETED] 

but now u know what? some of us OG chinese leaf r now on the china side cuz poor white man take our hard work 4 granted and just "muh asian pussy" like wtf i thot we were friends

>> No.6631166


Look dude I'm a quarter chinese and three quarters european guy living in Vancouver, and I gotta agree with you when you say that people who grew up here and were brought up as canadian - for the most part - understand that. There are a couple, though that don't.

The people from mainland china on the other hand don't give a shit and are awful. It's hard not to have some anger when they come and buy out the city from underneath us - I'm going to be working a cs job when I'm out of university and I won't be able to afford a house, how fucked is that? They flash their money and drive cars they don't know how to drive they bought with daddy's money and I'm honestly sick of it.

>> No.6631561

Own a house? Why would you want to do that, goy? You're not thinking of having a family are you? Don't you know how bad children are for the environment? Also, you're not breeding fast enough, so we have to import 3rd world replacements that will breed like rabbits. For the economy. Which we must also destroy because it's bad for the environment.

Just fuck my shit up senpai, i want out.

>> No.6631605

What's the best way to deposit large sums of money? I'm talking $10k+ for each deposit. Td won't let me do the Interac transfer to Quadrigacx.com and that's the only deposit they seem to be accepting rn and kraken takes 10 business days. Is there anything faster or cheaper?

>> No.6631658

Electronic Fund Transfers. It's 2.5% instead 2%+$5, so a little more expensive, and it takes a week, but it's your only option unless interac online is back.

>> No.6632064

Fighting forest fires is a meme. Just let them burn and hope they take the reserves.

>> No.6632069

As if other legal immigrant families did not wage slave as well, as did my own parents.

Toronto is an expensive city. Deal with it or get out, faggot.

>> No.6632147

Oh it totally is. They fight fires that aren't even threatening anything (no communities, good timber that's being logged, etc). These ecosystems NEED to burn down, jack pine cones evolved to open in the heat of a fire. So stupid using all these resources just to let more dead wood accumulate. Shit's gotta burn eventually.

Also we'd take our sweet time mopping up the fires so we could milk overtime and doubletime and doubletime and a half.

>> No.6632175

Generally speaking though, if you are wealthy in this city, it's a lot easier to make it. If you are destined for success, get out of Canada and go to USA. I love Canada though.