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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 500x372, Banker_Cat_Does_Not_Approve_Ur_Loan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
661980 No.661980 [Reply] [Original]

how can you make it if your parents aren't rich

>> No.661998 [DELETED] 
File: 410 KB, 1051x591, trump_money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

force black people out of their homes and then build a golf course

>> No.662012

>tfw its literally hopeless

>> No.662014

I didn't have a father and my mother is poor and not very bright. I didn't go to college and I got into STEM through hard work. You are literally being an entitled twat.

>> No.662018

i guess thats ok if you are satisified with a middle income life

>> No.662020


>state school
>CS, engineering, or finance degree. no exceptions.
>graduate with under 100k debt cause state school
>get summer software engineer/analyst positions your summers after sophomore/junior year
>get a return offer from a good company
>start working, live a frugal lifestyle. cereal for breakfast, packed lunch, crockpot/rice+beans/chicken breast for dinner
>pay off all debt by age 26
>at 26, start saving for home
>buy home at 30
>save at least $2k/month from age 30 through age 65 and put into index funds
>this will net you $4.5 million with 8% yield
>and you'll also have the value of your home

Pretty simple, really. People who have student loans should be looking to finish their lives with close to $5 mill. People with no loans should earn $7.5-10 mill.

It's really not that hard.

>> No.662024
File: 208 KB, 458x637, suck_my_magic_dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I never realized how much worse my life is than living a no income life, thanks anon

Have a funny comic

>> No.662025
File: 8 KB, 272x252, 1392686400613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>waahhh I may have to live a middle class lifestyle to actually save money and better my family's opportunities for years to come

grow a pair. your forefathers were selfish and/or useless. be the first to make a sacrifice and break the chain. be the patriarch that is remembered in your family.

*tips fedora and moonwalks away*

>> No.662031

>you're just not working hard enough
what else did fox news teach you?

>> No.662037

Yeah, because Fox tells you to get a degree instead of Mah Guns Mah Immigration Thanks Obama

I hope you're trying to enact this plan, this is a good plan

>> No.662039

fox news tells you income inequality is a myth

>> No.662040

It's obviously not, I've been on different sides of it

>> No.662042

low and middle income?

>> No.662046


when the fuck did I even say that?

i didn't say you needed to work all that hard. I just said you need to be smart, live frugally, and invest. by the end of your life you will have $5 million dollar (adjust for inflation). that $5 million will be netting you $400k annually by the end of your life in capital gains.

is that not enough for you?

>> No.662047

> jobs/careers don't change or go away over 40 year spans.

> people don't change over 40 year spans.

> don't live life, just work endlessly
>expect to advance your career acting like a NEET asshole but with a job

you will find out, if your 30- 35 with no wife or kids just eat rice, work and partake in zero social life, people will start to quit thinking it's cute and seriously outcast you.

>> No.662049

Yep. I suppose I'm supposed to bawl because I'm not one of the 1%? Only 1% of us are, that's why they're the 1%

>> No.662051

how can you be so naive lol

>> No.662052

Yeah, how dare you believe in the Fox Math they teach you in Fox School

>> No.662233

become the rich parents

>> No.662235


a combination of ingenuity, hard work and luck

thing is op with just hard work you can make it to middle class just by learning a trade; if you figure out how to make a business out of your skills you can easily become rich

becoming super-rich requires a lot of luck though, but most importantly government contracting. Uncle Sam is the most reliable source of income you as a business can obtain

>> No.662385
File: 121 KB, 375x500, 1417614357312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that just fucking dumb. You only live once and you plan to spend your entire life hoarding up money..

Live life. I got almost nothing in terms of money at the moment, but I traveled around the world (and not just the tourist hotspots) moved to another country to start a new life (with success) , did coke fueled parties with 2, 3 women at the same time. I fucked up lots of things, had success with other things. I lived in Africa for a while and tried to set up a business there.

I lived a very colorful life.

>> No.662536

Thats what every hobo says.

Just kidding man, I envy you....kind of.

>> No.662551

Be nice to people and work hard. Also luck.

>> No.662648

>not in employment, education or training, but with a job


>> No.663620

The worst part is that people actually believe this.

>> No.663623

> did coke
> traveled
not until i started making money
> women
enough to realize they're a pain
> working hard
> will make a million
almost guaranteed