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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6617612 No.6617612 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone literally considering ending it last night? I grabbed a couple of dressing gown cords and tied them together, tied one around a door handle and threw it over to the other side of the door and tied a noose and just sat watching the crash sipping on scotch and ended up passing out and woke up to 9k BTC and then just started drinking again and called into work and said I was sick .

I have around 500k before the crash and it dropped to 310k.

>> No.6617633


>> No.6617690
File: 87 KB, 380x360, 69E46493-69E2-4E20-98B3-AC35F13AB044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’ll bounce back up anon
but if it doesn’t here’s my ETH wallet:

>> No.6617703

One if my Facebook friends actually killed himself

He convinced his wife to put their life savings into btc @19k

>> No.6617769

>I have $300,000
>I'm up 10000x on my inital investment
>time to kys

are you fucking kidding me? I went from 100k to nearly 45k and bought MORE.

>> No.6617773

I had 80k in savings.

Now I have 4 bitcoins to my name.

>> No.6617821

>trying to kys yourself when you have 310k
you should have

>> No.6617853


>> No.6617860

>Thinks the crash has already ended

>> No.6617980

I don't know what all of your problems are but I'd wager that lots of people would trade their problems for your problems.

>> No.6618116

I'm tired of this bull shit even if it's a larp. Stop being morbid.

>> No.6618118

I invested a total of $300 and saw it go up to $2000 and now it’s back to $300.

I considered suicide yesterday. But my first thought every morning is suicide, so nothing really changed

>> No.6618160

Ken, you will definitely end it after the real dip soon.

>> No.6618243
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I think of suicide daily

>> No.6618268

It's only money

>> No.6618290

It’s just suicide

>> No.6618316

>killing yourself over 190k in lost profit

I lost 80k because I couldn't offload all my KCS before the ascending wedge broke down.
I missed out on 210k because I sold my ETH at $700.
I missed out on 90k because I sold my LTC hours before it jumped to $250.
I am still up over 1m from my initial investment, though.

>> No.6618401

I had basically the same amount and didn't feel a fucking thing.

Bought some of the alts when they crashed and sold them as soon as they popped back up, made a bit of extra BTC.

>> No.6618455

> has $300k
> considers suicide

what the fuck is wrong with you, you greedy motherfucker? If I had $300k I would be the happiest man in the world

>> No.6618480
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I've never a heard a more pathetic story.

At least the BCC folks fucking lost everything.

How mentally weak do you have to be to sit on 300k during a correction and contemplate suicide? Let this be a lesson that you need to fucking change, OP.

>> No.6618522


If you are not larping. I hope you kill yourself.

>> No.6618639
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>At least the BCC folks fucking lost everything.
Kek, this is crypto. Even obvious scams make profit

>> No.6618647

that's what I said 6 months ago. I got into ETH early last year. Prior to that I had never seen more than 5000 dollars in my life. I came home from my wageslave job everyday to a euphoric amount of money. I had 30k by end of summer and that felt like a dream. The thought of breaking 6 figures was unfathomable. Last week I was up to 360k, and now I'm at 250k post-crash. Life is just as miserable. My depression is not cured. Nothing has really changed in all honesty. I exchanged my social life for crypto and the dopamine rush from an ever growing portfolio is the only source of pleasure in my life mainly. When the market began going sideways the past few days I felt so empty. Tragic, I know. Working on it.

>> No.6618692

you should buy something fun to take your mind off it

>> No.6618701

Why not convert like a quarter to fiat lol

>> No.6618771
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The last few days were less depressive than the two preceding weeks. I don't have much money in cryptos, but I keep expecting terrible things to happen, so once they do I somewhat relax.

>> No.6618798

Yeah dude, Maybe trade some of that money for social things. Or since you're a baby whale, check out WMC's ICO, looks fun.

>> No.6618800
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>tfw sold at 18k for tether
after this thread >>/biz/thread/S5191223
>bought back in at 10k

brainlets btfo, ty 4 the free money

>> No.6618885


>> No.6619071

If you traded for alts you would be up more even if bitcoin recovers

>> No.6619148

I never had a social life in the first place so getting into crypto was ez for me. Anyway you're a greedy motherfucker, even if you cashed out half of it your life will improve massively.

>> No.6619189

...Why? Why the fuck do normies do this shit?

Do they not understand that you can 10x your money by making 13 20% trades in a row? You don't have to bet it all at once on a stupid dino coin ffs.

>> No.6619239

you gotta actually use the money for it to impact your life

>> No.6619305


Grow up your stash again and then translate it into some real life investments such as real estate. Time to buy a house. It will hold its value if you maintain it like you aren't a nigger. That means cleaning your gutters and keeping an eye on your foundation. Essentially make sure your house wins the war against moisture.