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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6617492 No.6617492 [Reply] [Original]

You know how I know crypto is a big fucking scam? Because a fucking quality coin like VeChain is manipulated into a fucking tortoise but a total shitcoin like TRX is fucking mooning.

>> No.6617543

This also blows my mind. I know VEN is going to be actually fucking used in real industry by big fucking companies but I don't fucking know whether or not to buy any because it's so manipulated.
I will stay in other alts until closer to the rebrand I think.

>> No.6617555

The CEO sunny is pretty shady. I'm reading he got arrested recently.

>> No.6617573

good things come to those who wait when people notice coins like this and Wabi are undervalued top 10 gems its gonna sky rocket accumulate for now this shit is 100x EOY materiel

>> No.6617605

That's why I purchased some TRX earlier during the dip before selling it again and making a few quick bucks since I'm not a fucking retard like you.

>> No.6617642

Good for you you fucking faggot. So fucking smart you are.

>> No.6617645

Were you part of the 40 man team?

>> No.6617686


>> No.6617697


How does stupid market behaviour make crypto a scam?

>> No.6617708

>actually has a real life use
>tons of partnerships with highly respectable companies
>partnership with a powerful government

>sits around $5
I'll admit defeat, ill never understand crypto.

>> No.6617739

Don't worry anon, the normies will jump in on VEN once it goes mainstream.

>> No.6617818

After the February rebrand it will soar to $400 in the first week alone.

>> No.6617832

Hey unofficial 41st member of the 40 man team here. There are no more partnerships and the rebranding isn't happening for another year. Also the price of 1 Thor is going to be 50 cents on a good day. VEN price by eoy will be around $2 screen cap this.

>> No.6617864

Because of what he did to that poor girl on the bus?

>> No.6617869

> a coin that is being dumped by the creators

yeah, no thanks

>> No.6617884

The creators of the coin control the sell walls so you're calling VEN a scam then, which is true

>> No.6617912


dude thats $120B market cap

not happening

>> No.6617924

Wow, are you Craig from Ven Team 6? I ask because I was the 42nd dev on the project. And i heard Sunny was harboring North Korean sex slaves to trade away to China.

>> No.6617942

Yeah but I sold mine , sounds scammy. the more i look into the team the more more red flags i see im going to sit this one out and i advise everyone else to do the same idk man,They say they have a 40 man team but they don't even have a wallet out? come on man, This shit sounds scammy. the more research i do on this coin ,the more shady shit i find.

>> No.6618016

Thanks sold 100k

>> No.6618065

tron was the most hit coin even before dip it was in free fall, its normal a stronger rebound, why are u here so dumb?

>> No.6618082
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Don't ever put a shitcoin like wabi in the same sentence as VET ever fucking again you pajeet cuck.

>> No.6618109

This is crypto, dude, grow up

>> No.6618135

Can confirm. Sunny would force the female devs into a room and make them breed with him. He sometimes got Koreans sex slaves in for "staff morale" if we had a particularly difficult week on developing Vechain.

however, He had a real bad fucking temper sometimes i remember getting punched in the face just because i made eye contact with him one day. I've sold me Stack of VET.

>> No.6618142

let VEN fly under the radar, when its realized it will sky rocket like XRB did

>> No.6618156


Just being realistic.

>> No.6618177
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The virgin invest into technology.
The chad pump and dump.

>> No.6618208

But it's crypto

>> No.6618225

>VeChain is manipulated into a fucking tortoise but a total shitcoin like TRX is fucking mooning
Nope, it's because all of the normies are in TRX and are buying up again.

No one really knows about Vechain on a normie scale, this is why the good, 'non-shilled' coins aren't doing much.

>> No.6618241

I think a 20b market cap is a good end of year target which is still crazy because that is still about 20x from where we currently are. Thats about 75 USD.

>> No.6618299


My prediction is 20B 2 weeks after rebrand and 60B - 100B EOY if mainnet works without a hiccup

>> No.6618302

Do not worry anons, super bullish news coming soon.

>> No.6618375
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Hits ATH and then goes down to 45k satoshis

>YFW you've been V E N'd

>> No.6618454


Vechain could create a cure for cancer that requires its blockchain and RFID technology to be applied, and VEN would still be $6

>> No.6618465

I hope so. I have a hard time believing that anything this good could happen to me which is why I am being conservative in my predictions. I would be a multi-millionaire.

>> No.6618511


>> No.6618542

honestly just keep accumulating at bargain prices leading up to the rebrand.

>> No.6618549


Lmao true. Well on next news the whales wont be able to hold. Also remember at least we dont really dip either much satoshi wise.

>> No.6618591

Get out of VEN until closer to the rebrand. It's just going to be held down like it has been for months until the chinks decide to let it take off, which is likely when the rebrand hits over a month from now.

>> No.6618617 [DELETED] 


>> No.6618620

How is ven not a scam?
All they’ve provided is promises and partnerships(which can be bought)

>> No.6618668


Ah yes, china tobacco is going to partner with a random little scammy blockchain startup because they paid them off....

nice logic

>> No.6618679

People that bought eth below 10 didnt ever think they would be millionaires either. Think about that for just a second

>> No.6618689

VENcoiners are behaving like linkies now

>> No.6618712


This. It's pathetic.

>> No.6618732

> China
> tobacco

Surely they’re all about morals.

>> No.6618734

Vechain 30x (+3000%) from November $0.2x to ATH $7.xx

Braindead pump and dump Pajeet think if it takes 1.5 month to increase 3000% then it's manipulated

>> No.6618779

Yeah it’s annoying as fuck.
1000 posts a day of babies whining about price manipulation.
How about this? People are selling your hollow shitstain of a coin.

>> No.6618809

you can tell whos shilling a shitcoin by the number of memes you see. you dont see load of pics with Vechain logo edited in them. That means pump groups and shill groups havent targeted Ven. they gave up because the sell walls.

little tip for the newbz

>> No.6618842

Tron will be .50$ tomorrow morning 6AM PST due to a massive planned manipulation from Chinese construction corporation. I can’t say any more. I live in Taipei and I know.

>> No.6618938

Go prep the bull you dumb chink

>> No.6618992

Until mainnet is released it's still vaporwarecoin

>> No.6619129


>> No.6619174

Buy walton.
They’re releasing their chain and master nodes soon.
Vechain only recently announced they’re beginning the project of doing there’s.

>> No.6619253

Coin holding Steady and lost less than the average of the rest of the market.

Clear events that will likely increase awareness, investors and will likely trigger a good bump in addition to the healthy increase.

It sucks a bit that this is turning into a get rich slowly scheme, but I’m ok with it for now.

>> No.6619269

can confirm. i remember freaking out when my 2,000 ETH were worth $27,000

>> No.6619280

LOL what
Walton aren’t releasing their mainnet till Q2 idiot
Same as vechain
Buy 50/50

>> No.6619373
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Steady fucking hands.

>Pic relevant: He has more nutsack than everyone in this thread.

>> No.6619469
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What should I be buying right now, want to off load my slow growing HST.

>> No.6619551

don't despair, just look at NEO

TRX is destined to die

>> No.6619662

Vechain is a shitty neo/wtc copy.

This is crypto tho so they’ll fare okay

>> No.6619709

Retarded posts like these legitimately have me concerned about being invested in VEN

>> No.6619800

doesnt mean its a scam it means the average crypto "investor" has an 89 IQ and buys things purely based on the name/logo and how often the CEO tweets. i guarantee 95% of the people buying tron havent even glanced at the whitepaper. hell, most of those nigs probably cant even read. thats just post-normie invasion crypto

>> No.6619836

It's a state-owned company dude lol

>> No.6619892

> China

>> No.6620027


>TRX is destined to die

Says increasingly nervous man for the 10th time

>> No.6620056


the absolute state of waltoncucks lmfao

>> No.6620226

VEet chain to da moooon!

I just invested my first 100 dollar into this company, how did I do 4 chin?

This is going to be at least 20000 dollar next year, it is the next bitcoins.

So funny think about all the newb who mis out on the next bitcon.

>> No.6620277

what was it this time
raping a baby unicorn in the skull?
eating all of the pandas?

>> No.6620315

what is this coin supposed to do? I will read about it obviously, but if you want to shill it, please do it.

>> No.6620389

Because idiots like this guy are also in crypto thats why.

>> No.6620482


What fucking bargin price, you mongoloid? It matches sats almost exactly.

>> No.6620563

It's gook Ethereum. Or will be. Lots of government affiliation and overlaps. Apparently ahead of the curve of regulation and unlikely to be troubled by it. Potential for passive income generation following the rebrand in a month or so.

Id be all in if it wasn't Chinese, that said it's most of cryptobucks atm.

Forewarning VEN is being hugely manipulated by whales atm. Few theories but likely they are accumulating for the nodes next month.

>> No.6620636

is it safe to push more fiat in?

>> No.6620711

Commie chink anti-counterfeit / shipping tracking rfid tech that uses Vechain nodes and blockchain to ensure validity of info on the ledger. A realistic solution to current problems of fraud, tracking issues, and bootlegging. Vechain has convinced several large chink corps to investigate the use of its technology in their industries.

Jim Breyer(billionaire venture capitalist) who is married to a chinky shipping industry/banking executive revealed he invested in vechain.

>> No.6620733

ive been buying the dips and i think its a good price compared to what it could be in the future.... no need to get emotional

>> No.6620762

>It's gook Ethereum.
isn't neo the "chinese ethereum" too?

>> No.6620774

when reality does something different to what you predicted there is no utility in believing reality was wrong. try again you fucking brainlet and don't stop trying until you can explain every price movement

>> No.6620819

>After the February rebrand it will soar


>> No.6620841

Look man I will be real with you. I bought ven at 30 cents, so it already did what I needed it to. I broke off most of my stack to chase other things, bit I am still holding a nice bit.

Ven is the most manipulated and supressed coin on the market right now. Chink whales are keeping the lid on this bubbling pot for reasons I can only speculate at.

If it doesnt explode after rebrand I will dump it completely, because I need my money to work for me right now.

>> No.6620851

Same here,i don't wanna get too excited cause I don't think anything good ever happens to me but maybe this is my turn. This could also potentially make me a millionaire

>> No.6620924

sounds interesting

>> No.6620927

Yeah but this one actually has government contract and connections which is really what matters. Neo was the first mover but VeChain is getting all the connections.

>> No.6620994

To anybody getting excited by it going back up right now, it is simply matching bitcoin.

If you see ven breakout from its ath while bitcorn fumbles again, THEN maybe get excited.

>> No.6621077

Oh and if you believe the tech is actually cool and is going to work in china, you should be diversified into walton also. They are doing something very similar.

Wanna make money in crypto this year, then you need shit with actual use case and minimally viable product.

>> No.6621189

just read up on it and come back in a year. dont get impatient with this day to day shit. this coin has the best use-value and partnerships in all of crypto. and no, im not being hyperbolic.

seriously, just let this be your long term hold and get a stack of play money to chase moon missions with other shit. im not even touching my vechain. im putting other profits from other coins into this in hopes of getting a node one day. but that is it. just forget about this coin and come back later, take it off your blockfolio if you have to.

>> No.6621295

14k reporting in. All in. This is my only chance at financial freedom.

>> No.6621366

>this one actually has government contract
Think of february as it's introduction after the rebrand... china wants to regulate crypto obvously, this is step 1..................

Now imagine that the gov't just told a billion people to use this currency for everything...

Check back next year!

>> No.6621386

The fact it's being suppressed indicates its actual value. Scams like TRX they'll let run wild as a money grab, but valuable things are made unattractive to day-traders (muh buy walls, muh whales, etc.) for good reason.

If you're poor and desperate and feel the need to diarrhea-trade then go ahead and get out, or just have some patience. Remember thought that you never know when something of actual value is going to pop, and when you get back in it will be with a fraction of what you had before.

>> No.6621592


Why would they let us gweilos in on the money though?

>> No.6621707

International-power play. Their version of a petrodollar system. It’ll prop up the RMB and increase chinas presence on an international level.

>> No.6621742

Just don't dump on the first hill....mount everest will be next year, to give this time to settle into the populace. Most likely itll boom just by speculation after rebrand and perhaps...a bigger announcement should it prove viable to intergrate as a legit currency in China...Remember China likes to tell the world how advance they are, and eliminating paper and go all in crypto will be a game changer unlike US, the banks/old boys club will be finding more ways than twisting koreas arm into exchange shutdowns.

>> No.6621813

>controlled by chinese mafia

ven is shit and it will remain shit

>> No.6621871

one currency to rule them all. they may win just by enforcing a country to utilize it. Unlike ..amurrca, the 1% will fight tooth n nail to prevent an alternative.

>> No.6621876

that was how neo pumpers used to pitch it until everyone realized that no chinese people actually buy or give a shit about neo. vechain has real enterprise and government connections which is literally the only thing that matters in china. barring a major disaster I bet vechain market cap exceeds neo by end of 2018

>> No.6621966


>retarded waltoncuck doesnt realize ven suceeding means his shitcoin will make it too

I really hate you dumbfuck fanboys. The fate of walton/ven are intertwined.

>> No.6622021

I already saw how they are using mobile payments for literally everything in china, crypto is an obvious step for them, and why use gweilos crypto...

>> No.6622117

>p-pls sir buy waltoncoin. we have very good technolgy, you have heard? Ok sirs transferring you my waltoncoin now.

>> No.6622185


That makes a lot of sense actually

Plus only 277/800 coins are in circulation, meaning most of the currency is still in the hands of the chinks.

>> No.6622247

The reason VEN isn't rising much today is because its one of the few coins where nobody dropped their bags

Every other coin is recovering to what it was before the crash, while VEN is still at or near what it was before.

>> No.6622360

blessed to have gotten into VEN so early, hodling till $100 atleast

>> No.6622490

niggas you have to wait. VEN doesnt even have a wallet. and node staking is what is going to send this to the moon.
once the wallet is out and nodes are staking, rfid tags can go out and actually start being implemented. Expect all of this in march.

>> No.6622536

It's a "democratic" and semi-centralized system.

There are 101 Transaction/Authority nodes which you need a KYC check to run in addition to 250K Vet and as a reward you forge 72% more Thor and get 30% of all Thor used.

This is why it's going to be the crypto China adopts.

Because at least 80 of those authority nodes will be owned by the Chinese Government which means they get a 20% or 30% of all the Thor being burned. It's in their best interest to support and push it.

It's about as perfect a solution as they can get. It's available to the whole world and designed for Fortune 500 companies but they secretly hold all the Authority and can control any vote.

People need to understand it's not really as decentralized as they think but it's exactly why it will fucking moon.

>> No.6622546

I agree I don't expect to drop during this year, even with the pre-hype and after... itll grow IF china allows it...

>> No.6622665
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Great post, anon.

>> No.6622999

I feel very much woke right now

>> No.6623176

100% agree with you, no way I'm touching mine anytime soon I'm basically all in on this but yes have some monies to play with so I don't get bored.

>> No.6623286

VEN <3 not selling my 25k stack till we hit atleast 80$, sometime this year

>> No.6623399

idk man they say they have a 40 man dev team but dont even have a working wallet out? this shit sounds scammy as fuck.

>> No.6623544

I don't know how deep these retarded vechain's delusions are, they keep on talking about moon but not ONE moon has happened over the last few months, despite giving out news upon news of partnerships, not ONE i tell you, they're all 20-40% rises from time to time like a fucking snail, meanwhile we have other alts going to 200% in just mere hours or more and when i call out this shitcoin for what it is, i quickly get shunned by "fud fud" turds.

Lmaooooo srsly vechain is a shitcoin, they purposely make up lies to convince themselves that whales are manipulating it when the reality is, its the DEVS themselves who place sell walls at a certain price so that it won't go up so fast and will convince new retards to get in at a low price before its supposed big take off.

This is Cryptoscamming 101, people seriously need to aware others of their shady behavior!

>> No.6623558

Well said. Where do you see this by eoy or even 2 years from? I know that question gets asked alot but clearly you know what your talking about

>> No.6623677

Are you retarded?

>> No.6623782
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>> No.6623846

idk man,They say they have a 40 man team but they don't even have a wallet out? come on man, This shit sounds scammy.
the more research i do on this coin ,the more shady shit i find. seriously the shill campaign last week was really strong , a ven thread every hour mindlessly shilling it claiming it's gonna 10x after "news" thats gonna happen also spread bunch of fake news about sunny announcing some life changing event in sillicon valey.

The big walls make me think the ven holders realized this project has no future so they setup their sell orders and big walls and started the shil campaign so we buy their bags

>> No.6624123
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Okay mates, I know there are a lot of newfags and that I'm most likely going to be trolled into a pararell universe of rektikytiykiytrektness but, here I am... Going to be another shitter:

WHERE DO I START TO LEARN ABOUT GLOBAL ECONOMY AND INVESTMENT? (Doesn't necessarily have to be about crypto in particular, I just want to build a nice investment and global economy knowledge base and then expand my knowledge from there).

I've read that
>"A Citizen's Guide to the Economy" by Thomas Sowell
is a good start.
What else could I read?

Thank you.

>> No.6624142



>> No.6624442

honestly read general history about the middle east and how countries like the U.S. are able to establish themselves as economic hegemons.

Useful for understanding the geopolitics at play in the economy. politics and economy goes hand in hand but economy shapes politics moreso than politics shapes the economy.

id recommend a brief history of neoliberalism by david harvey for a good understanding on how the shift from regulated markets to deregulated looks like on an international level and the political, economic and cultural consequences this has. useful for understanding how global economy is not just a free-exchange of goods but consists of giant power-plays with states trying to subordinate or draw in others under their economic umbrella through coercive and/or forceful means.

shit is very useful for understanding what china is doing right now, how the U.S. is fading away as a global power quicker than we think, and being able to identify how different geographies experience emerging markets/technology. not everyone will benefit.

I studied history and it has been incredibly useful for investing in cryptocurrency desu,

>> No.6624551

do you realize who they are partnered with and why NEO hit $200

>> No.6624720

Thats why you invest in chinese government supported coins. They're going for global geopolitical domination as US economic power and influence decreases. So expect their blockchain platforms to thrive immensely.

>> No.6624749

Hey mate, thank you for your answer!

I'm actually interested in history as well. I started uni first year of history, but I was really depressed and I dropped out of it because it didn't seem like a good investment for the future (as in paying a lot of fucking money for a career that won't net me a nice job).
I'd rather study computer engineering for example and become a programmer... but it's too late for that, I've just started my way to being a wageslave, so I wanna learn about investing and hopefully, some day, make some money off it.

I don't want advice or being spoonfed on to what to invest on, just some directions to learn by myself. The problem is that I'm a complete noob to economy at the moment.

I'll write down
>a brief history of neoliberalism by david harvey

Anything else?

Thank you very much, mate.

>> No.6624979

The One Chain to rule them all

>> No.6624991

Exactly, most my portfolio is in VEN. If you read you'll recognize this is a global power play. This is a smart-contract platform which automates very costly services for companies. Any company hoping to automate auditing or any financial regulation will have to be a part of the network. When China announces that its officially backing Vechain (which it pretty much has - see the national partnership release and the intellectual property shit they put out) - then yeah, all companies will have to be involved in the Chinese economy at some level in order to have this anti-counterfeiting and automation platform.

This is why we can expect a VEN/RMB physical and digital goods exchange. It props up China on an international level and basically allows Vechain to work like the US petrodollar system works.

China is fucking smart. Invest in the quality Chinese products. They know they are fucking the U.S. in like 2 years. They went all in on blockchain and green energy while stupid ass america thought it was a good idea to invest in coal.

>> No.6625178

Norman's love tron.. I'm on a fb group for shilling purposes and they are all buying thst shit

>> No.6625216

Are we the new deluded linkies?

>> No.6625352

why not its a penny and makes them easy bagholders

wait you don't care about ethics anyway

u assholes love crashing the market

>> No.6625374

I'd recommend reading history. Focus on different regions and get an understanding of how the economy has shaped politics over time. I had a very, very leftist education which was incredibly useful for investing in this shit. An understanding of political economy will help you a lot here, as well as any general understanding of the history of technology and how tech is implemented at a political level.

This is why I'm a fan of China, you need politics to move new tech. In LA, car companies bought out the public transportation system and then slowly destroyed it over-time, making LA one of the biggest cities for cars in the world.

I'll get shot on here for saying this, but Marx has been insanely helpful for investing also. His shit on the commodity and the discussion of exchange-value/use-value is super helpful for understanding when something is speculative and when something is not. While you can disagree with a lot of Marx's points, his critique of capitalism is the most famous of any, and his critique provides a useful framework to think about the insane possibilities opened up by cryptocurrency as a whole. His concept of primitive accumulation is useful also, if anyone talks about cryptocurrency being a bubble - being able to refer to primitive accumulation is useful. IMHO cryptocurrency is primitive accumulation 2.0 and the moment I realized that I invested all my savings.

I'd recommend also reading stuff about the Iranian 1953 coup, and anything regarding oil in the middle east. Blockchain is the new oil and those who are the first to implement it and establish themselves will be successful in the long run.

People on this board will shoot me, but overall I'd say asides from my background in history, leftist theory has been the most useful thing for investing in crypto.

>> No.6625518

Damn, I thought this place was just full of /pol/tards.

Yeah, do what he said. Read good political economy: Immanuel Wallerstein, Karl Polyani, Michael Mann. They give pretty good macro looks on things. Any book on Bretton Woods, the attempt to reestablish the gold standard after WW1, the economic circumstances leading up to WW2, stagflation, the petrodollar, and so on is worth checking out.

If Ven lives up to the hype, it'll solve a big problem for the Chinese central government: counterfeit goods that evade proper taxation. Unlike a lot of shit coins, it has a use value. Now, the project could be a big fucking scam, but it'd be the greatest scam in history to trick the likes of Breyer and numerous Chinese state companies. By the way, if it is a scam, the people involved better hope their families aren't in China because they WILL get fucked by the state. China straight up executes people for that shit.

>> No.6625566

Marx was a genius, just misunderstood and idealraped. Its too bad we can't have real discussions because capitalism has its merits, and especially did during its time. Marxism has merits especially during our hypercapitalist American era. I'll also proudly be shot with you. I'm just an open minded asshole.

>> No.6625605

What should I read about Marx?
I've been told by an ex who's a fully fledged commie that some of his shit is unreadable (too long).
Maybe try to get some historian's book who sums marx and his economical and political concepts up?

I'm all into learning about Marx, I wanna also increase my cultural level while at it and be able to discuss communism with other people.

Maybe I should find some books that sum up the economical world history or some shit, cause to be honest, althought I was an avid reader back in the day, nowadays I evade books a lot (because internet....).

>> No.6625631

this is actualy why I still have hope in the gutter of 4chan. There are lurkers out there with humanistic tendencies left.

>> No.6625653

no shots
I'm very familiar with what you're talking about and where you're coming from and I've had luck utilizing that background in understanding this market as well. Mostly what I've been thinking and working through is based around more western conceptions of governance through cybernetic network modeling, etc and that dovetails very easily with understanding blockchain technology - I'm much less familiar with more specifically chinese approaches to governance and geopolitcs, particularly when it comes to tech.
How does VeChain play specifically into chinese power plays?
PS shout out to david harvery +1

>> No.6625663

Could you further explain about primitive accumulation and your reasoning to invest all your savings in crypto?

>> No.6625712

>Yeah, do what he said. Read good political economy: Immanuel Wallerstein, Karl Polyani, Michael Mann. They give pretty good macro looks on things. Any book on Bretton Woods, the attempt to reestablish the gold standard after WW1, the economic circumstances leading up to WW2, stagflation, the petrodollar, and so on is worth checking out.

Thank you anon-kun!

Also, anything that's purely finantially focused? Just to learn the terms used in finance and investment? Although that's probably easy to google.

>> No.6625719

den leaf, bb <3

Go back to buying AAPL

>> No.6625730

>manipulated into a fucking tortoise
Turtle is pure

>> No.6625782

Both of them are shitcoins. Neither TRX not VEN will ever be used for anything in the real world.

>> No.6625790

Hey man, you're pretty smrt. Congrats.

>> No.6625794

as forms the economic organization of society shifts and evolves those with their foot in the door first come have an advantage in the new economy

>> No.6625797

what the fuck is happening here


>> No.6625810

I'm not the OP and I'm also interested in his reply, but I've decided to go all in on crypto, and live my beliefs at whatever risk comes with it.

My reasoning is simple, and that is that if we realized how little we risked when we risked everything, we'd do it all the time.

You can't be the motherfucking change in the world if you're a hypocrite. I believe in socioeconomic change that can come through crypto and I'm wiling to risk it all to get there. It's really no risk.

>> No.6625836

Boobies ( . Y . )

also... nice ID, Nigger.

>> No.6625897

You mean 400k right?

>> No.6625919

Stop trying to shill you shitty discount coin pajeet

>> No.6625928


fuk u white boi

>> No.6625994

>if we realized how little we risked when we risked everything, we'd do it all the time.


unfortunately i think if what we're talking about with vechain's relationship to chinese economic hegemony is true -- or if you follow how SWIFT has been attempting to engineer decentralized networks which they clearly will control -- then the cypherpunks will not win -- we will be in the worst possible dystopian cyberpunk timeline

>> No.6626026

KEK LMAOO YOU FUCKING LARPER, inside inside came out, the 41st developer was confirmed dead 2 weeks ago after sunny flipped out and hit him on the head with a paper weight. Shit is so shady.

>> No.6626118

change comes through compromise and evolution.. you can't go from 0 to 3 without 1 and 2.. but yeah, gonna require faith and expectations of trust.. ironically, blockchain brings back the trust.

>> No.6626158

No theyre about fucking revenue, if you think for a second the a pissy little company like vechain could pay of china tobacco then your a fucking tard.

>> No.6626203

>leftist theory has been the most useful thing for investing in crypto.
there was a guy yesterday who made the biggest gains based on what his ferret chose

>> No.6626244

Walton fags litterally on suicide watch after re-branding is announced. If you thought bcc dropped hard wait until you see wtc once Ven becomes China's one chain.

>> No.6626260
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patrician /biz/ reads sirs

>> No.6626346

>What should I read about Marx?
uhhh, the capital?

>> No.6626373

$100-500 eoy worst case
$500,1000 eoy best case
$500,1000+ end of 2019 guaranteed

t. pepsi child

>> No.6626433

>not including a short history of financial euphoria

>> No.6626576

primitive accumulation has nothing to do with crypto at all and more with the systematic genocide and the systematic dispossession of land and resources through violence, but well done reading marx tho.

like, it'd be comparable if you were literally stealing money through underhanded means.

>> No.6626581

Why dont you cucks make a fucking walton there so you can all larp and pull each others dicks there? I've got nothing against the coin its a good fucking idea but the community refusing to admit that wtc is now useless because of Ven is fucking annoying

>> No.6626746

walton cucks make up like 70% of vechain threads lmao

>> No.6626776

Depends on if this is actually the Great Chinese Crypto power-grab and they throw their full support for VeChain.

If that happens I don't know. It's going to be above 1K that is for certain. China won't let their nationally endorsed Crypto be #2. They would be opening fiat gateways left and right for people to buy Vet as well as requiring businesses to register their products on the chain.

If it isn't then it will at least be $100 EOY with the sheer volume of partnerships and connections it already has. But based on the momentum I'm pretty sure they are making a power-grab and using VeChain to do it.

If China is behind it then it will literally hit 1T cap before June of next year. If not the predictions are a lot more modest but still high relative to the rest of the market.

>> No.6626897

I agree completely. What I meant was in terms of asset creation - if there was to be a primitive accumulation 2.0 - this would be it. Obviously and luckily the violence that was involved in primitive accumulation isn't going to take place (or if it does on a much smaller scale) - but in terms of the ability of a group of people to become first movers and establish themselves as part of the asset class - then yes I'd consider this primitive accumulation 2.0

Definitely worth distinguishing the two though, a proper understanding of primitive accumulation is crucial as it dispels many of the myths which are used to justify wage-work and so on, and also reveal the violence at the genesis of capitalism

>> No.6626923

Lmao it’s funny how everyone pulls numbers out the ass saying a coin is going 100x or 400 dollars. Fuck out of here tards

>> No.6626955

>Fuck out of here tards haha xdddd

Except it is.

>> No.6626977

if anyone held VEN since december , there was always that one walton autist who keeps fudding with his shitty coin and posting pics of the walton dev team

>> No.6626985

only needs Cardano's old cap for $125 mate

>> No.6627084

You're an ugly old nigger. Walton chain to the MOON. WALT GANG, WALT GANG, WALT GANG!

>> No.6627122

$100-500 eoy
$500 - 1,000 end next year

stay cucked.

>> No.6627345

Hey Anon, my ID might be different since I switched IP's since I last responded to you but it is me. Anyways, a lot of Marx is dense and there can be a learning curve when you start reading him, but his shit is well worth it.

I suggest reading Capital. Don't read the whole thing but the respective chapters on use-value, exchange-value, surplus-value, and primitive accumulation are salient for cryptocurrency. Marx is a great write once you get used to reading him. General summaries of these chapters will likely suffice as well, but just be aware that there are many different interpretations, and you definitely don't want to be reading some right-wing guy try and interpret Marx's work. It is best to engage it head on before forming an opinion imho.

Other than that, I'd say one of the best essay's Marx wrote is "On the Jewish Question" - while it often gets read as being indicative of Marx's anti-semitism, the actual intent is completely different. He explains the shortfalls of any sort of political emancipation (as per the U.S. constitution or parliamentary democracy) and explains how this form of democracy allows for certain political entities to be depoliticized, thus naturalizing their effects. Think here the forces here which put you in a precarious economic position - debt, rent, wage-labor etc - are able to posit themselves as neutral. Your one vote every 4 years has a moot significance compared to the other forces which influence politics. After this, he basically makes the claim that material change is necessary for a more authentic democracy. As he discusses the figure of the Jew later on - he makes the argument that the figure of the Jew is more of a product of a minority community trying to survive in a society geared towards profit-accumulation rather than inherently greedy in themselves. This is a reductive summary that doesn't include everything. The essay is dense but well worth the read whether or not you agree with him

>> No.6627348

Thanks anon. Any of those in particular?

>> No.6627415

>tfw 0 money to invest.

>> No.6627543

Overall though just read. Honestly read some sci-fi and cyberpunk shit too lol. Not trying to be too larpy but yeah, we are in a transition from one epoch to the other so its good to get an understanding of how different people have imagined the future.

Neuromancer by William Gibson is the shit.

>> No.6627547

>just be aware that there are many different interpretations, and you definitely don't want to be reading some right-wing guy try and interpret Marx's work. It is best to engage it head on before forming an opinion imho.

Well, I guess I could try to read those "respective chapters" that you've mentioned.
But there's definitely no way I'm reading all of his Le Capital work considering how much else I have to read and how little I am reading at the moment.

Did you personally read it all?

>> No.6627586

you'll read them all if you know what's good for you. most CEOs read a book a week. richest man in babylon is one you can knock out in a day.

if you want some ta books, this thread on bitcointalk has some decent picks: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=60501.msg767312#msg767312

>> No.6627596
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Confirmed Chinese power grab.

>> No.6627657

I used to read a lot of fantastical sci fi when I was a teenager.

I literally read Game of Thrones (it's called A song of Ice and Fire) years before the series were announced, Geralt of Rivia saga (this one was pretty short) way before The Witcher, and all that kind of shit.
I loved fantastic shit, but now I've grown up and I want to read useful stuff, phylosophy, politics, psychology mainly...

As a leisure read, I'd probably go with literature classics such as Montecristo, etc. which I still haven't read.

I like cyberpunk tho. But seriously, I haven't been reading anything in the past years. I guess I have to organize myself and force me into reading again.

>> No.6627696

>Neuromancer by William Gibson is the shit.
Best cyberpunk sci-fi novel ever written. That and Snow Crash, read both of those anon and you will be woke as fuck.

>> No.6627724

Ty mate.

I don't have any money to invest on VeChain (or anything) at the moment anyway ;____;
I'm literally almost minimum wage, just started to wageslave out from a neet life.

>> No.6627732

Someone please give a TLDR of this interview ASAP.

>> No.6627756

Hell no haha - I plan to but yeah, I haven't read the whole thing yet. I've read many chapters but going through all of Capital is a multi-month project.

>> No.6627761

Thank you, I'll write that down, cyberpunk actually amazes me (assuming it's well thought and logical).

>> No.6627824

I guess that's why my ex-gf didn't read it either lol.
She's a serious communist (although not Stalinist) and it's a very huge part of her life (she's involved in local politics, leads manifestations, etc).

>> No.6627836

Yeah I got rid of my smartphone for like 2-3 years when I realized I had stopped reading completely. Read an insane amount during that time, just became an obsessive reader. I've slowed down lately because of all this cryptocurrency shit but yeah, read dude. Shit is so good for your and a great habit to get into.

>> No.6627886
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>> No.6627963

i feel like i've gotten dumber since i quit readin a few years ago.. durrrrr thanks for the remind anon

>> No.6627969

Yeah there is a lot of good shit you can read that isn't Capital. Capital is great but it takes a special kind of dedication to read it. There are many good summaries which will just help you have a basic understanding of a lot of the concepts which is useful as well.

Read David Harvey though, a brief history of neoliberalism will give you a good perspective on global markets and how technology and different economic paradigms get implemented. For what you've mentioned it is probably the most relevant, it is only like 200ish pages too also so it is pretty accessible and not too long of a read

>> No.6627988

For me it's the internet and pcs mostly which kills my reading libido.
Right now I could be reading instead of surfing 4chan on my shitty netbook while I try to make some money to get a gaming laptop...

When I get a gaming laptop, I might go full retard tho. ;_;

>> No.6628018


>> No.6628053

>dips 20%

>> No.6628065

TLDR; buy VEN nigger

>> No.6628093

Okay, I'll try to read that first then. Do you use ebooks?

I still haven't got used to them... I prefer paper cause that's what I'm used to but an ebook lets me get ahold of almost any book that I'd want on the internet (for free).

>> No.6628118

REEEEEE this is going to 1000$ by the end of 2019 or eat my own dick

>> No.6628137

haha, that is me too honestly. I guess its just a habit, I've recently started fiending 4chan and just research on crypto and the internet again, but yeah, its a habit. first thing you start doing during the day sets a huge precedent for how the rest of your day is going to go.

i know if i wake up and start reading, im going to read, i know if i wake up and start going on 4chan and shit, im going to go on 4chan and shit lol

>> No.6628150

I recently got back into reading and it made me realise how fucking bad crypto has been for my attention span, and my brain in general.. its worse than smartphones, reddit, 4chan, anything else

At first i could barely read a whole paragraph without thinking "I need to check my portfolio", along with getting a strong physical urge to get up and go check

>> No.6628187

>Because a fucking quality coin like VeChain is manipulated into a fucking tortoise but a total shitcoin like TRX is fucking mooning.

That's because VEN didn't fall as much as the other coins during the "crash". Those that fell the most will rise the most in the days after.

>> No.6628191

paper definitely, i can do ebooks sometimes but overall paper is the way i go. im way too adhd and internet obsessed to be able to rely on ebooks. if im in the zone and in the right space with some caffeine im all good with ebooks tho. paper overall though, its nice to annotate too if youre reading dense shit

>> No.6628269


It's a very real possibility that vechain are doing it. By keeping the price "pegged" at a certain level and only allowing it to grow at a rather reasonable rate it gives the appearance of a stable and healthy (non-volatile) token that can lure in partnerships and the Chinese government. This might even be an obligation by some of their partners to keep it at a reasonable price (volatility). Think about this: vechain said they want to create blockchain x (blockchain 3.0). In order to do this they must balance decentrilization with centrilization. What does this mean? It means that volatility needs to be at a reasonable level to ensure that the network can be used at all times by all parties and not deter anyone from using it. How can this be achieved? By burning or distributing tokens (or manipulating the price until enough users are on the network and can weather the volatility we see in today's market). This is just my guess but it makes the most sense to me. I wouldn't call the above a scam, more so it's a clever way to control the price until their entire roll-out is complete.

>> No.6628273

I fucking hope. Got myself 70K Ven. Hoping to retire within two years.

>> No.6628274

Finally just looked it up. So theyre trying to make a governmentcoin? Sorry, but this wont work. Blockchain has been speculated as beinv used in governments for voting and whatnot, but this whole "new system" stuff is not going to catch on itself. Theres also no reason to own its tokens. Cool idea, but unfortunately its not going to be /cryptoanarchy/ ever in the future.

>> No.6628285

In the corporate world, morals are completely thrown out the window. People still buy fast food, CocaCola, slaughtered animals, etc. All that matters is there will be huge demand for VEN.

They've HAD a working product (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Mid9B6D0o&t=2220s)), and that's why they have so many partnerships. Why the fuck would anyone partner with a company that only provides promises?

>> No.6628293

I'll try to get used to ebooks desu because of the free books and immediate accesibility. But yeah, I'll totally miss paper...

>> No.6628315


if you can't read, why are you investing in crypto?

>> No.6628342

ye just close off your internet and go someplace where you dont normally browse 4chan and drink some coffee - i find the space around me has a huge effect on if im able to get reading done for some reason

>> No.6628350

to increase their wealth and siphon off money away from Bitcoin and Ethereum. This is an absolute NO BUY and I encourage everyone to dump it if they have it.

In fact, it is TANKING like never before right now after its fake bull run is being exposed for what it is - A FRAUD! The entire team (Which just so happens to be ALL CHINESE!) is funded by the commies in their state department with no plans other than to collude against REAL cryptos. DON'T BUY!

I will not support statist coins meant to siphon money off clueless western investors.

>> No.6628351

well this thread is a nice little island in the sea of basement nazi shit that is biz. i should probably get back into theory and philosophy again

>> No.6628470


Crypto was created by liberterians, look at these filthy commies trying to infiltrate crypto. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE NO BUY! You are support statist chinks ruling everything , fuck you leftist faggots.

>> No.6628515

Why you should drop ven (a literal scam) that I dropped today after 100% returns over the last week or so.

Sell walls finally dropped - so did the price
binance competition no longer artificially pumping volume
white paper has unbelievable typos ("Gary box testing: This is the test between white and black box testing.")
The technical details are basically non existent and whitepaper ("not a whitepaper") explicitly says it doesnt bother to explain "complicated stuff like algorithms", but instead has bizarre definitions of common technical terms like microservice, white box tests, and "gary" box tests
every announcement is "we cant talk about it yet... but ;) ;) .. there isBIG news, but NDA you know how it is ;)" - total scam hype
THey have thrown every buzzword they can think of at their webpage and whitepaper with no details
the team is probably non existent. they hired "40 developers". to do what? do you know how hard is it to hire 40 devs, especially in china, that are halfway competent?
the video of the office tour hired a fake white man actor to add legitimacy to their company (common chinese tactic) from their nonexistent "european office" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSOpEXe-Pn8)) [Embed]
There is no way "whales" (who got their coins from where?) decided to "keep prices down to accumulate".

The people dumping these coins with sell walls are the vechain team. They are printing money. When you stop buying those walls, it's all over. They'll leave with their BTC. Be warned

>> No.6628552

I went to their website, and yes, I cant read Asian characters. I can read, however, a pro-Vechain article. This coin will stagnate even with China shilling.

Protip: they already have a ___ Ethereum. It's called NEO, fornerly known an ANS

>> No.6628639

That's the dumbest advice ever

>> No.6628656

So according to it's price action, you come to the conclusion that it's a shitcoin. By your logic, TRON is the fucking pope when it doesn't even HAVE a full-fledged working product unlike VeChain. You probably hold BCC bags judging by how stupid you sound.

>> No.6628695

So what coins do you recommend,
If any?

>> No.6628724

not even good fud - keep chasing moon missions dingus

>> No.6628725

nice old stale pasta FUD that is easily debunked lmao faggot should of got in earlier. Don't have your node yet?

>> No.6628755


>> No.6628800


>> No.6628837

what's the quality of something that does nothing?

>> No.6628893
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>team is probably non-existant

>> No.6628936


>> No.6628979

I counted 42 people

so much for 40 dev team

>> No.6629035

I'd rather be rich in a leftist world than poor in a libertarian one...

>> No.6629093



>> No.6629328

TRON, obvi

>> No.6629449

Adam fucking Smith was a commie in your version of capitalism. I love the guy. Eat your top ramen, fuck your faded squeaky sex doll, and let other people do all the hard work for you, bald twat