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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6616319 No.6616319 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6616378

OP we are sorry u sold for 10k but fuck off, not everyone is as stupid as you

>> No.6616504

Last call to off yourself before your parents are forced to hire someone to do it

>> No.6616547
File: 41 KB, 640x633, poop7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sold low

>> No.6616548

Thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.6616550


Sometimes these "DEAD CAT BOUNCE" threads put a little fear in my heart

This time is not one of those times.

>> No.6616906

selling at $18,000 wasn't low

>> No.6616950

get your wojack ready in 6 hours

>> No.6616959
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Sure you did sweetie. You'll buy back in soon when you realize its not going lower than 10k

>> No.6617044

Now the wait for 8k.. my body is ready

>> No.6617092

Just because you want it to be true doesn't make it real, anon...

>> No.6617104

I sold two days ago but I don't want to buy in yet. Why you guys so sure this isn't the floor?

>> No.6617117


>> No.6617137

>Said the FUDer for the 100th time today

>> No.6617152

It's already falling...

MACD is so fucking bearish right now

>> No.6617161

Crypto not for you bro. Better fuck off and keep your money in the bank.

>> No.6617180
File: 103 KB, 1458x1156, IMG_20180117_195615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was not the engulfed I was ready for... There for the floor may go lower than 9k

>> No.6617185

At this rate it will be 3409328490231840918234098123094810293840192840912830481203489quadrillion by next tuesday. Screencap this.

>> No.6617205

Nobody's sure about anything, you faggot fuck. Either you believe crypto has legs, that blockchain will take over the goddamned planet, that the future lies somewhere at the nexus of these two concepts, and you buy without giving a fuck about the consequences like a fucking man, or you die a slave. Kill yourself.

>> No.6617254

Well said

>> No.6617259

>said the increasingly nervous bull after 9k was touched
so many shitters drawing upward channels on the 15 minute chart up to 20k with no further details, not to mention all the people drawing bull flags and saying that BTC would moon for the 10000th time

>> No.6617260

Daily reminder that just because some retard who is larping as an investor throws an over-priced buy order on the books doesn't actually make it worth that much. Always check trade volume and market depth.

>> No.6617263

I trade what i see, not what me or you think ;)

>> No.6617314

Damn lot of hurt feelings here. Don't worry guys I plan on buying, I just would rather get a larger stack. If I have to buy in at a higher price then that sucks for me but I'm willing to take the chance. I'm a risk taker, I know nobody actually knows where the floor is ya dumb fucks

>> No.6617366

>The shadows or tails of the small candlestick are short
the guy who came up with that prediction is retarded, that candle has huge wicks

>> No.6617410

Sure thing, crypto is for poor retards like you

>> No.6617415


FIAT SHILLS!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!! I want to start calling nocoiners fiat shills from now on.

>> No.6617416




>> No.6617463

Yesterday was a dead cat bounce, though

>> No.6617467

Sorry but I gonna believe him. Either way it's a win win for me. But if it does drop again,you bet your ass buying low 8k at least

>> No.6617498


It's not a dead cat. If you didn't buy sub 10k you missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

>> No.6617515

And I'm going to keep calling shitcoiners shitcoiners. Because that's what they are.

>> No.6617522


These guys are seriously salty, they haven't figured out you can exit a market with full intentions of buying back in. This is how you make big boy money. This "HODL and believe in crypto" stuff is for retards.

I paid $18 for Tesla IPO, you idiots were paying more than that for fucking shitcoins.

>> No.6617566

Look at 1-day charts, sweethart. The "FUDers" only stated the obvious

>> No.6617580

Now ur starting to get the hang of it, friend. First step, get burned by biz incompetence at reading trends, next step acceptance, then acquire confidence in your own abilities, then lose interest in biz.

Ur almost there

>> No.6617598

Not really, It only crashed a little after the increase

>> No.6617637

There will be one final dip. Then the green candles will shoot us all the way to a new ATH for every coin

>> No.6617647

Thx bro. We're all gonna make it

>> No.6617651

I made some cash on that bounce but I'm tethered up for now, just like at the charts
the volume dropped again too

>> No.6617663

This. You boys don't understand that HODL is only good if your position is tiny and you're trying to grow your hand. Once you have a man-sized position, you sell at highs, and because you fucking know what you're doing, buy back in at a later date when it inevitably tanks.

>> No.6617687

Where you guys keeping your money safe with this tether fiasco going on?

>> No.6617695

Your just a fiat shill man.

>> No.6617702

>This "HODL and believe in crypto" stuff is for retards.
Have you outperformed people who held Buttcoin since 2011. Teeka is a scammer.

>> No.6617753
File: 66 KB, 1211x341, Why shitcoiners are retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to keep posting this chart so that I can say "I told you so" when this ride is finally over.

Low volume run up, high volume blow off. The shitcoiner HODL retards are the ones who were buying at 19k. Everybody who bought in below 10k has already sold off by now. a bunch of retards are just playing hungry-hungry-hippos trying to win back their losses by day-trading at this point. It'll keep bouncing lower and lower and lower until all the bag holders commit suicide.

>> No.6617775

Very true.
These newfags in biz with less than a year experience are always missing the profit chances and claiming btc is dead..hasnt died in 8 years, and these fags are constantly saying otherwise.. im well off these days while they cry now from being weak handed fools.

>> No.6617776

can you teach me how to tether up fag?
I feel like i'd be losing money, going into tether. Than coming back and buying my alts.

>> No.6617780

I wouldn't recommend it though, I've been burned many times trying to time the market even when I had a repeating pattern analyzed, TA is NEVER a guarantee, only a prediction.

>> No.6617811

buy OMNI, evade the damage.

>> No.6617984
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Because no one wants to study the history of the asset they're throwing all their fucking money at. Weekly MA20 has held this entire rally since November 2015 without one breach (except the finex hack sell-off which lasted like an hour)

If (and that's a big if) that line finally gets conclusively breached, I'll concede defeat and sell what I have. Until then you need to buy support and wait and see. Seems like the bulls won this one again though

>> No.6618086
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>sell order almost up

>> No.6618356
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These "I told you so, last warning charts .. " are posted here 5 times a day. Each time there's a dip it's another end of the world, sell all your alts etc, etc, etc ...

Fuck off.

>> No.6618378

take it from this old crypto rat, buy now

>> No.6618411

I sold Eth at 890 how fucked am i give it to me straight

>> No.6618490

Check volume of "run up and blow offs" on every pump and correction this year.

>> No.6618558

What did you buy at.
Me 790 and 810. Sold at 875.

>> No.6618579

Buy high! B4 it's higher faggot

>> No.6618595

490 but i really wanted to buy back in crypto is all i have

>> No.6618630

Just wait for a day.

>> No.6618685

dude you are fucking retarded lmao. gl

>> No.6618931

>not realizing that until btc dominance is over 50%, you are basically holding worthless assets that will bleed out until the market reaches the historical equilibrium
>he calls anyone else newfags

>> No.6619061

If it drops I get my chance to buy more shitcoins

>> No.6619236
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>> No.6619919
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Its going to zero because we're going to ban it.